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Last active November 7, 2021 20:33
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Script to create JRE from Maven-style JAR folder
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: these extra dependencies aren't picked up by jdeps
:: jdk.zipfs is required, presumably to access resources embedded in the JAR?
:: is required for internet communication with SSL
set EXTRA_DEPS=jdk.zipfs,
set JDK_PATH=%~1
set OUT_PATH=%~2
if exist %OUT_PATH% rmdir /S /Q %OUT_PATH%
echo Enumerating JAR files...
for /r %%a in (*.jar) do (set JARS=!JARS! %%a)
echo Looking for dependencies on modules...
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('"%JDK_PATH%/bin/jdeps.exe" --multi-release 16 --ignore-missing-deps --print-module-deps %JARS%') do (set DEPS=%%a)
echo Generating JRE...
"%JDK_PATH%/bin/jlink.exe" --no-header-files --no-man-pages --strip-debug --compress=0 --add-modules %DEPS%,%EXTRA_DEPS% --output "%OUT_PATH%"
echo Done^^! Enjoy your JRE at "%OUT_PATH%"^^!
exit /b 0
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