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Last active February 14, 2023 15:29
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Xcode LLDB Snippets
command alias 🚽 expression -l objc -- (void)[CATransaction flush]
command alias porvc e -l swift -- UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController?.value(forKey: "_printHierarchy")

Xcode LLDB Snippets

here are some of my favourite LLDB shortcuts for the console junkies out there


(lldb) help <command>

get help for a command like expression or break set

(lldb) help

get complete help docs

(lldb) type lookup Equatable

shows information about a type


(lldb) run
(lldb) kill
... hit breakpoints...
(lldb) continue
(lldb) expr -i 0 -- functionWithBreakpoint()

calls the function that contains the breakpoint and stops at the breakpoint.

(lldb) break set -r "\.Circle\..*"

breaks on all calls from a specified class.


(lldb) po let $array = [321,1241,44]

creates a variable that you can use later on. ensure that $ is added to the variable name.

(lldb) expression
struct $Person {
let name: String
po let $pranav = $Person.init(name: "pranav")
po $pranav
- name : "pranav"

define a struct in lldb and create new vars

(lldb) expr -l objc++ —- (Class)(variableName class)

tells lldb to fetch an expression using a particular language

(lldb) expr -O --language objc -- [SomeClass returnAnObject]

print the memory address of the result of an expression

(lldb) expr -O --language objc —- 0x100001c74

print the dynamic type of the result of a memory address

(lldb) e -l swift -- UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController?.value(forKey: "_printHierarchy")

get a printout of your entire view hierarchy during pause

(lldb) expression
extension Collection where Self.Element == Int {
var $elementsOver30: [Self.Element]? {
return self.filter { $0 > 30 }
(lldb) po [32,31,4].$elementsOver30

swift extensions in lldb

Reading memory addresses

(lldb) po 0x100001c74



(lldb) next
(lldb) step
(lldb) finish
(lldb) up
(lldb) down

move around the frame

(lldb) fr v

shows all local variables

(lldb) register read

show the general-purpose registers for the current thread

(lldb) fr v variableName

shows all information about a variable

(lldb) f

shows where you are in the frame

(lldb) thread info

shows extended information about the threads at a breakpoint

(lldb) bt

shows thread backtrace

(lldb) image list ModuleName

lists targets for module

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