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Created August 4, 2016 10:39
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Pokemon Go(c) MITM node proxy
by Michael Strassburger <>
This example just dumps all in-/outgoing messages and responses
PokemonGoMITM = require './lib/pokemon-go-mitm'
fs = require('fs')
util = require('util')
# Uncomment if you want to filter the regular messages
# ignore = ['GetHatchedEggs', 'DownloadSettings', 'GetInventory', 'CheckAwardedBadges', 'GetMapObjects']
ignore = []
formatDate = (date) ->
timeStamp = [date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds()].join(" ")
RE_findSingleDigits = /\b(\d)\b/g
# Places a `0` in front of single digit numbers.
timeStamp = timeStamp.replace( RE_findSingleDigits, "0$1" )
timeStamp.replace /\s/g, ""
server = new PokemonGoMITM port: 8081
.addRequestHandler "*", (data, action) ->
#fs.appendFile("/tmp/dump.log", new Date().getTime() + ": [<-] Request for #{action} " + util.inspect(data) + "\n")
console.log formatDate(new Date()), ": [<-] Request for #{action} ", util.inspect(data), "\n" unless action in ignore
.addResponseHandler "*", (data, action) ->
console.log formatDate(new Date()), ": [->] Response for #{action} ", util.inspect(data), "\n" unless action in ignore
.addRequestEnvelopeHandler (data) ->
fs.appendFile("/tmp/dump.log", util.inspect(data) + "\n")
count = data.unknown6[0].unknown2.unknown1.length
message = new Date().getTime() + ": "
message += data.unknown6[0].unknown2.unknown1.toString('hex', 0, 32) + "\n"
for i in [32..count] by 256
message += data.unknown6[0].unknown2.unknown1.toString('hex', i, i+256)
message += "\n"
fs.appendFile("/tmp/dump.log", message)
#fs.appendFile("/tmp/dump.log", util.inspect(data) + "\n")
console.log formatDate(new Date()), ": [<-] Request Envelope", util.inspect(data), "\n"
.addResponseEnvelopeHandler (data) ->
console.log formatDate(new Date()), ": [->] Response Envelope", util.inspect(data), "\n"
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