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LenweSaralonde / pause-mouse-buttons-toggle.ahk
Created July 10, 2024 17:17
Toggle both mouse buttons using the PAUSE keyboard key. Requires AutoHotKey v1
pause::Send % ( GetKeyState("LButton") ? "{lbutton up}{rbutton up}" : "{lbutton down}{rbutton down}" )
LenweSaralonde / pico-midi-merger.ino
Last active July 26, 2023 19:34
8-input MIDI merger for Raspberry Pi Pico
* 8-port MIDI Merger for Raspberry Pi Pico
#include <MIDI.h>
// Using UART0 TX for MIDI Out
// MIDI input GPIO pins numbers
#define GP_IN_1 2 // Physical pin 4
LenweSaralonde / Preset 1 fixed.sfz
Last active May 27, 2023 18:46
The Leeds Town Hall Organ fixed SFZ presets
<global> tune=-11
<group> seq_length=2
<region> sample=..\..\Samples\PRE1\P_1_Pre1_C0_RR1.wav lokey=0 hikey=12 seq_position=1 end=566196 loop_mode=loop_continuous loopstart=191507 loopend=566195 pitch_keycenter=12 bend_up=200 bend_down=-200 amp_veltrack=100 ampeg_release=0.2 pitchlfo_freq=5
<region> sample=..\..\Samples\PRE1\P_2_Pre1_C0_RR2.wav lokey=0 hikey=12 seq_position=2 end=575988 loop_mode=loop_continuous loopstart=194819 loopend=575987 pitch_keycenter=12 bend_up=200 bend_down=-200 amp_veltrack=100 ampeg_release=0.2 pitchlfo_freq=5
<group> seq_length=2
<region> sample=..\..\Samples\PRE1\P_3_Pre1_C#0_RR1.wav lokey=13 hikey=13 seq_position=1 end=605133 loop_mode=loop_continuous loopstart=204677 loopend=605132 pitch_keycenter=13 bend_up=200 bend_down=-200 amp_veltrack=100 ampeg_release=0.2 pitchlfo_freq=5
<region> sample=..\..\Samples\PRE1\P_4_Pre1_C#0_RR2.wav lokey=13 hikey=13 seq_position=2 end=594231 loop_mode=loop_continuous loopstart=200989 loopend=594230 pitch_keycenter=13 bend_up=200 bend_down=-2
LenweSaralonde / launch-stream.bat
Last active February 13, 2023 18:01
Example of launch script for Twitch stream
@echo off
REM Start Twitch bots
start /D "D:\dev\TwitchHueBot" /MIN start.bat
start /D "D:\dev\TwitchMidiSoundBoard" /MIN start.bat
REM using to run as administrator
REM Start main OBS instance
sudo start /D "C:\Program Files\obs-studio\bin\64bit\" obs64.exe --collection "WoW" --profile "Low latency" --multi
REM Start OBS virtual camera
sudo start /D "C:\Program Files\obs-studio\bin\64bit\" obs64.exe --startvirtualcam --minimize-to-tray --collection "Camera" --profile "Virtual Camera" --multi
LenweSaralonde / linkedin-profile-to-resumé.js
Last active November 23, 2023 16:23
Export your LinkedIn profile as a resumé in print friendly PDF, with projects, experience etc.
* How to use
* 1. Log into LinkedIn
* 2. Head to
* 3. Fill your e-mail and phone number in the variables below
* 4. Open dev tools with F12
* 5. Copy-paste the whole code in the console and press Enter
* 6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to make sure all images load properly
* 7. Print the page to PDF
LenweSaralonde / .luacheckrc
Created August 28, 2022 10:30
Luacheck boilerplate for WoW add-ons
max_line_length = false
exclude_files = {
"lib", -- 3rd party libraries
ignore = {
-- Ignore global writes/accesses/mutations on anything prefixed with the current add-on name
-- This is the standard prefix for all of our global frame names and mixins.
LenweSaralonde / wow-quests-tts.lua
Created January 25, 2022 20:32
Enable text-to-speech for WoW quest texts
/run for _, f in pairs({QuestInfoDescriptionText, GreetingText, GossipGreetingText}) do hooksecurefunc(f, "SetText", function(self, text) C_VoiceChat.StopSpeakingText(); C_VoiceChat.SpeakText(0, text or "", 1, 1.5, 100) end) end
LenweSaralonde / Configuration audio Twitch OBS replay sans
Last active January 1, 2022 20:35
Voici comment streamer sur Twitch en toute tranquillité en utilisant de la musique DMCA en fond sans que celle-ci ne soit présente dans les rediffusions et les clips et éviter de se faire striker.

Voici comment streamer sur Twitch en toute tranquillité en utilisant de la musique DMCA en fond sans que celle-ci ne soit présente dans les rediffusions et les clips et éviter de se faire striker.

Ce tuto est pour OBS sous Windows 10 uniquement.


  1. Acheter et installer les drivers VB Cable ( ) :
    • VB-CABLE Virtual Audio Device (gratuit)
    • VB-Cables A+B (5 €)
VER 3 0000000000666001 "Camera left" "450906"
/run if CAM_MOVER then CAM_MOVER:Cancel() end; CAM_MOVER = C_Timer.NewTicker(1/60, function() SetCVar('test_cameraOverShoulder', GetCVar('test_cameraOverShoulder') - 1) end)
VER 3 0000000000666003 "Camera right" "450908"
/run if CAM_MOVER then CAM_MOVER:Cancel() end; CAM_MOVER = C_Timer.NewTicker(1/60, function() SetCVar('test_cameraOverShoulder', GetCVar('test_cameraOverShoulder') + 1) end)
VER 3 0000000000666002 "Camera stop" "136106"
/run if CAM_MOVER then CAM_MOVER:Cancel() end;
VER 3 0000000000666004 "Camera reset" "134269"