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Created October 16, 2021 12:42
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code hacker 1
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<div id="typedtext"></div>
// set up text to print, each item in array is new line
var aText = `local function renderAnimatedNote(noteFrame, position)
if not(noteFrame:IsVisible()) then return end
local speed = noteFrame.animationParams[PARAM.SPEED]
local isPercussion = noteFrame.animationParams[PARAM.IS_PERCUSSION]
-- Position
local x, y
local width = noteFrame:GetParent():GetWidth()
local height = noteFrame:GetParent():GetHeight()
if not(isPercussion) then
local theta, distance
theta = noteFrame.animationParams[PARAM.X] * (1 - position / 2) * ANIMATION_ANGLE_RANGE / 2
theta = min(80, max(-80, theta))
distance = position * speed * height
x = sin(theta) * (width / 2 + distance)
y = cos(theta) * (width / 6 + distance)
x = noteFrame.animationParams[PARAM.X] * width
y = noteFrame.animationParams[PARAM.Y] * height
noteFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", x, y)
-- Rotation, scale and fade
local anglePosition = (position * 2 - 1) * noteFrame.animationParams[PARAM.ORIENTATION]
local angle = anglePosition * PI / 4
local alpha = 1 - position
local scale = 1 + position * .8
end`.replace(/\t/g, '    ').split("\n");
var iSpeed = 10; // time delay of print out
var iIndex = 0; // start printing array at this posision
var iArrLength = aText[0].length; // the length of the text array
var iScrollAt = 10; // start scrolling up at this many lines
var iTextPos = 0; // initialise text position
var sContents = ''; // initialise contents variable
var iRow; // initialise current row
function typewriter()
sContents = ' ';
iRow = Math.max(0, iIndex-iScrollAt);
var destination = document.getElementById("typedtext");
while ( iRow < iIndex ) {
sContents += aText[iRow++] + '<br />';
destination.innerHTML = sContents + aText[iIndex].substring(0, iTextPos) + "_";
if ( iTextPos++ == iArrLength ) {
iTextPos = 0;
if ( iIndex != aText.length ) {
iArrLength = aText[iIndex].length;
setTimeout("typewriter()", 100);
} else {
setTimeout("typewriter()", iSpeed);
body {
font-size: 1em;
margin: 0;
font-family: "Courier New";
margin: 10px;
/*letter-spacing: 6px;*/
font-weight: normal;
background-color: #000000;
color: #FFFFFF;
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