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LenweSaralonde / wow-quests-tts.lua
Created January 25, 2022 20:32
Enable text-to-speech for WoW quest texts
/run for _, f in pairs({QuestInfoDescriptionText, GreetingText, GossipGreetingText}) do hooksecurefunc(f, "SetText", function(self, text) C_VoiceChat.StopSpeakingText(); C_VoiceChat.SpeakText(0, text or "", 1, 1.5, 100) end) end
LenweSaralonde / .luacheckrc
Created August 28, 2022 10:30
Luacheck boilerplate for WoW add-ons
max_line_length = false
exclude_files = {
"lib", -- 3rd party libraries
ignore = {
-- Ignore global writes/accesses/mutations on anything prefixed with the current add-on name
-- This is the standard prefix for all of our global frame names and mixins.
LenweSaralonde / linkedin-profile-to-resumé.js
Last active November 23, 2023 16:23
Export your LinkedIn profile as a resumé in print friendly PDF, with projects, experience etc.
* How to use
* 1. Log into LinkedIn
* 2. Head to
* 3. Fill your e-mail and phone number in the variables below
* 4. Open dev tools with F12
* 5. Copy-paste the whole code in the console and press Enter
* 6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to make sure all images load properly
* 7. Print the page to PDF
LenweSaralonde / launch-stream.bat
Last active February 13, 2023 18:01
Example of launch script for Twitch stream
@echo off
REM Start Twitch bots
start /D "D:\dev\TwitchHueBot" /MIN start.bat
start /D "D:\dev\TwitchMidiSoundBoard" /MIN start.bat
REM using to run as administrator
REM Start main OBS instance
sudo start /D "C:\Program Files\obs-studio\bin\64bit\" obs64.exe --collection "WoW" --profile "Low latency" --multi
REM Start OBS virtual camera
sudo start /D "C:\Program Files\obs-studio\bin\64bit\" obs64.exe --startvirtualcam --minimize-to-tray --collection "Camera" --profile "Virtual Camera" --multi
LenweSaralonde / Preset 1 fixed.sfz
Last active May 27, 2023 18:46
The Leeds Town Hall Organ fixed SFZ presets
<global> tune=-11
<group> seq_length=2
<region> sample=..\..\Samples\PRE1\P_1_Pre1_C0_RR1.wav lokey=0 hikey=12 seq_position=1 end=566196 loop_mode=loop_continuous loopstart=191507 loopend=566195 pitch_keycenter=12 bend_up=200 bend_down=-200 amp_veltrack=100 ampeg_release=0.2 pitchlfo_freq=5
<region> sample=..\..\Samples\PRE1\P_2_Pre1_C0_RR2.wav lokey=0 hikey=12 seq_position=2 end=575988 loop_mode=loop_continuous loopstart=194819 loopend=575987 pitch_keycenter=12 bend_up=200 bend_down=-200 amp_veltrack=100 ampeg_release=0.2 pitchlfo_freq=5
<group> seq_length=2
<region> sample=..\..\Samples\PRE1\P_3_Pre1_C#0_RR1.wav lokey=13 hikey=13 seq_position=1 end=605133 loop_mode=loop_continuous loopstart=204677 loopend=605132 pitch_keycenter=13 bend_up=200 bend_down=-200 amp_veltrack=100 ampeg_release=0.2 pitchlfo_freq=5
<region> sample=..\..\Samples\PRE1\P_4_Pre1_C#0_RR2.wav lokey=13 hikey=13 seq_position=2 end=594231 loop_mode=loop_continuous loopstart=200989 loopend=594230 pitch_keycenter=13 bend_up=200 bend_down=-2
LenweSaralonde / pico-midi-merger.ino
Last active July 26, 2023 19:34
8-input MIDI merger for Raspberry Pi Pico
* 8-port MIDI Merger for Raspberry Pi Pico
#include <MIDI.h>
// Using UART0 TX for MIDI Out
// MIDI input GPIO pins numbers
#define GP_IN_1 2 // Physical pin 4