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Created May 23, 2023 17:52
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package io.sc3.main.broadcasts
import net.minecraft.text.Text
import net.minecraft.util.Formatting
import net.minecraft.util.Formatting.GREEN
import net.minecraft.util.Formatting.WHITE
import io.sc3.text.*
import io.sc3.utils.text.FontIcons.FONT_WHITE_BULLET
import java.lang.reflect.Type
data class BroadcastText(val text: Text) {
object Deserializer : JsonDeserializer<BroadcastText> {
override fun deserialize(json: JsonElement, typeOf: Type, ctx: JsonDeserializationContext): BroadcastText {
// Get the outer array of texts to build with
if (!json.isJsonArray) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Broadcast text must be an array of strings or objects")
val objects = json.asJsonArray
val textBuilder = of("", GREEN) + of("$FONT_WHITE_BULLET ", WHITE)
objects.forEach {
if (it.isJsonPrimitive) {
// If the text is a string, just render it directly as green text
textBuilder + of(it.asString)
} else {
try {
// Try our text shorthands
val shorthand = ctx.deserialize<Shorthand>(it,
textBuilder + shorthand.toText()
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Otherwise try vanilla text
val vanillaText = ctx.deserialize<Text>(it,
textBuilder + vanillaText
return BroadcastText(textBuilder)
data class Shorthand(
val text: String?,
val color: String?,
val formatting: List<String>?,
val url: String?,
val command: String?,
val copyable: String?
) {
fun toText(): Text {
val formattingCodes = formatting?.toMutableList() ?: mutableListOf()
color?.let { formattingCodes.add(0, it) }
val formatting = formattingCodes
.mapNotNull { Formatting.byName(it) }
val linkFormatting = formatting.ifEmpty { linkFormatting }
return if (url != null) {
openableLink(text ?: url, *linkFormatting, link = url)
} else if (command != null) {
suggestedCommand(text ?: command, *linkFormatting, cmd = command)
} else if (copyable != null) {
copyable(text ?: copyable, *linkFormatting, clipboardText = copyable)
} else {
of(text ?: "", *formatting)
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