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Created March 17, 2024 18:32
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Nemo actions
[Nemo Action]
#### Run Nemo in debug mode using with
### NEMO_DEBUG set to include 'Actions'
#### i.e. $ nemo --quit
#### $ NEMO_DEBUG=Actions nemo --debug
# Whether this action is active. For troubleshooting.
# Optional - if this field is omitted, the action will be active
# Standard tokens that can be used in the Name, Comment (tooltip) and Exec fields:
# %U - insert URI list of selection
# %F - insert path list of selection
# %P - insert path of parent (current) directory
# %f or %N (deprecated) - insert display name of first selected file
# %p - insert display name of parent directory
# %D - insert device path of file (i.e. /dev/sdb1)
# %e - insert display name of first selected file with the extension stripped
# %% - insert a literal percent sign, don't treat the next character as a token
# %X - insert the XID for the NemoWindow this action is being activated in.
# The name to show in the menu, locale supported with standard desktop spec.
# **** REQUIRED ****
# Name=Test Custom Action applied to %N
Name=Base64 Decode
# Tool tip, locale supported (Appears in the status bar)
# Comment=This is a test for Nemo actions. Action will be applied to %N
Comment=Generate file from Base64 in "%f.decoded"
# What to run. Enclose in < > to run an executable that resides in the actions folder.
# **** REQUIRED ****
#Exec=gedit %F
# Exec=< -r -g %P %F %U>
Exec=sh -c 'base64 -d %F > %F.decoded'
# Icon name to use in the menu - must be a theme icon name
# Gtk Stock ID to use for the icon. Note if both Icon-name and Stock-Id are
# defined, the Stock-Id takes precedence.
# What type selection: [s]ingle, [m]ultiple, any, notnone, none (background click), or
# a number representing how many files must be selected to display.
# ****** REQUIRED *******
# What extensions to display on - this is an array, end with a semicolon
# Single entry options, ending in a semicolon:
# "dir" for directory selection
# "none" for no extension.
# "nodirs" for any selection, but not including directories.
# "any" for any file type, including directories.
# Individual specific extensions can be a semicolon-terminated list
# Extensions are NOT case sensitive. jpg will match JPG, jPg, jpg, etc..
# What mime-types to display on - this is an array, end with a semicolon
# Separator to use (if any) - add a string to insert between path/url entries
# in the exec line. Optional - if you leave this out, a space is inserted.
# Note you can have trailing spaces here.
# Quote type to use (if any) - enclose paths/urls with quotes. Optional - defaults
# to no quotes.
# Can be: single, double, backtick
# Dependencies - program executables required for this action to work. Nemo will
# Search in the path for these program(s) and not display the action if any are missing.
# You can also supply an absolute path to a file (i.e. /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-archive) to check
# instead of or in addition to an executable in the path.
# This is an array, separate entries with semi-colon, and terminate with a semicolon.
# v3.0: Reverse dependencies: Prefixing a program with '!' will reverse the logic - if
# the program exists, the check will FAIL.
# Conditions - semicolon-separated array of special conditions:
# "desktop" current (parent) folder is desktop
# "removable" target (first selection) is removable
# "gsettings <schema> <boolean key>" is true
# "gsettings <schema> <key> <key-type> <[eq|ne|gt|lt]> <value>"
# "dbus <name>" exists
# "exec <program>" run program and check its exit code (0 is pass, non-0 is fail).
# Enclose in < > if the program resides in the action's folder.
# Escape Spaces (deprecated)
# This field is deprecated and does nothing - paths with spaces, as well as other special
# shell characters, will now be passed on correctly no matter what, even when Quote is not set.
# Optional - by default this is false
# Run in terminal - set to true to execute the Exec line in a spawned terminal window.
# Generally if you use this you should not have Quotes defined, as that will be taken care
# of during converting the expanded command string into an arg vector.
# Optional - by default this is false
# Uri scheme - provide a uri scheme that the current location's scheme must match
# For example:
# ...
# UriScheme=sftp
# ...
# sftp://joe@ matches
# file:///home/joe/.bashrc does not
[Nemo Action]
#### Run Nemo in debug mode using with
### NEMO_DEBUG set to include 'Actions'
#### i.e. $ nemo --quit
#### $ NEMO_DEBUG=Actions nemo --debug
# Whether this action is active. For troubleshooting.
# Optional - if this field is omitted, the action will be active
# Standard tokens that can be used in the Name, Comment (tooltip) and Exec fields:
# %U - insert URI list of selection
# %F - insert path list of selection
# %P - insert path of parent (current) directory
# %f or %N (deprecated) - insert display name of first selected file
# %p - insert display name of parent directory
# %D - insert device path of file (i.e. /dev/sdb1)
# %e - insert display name of first selected file with the extension stripped
# %% - insert a literal percent sign, don't treat the next character as a token
# %X - insert the XID for the NemoWindow this action is being activated in.
# The name to show in the menu, locale supported with standard desktop spec.
# **** REQUIRED ****
# Name=Test Custom Action applied to %N
Name=Base64 Encode
# Tool tip, locale supported (Appears in the status bar)
# Comment=This is a test for Nemo actions. Action will be applied to %N
Comment=Generate Base64 in "%f.b64.txt"
# What to run. Enclose in < > to run an executable that resides in the actions folder.
# **** REQUIRED ****
#Exec=gedit %F
# Exec=< -r -g %P %F %U>
Exec=sh -c 'base64 -w 0 %F > %F.b64.txt && open %F.b64.txt'
# Icon name to use in the menu - must be a theme icon name
# Gtk Stock ID to use for the icon. Note if both Icon-name and Stock-Id are
# defined, the Stock-Id takes precedence.
# What type selection: [s]ingle, [m]ultiple, any, notnone, none (background click), or
# a number representing how many files must be selected to display.
# ****** REQUIRED *******
# What extensions to display on - this is an array, end with a semicolon
# Single entry options, ending in a semicolon:
# "dir" for directory selection
# "none" for no extension.
# "nodirs" for any selection, but not including directories.
# "any" for any file type, including directories.
# Individual specific extensions can be a semicolon-terminated list
# Extensions are NOT case sensitive. jpg will match JPG, jPg, jpg, etc..
# What mime-types to display on - this is an array, end with a semicolon
# Separator to use (if any) - add a string to insert between path/url entries
# in the exec line. Optional - if you leave this out, a space is inserted.
# Note you can have trailing spaces here.
# Quote type to use (if any) - enclose paths/urls with quotes. Optional - defaults
# to no quotes.
# Can be: single, double, backtick
# Dependencies - program executables required for this action to work. Nemo will
# Search in the path for these program(s) and not display the action if any are missing.
# You can also supply an absolute path to a file (i.e. /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-archive) to check
# instead of or in addition to an executable in the path.
# This is an array, separate entries with semi-colon, and terminate with a semicolon.
# v3.0: Reverse dependencies: Prefixing a program with '!' will reverse the logic - if
# the program exists, the check will FAIL.
# Conditions - semicolon-separated array of special conditions:
# "desktop" current (parent) folder is desktop
# "removable" target (first selection) is removable
# "gsettings <schema> <boolean key>" is true
# "gsettings <schema> <key> <key-type> <[eq|ne|gt|lt]> <value>"
# "dbus <name>" exists
# "exec <program>" run program and check its exit code (0 is pass, non-0 is fail).
# Enclose in < > if the program resides in the action's folder.
# Escape Spaces (deprecated)
# This field is deprecated and does nothing - paths with spaces, as well as other special
# shell characters, will now be passed on correctly no matter what, even when Quote is not set.
# Optional - by default this is false
# Run in terminal - set to true to execute the Exec line in a spawned terminal window.
# Generally if you use this you should not have Quotes defined, as that will be taken care
# of during converting the expanded command string into an arg vector.
# Optional - by default this is false
# Uri scheme - provide a uri scheme that the current location's scheme must match
# For example:
# ...
# UriScheme=sftp
# ...
# sftp://joe@ matches
# file:///home/joe/.bashrc does not
[Nemo Action]
#### Run Nemo in debug mode using with
### NEMO_DEBUG set to include 'Actions'
#### i.e. $ nemo --quit
#### $ NEMO_DEBUG=Actions nemo --debug
# Whether this action is active. For troubleshooting.
# Optional - if this field is omitted, the action will be active
# Standard tokens that can be used in the Name, Comment (tooltip) and Exec fields:
# %U - insert URI list of selection
# %F - insert path list of selection
# %P - insert path of parent (current) directory
# %f or %N (deprecated) - insert display name of first selected file
# %p - insert display name of parent directory
# %D - insert device path of file (i.e. /dev/sdb1)
# %e - insert display name of first selected file with the extension stripped
# %% - insert a literal percent sign, don't treat the next character as a token
# %X - insert the XID for the NemoWindow this action is being activated in.
# The name to show in the menu, locale supported with standard desktop spec.
# **** REQUIRED ****
# Name=Test Custom Action applied to %N
Name=Open With VSCode
# Tool tip, locale supported (Appears in the status bar)
# Comment=This is a test for Nemo actions. Action will be applied to %N
Comment=code %F
# What to run. Enclose in < > to run an executable that resides in the actions folder.
# **** REQUIRED ****
#Exec=gedit %F
# Exec=< -r -g %P %F %U>
Exec=code %F
# Icon name to use in the menu - must be a theme icon name
# Gtk Stock ID to use for the icon. Note if both Icon-name and Stock-Id are
# defined, the Stock-Id takes precedence.
# What type selection: [s]ingle, [m]ultiple, any, notnone, none (background click), or
# a number representing how many files must be selected to display.
# ****** REQUIRED *******
# What extensions to display on - this is an array, end with a semicolon
# Single entry options, ending in a semicolon:
# "dir" for directory selection
# "none" for no extension.
# "nodirs" for any selection, but not including directories.
# "any" for any file type, including directories.
# Individual specific extensions can be a semicolon-terminated list
# Extensions are NOT case sensitive. jpg will match JPG, jPg, jpg, etc..
# What mime-types to display on - this is an array, end with a semicolon
# Separator to use (if any) - add a string to insert between path/url entries
# in the exec line. Optional - if you leave this out, a space is inserted.
# Note you can have trailing spaces here.
# Quote type to use (if any) - enclose paths/urls with quotes. Optional - defaults
# to no quotes.
# Can be: single, double, backtick
# Dependencies - program executables required for this action to work. Nemo will
# Search in the path for these program(s) and not display the action if any are missing.
# You can also supply an absolute path to a file (i.e. /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-archive) to check
# instead of or in addition to an executable in the path.
# This is an array, separate entries with semi-colon, and terminate with a semicolon.
# v3.0: Reverse dependencies: Prefixing a program with '!' will reverse the logic - if
# the program exists, the check will FAIL.
# Conditions - semicolon-separated array of special conditions:
# "desktop" current (parent) folder is desktop
# "removable" target (first selection) is removable
# "gsettings <schema> <boolean key>" is true
# "gsettings <schema> <key> <key-type> <[eq|ne|gt|lt]> <value>"
# "dbus <name>" exists
# "exec <program>" run program and check its exit code (0 is pass, non-0 is fail).
# Enclose in < > if the program resides in the action's folder.
# Escape Spaces (deprecated)
# This field is deprecated and does nothing - paths with spaces, as well as other special
# shell characters, will now be passed on correctly no matter what, even when Quote is not set.
# Optional - by default this is false
# Run in terminal - set to true to execute the Exec line in a spawned terminal window.
# Generally if you use this you should not have Quotes defined, as that will be taken care
# of during converting the expanded command string into an arg vector.
# Optional - by default this is false
# Uri scheme - provide a uri scheme that the current location's scheme must match
# For example:
# ...
# UriScheme=sftp
# ...
# sftp://joe@ matches
# file:///home/joe/.bashrc does not
[Nemo Action]
#### Run Nemo in debug mode using with
### NEMO_DEBUG set to include 'Actions'
#### i.e. $ nemo --quit
#### $ NEMO_DEBUG=Actions nemo --debug
# Whether this action is active. For troubleshooting.
# Optional - if this field is omitted, the action will be active
# Standard tokens that can be used in the Name, Comment (tooltip) and Exec fields:
# %U - insert URI list of selection
# %F - insert path list of selection
# %P - insert path of parent (current) directory
# %f or %N (deprecated) - insert display name of first selected file
# %p - insert display name of parent directory
# %D - insert device path of file (i.e. /dev/sdb1)
# %e - insert display name of first selected file with the extension stripped
# %% - insert a literal percent sign, don't treat the next character as a token
# %X - insert the XID for the NemoWindow this action is being activated in.
# The name to show in the menu, locale supported with standard desktop spec.
# **** REQUIRED ****
# Name=Test Custom Action applied to %N
# Tool tip, locale supported (Appears in the status bar)
# Comment=This is a test for Nemo actions. Action will be applied to %N
Comment=Generate SHA256 in %f.sha256.txt
# What to run. Enclose in < > to run an executable that resides in the actions folder.
# **** REQUIRED ****
#Exec=gedit %F
# Exec=< -r -g %P %F %U>
Exec=sh -c 'sha256sum %F > %F.sha256.txt && open %F.sha256.txt'
# Icon name to use in the menu - must be a theme icon name
# Gtk Stock ID to use for the icon. Note if both Icon-name and Stock-Id are
# defined, the Stock-Id takes precedence.
# What type selection: [s]ingle, [m]ultiple, any, notnone, none (background click), or
# a number representing how many files must be selected to display.
# ****** REQUIRED *******
# What extensions to display on - this is an array, end with a semicolon
# Single entry options, ending in a semicolon:
# "dir" for directory selection
# "none" for no extension.
# "nodirs" for any selection, but not including directories.
# "any" for any file type, including directories.
# Individual specific extensions can be a semicolon-terminated list
# Extensions are NOT case sensitive. jpg will match JPG, jPg, jpg, etc..
# What mime-types to display on - this is an array, end with a semicolon
# Separator to use (if any) - add a string to insert between path/url entries
# in the exec line. Optional - if you leave this out, a space is inserted.
# Note you can have trailing spaces here.
# Quote type to use (if any) - enclose paths/urls with quotes. Optional - defaults
# to no quotes.
# Can be: single, double, backtick
# Dependencies - program executables required for this action to work. Nemo will
# Search in the path for these program(s) and not display the action if any are missing.
# You can also supply an absolute path to a file (i.e. /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-archive) to check
# instead of or in addition to an executable in the path.
# This is an array, separate entries with semi-colon, and terminate with a semicolon.
# v3.0: Reverse dependencies: Prefixing a program with '!' will reverse the logic - if
# the program exists, the check will FAIL.
# Conditions - semicolon-separated array of special conditions:
# "desktop" current (parent) folder is desktop
# "removable" target (first selection) is removable
# "gsettings <schema> <boolean key>" is true
# "gsettings <schema> <key> <key-type> <[eq|ne|gt|lt]> <value>"
# "dbus <name>" exists
# "exec <program>" run program and check its exit code (0 is pass, non-0 is fail).
# Enclose in < > if the program resides in the action's folder.
# Escape Spaces (deprecated)
# This field is deprecated and does nothing - paths with spaces, as well as other special
# shell characters, will now be passed on correctly no matter what, even when Quote is not set.
# Optional - by default this is false
# Run in terminal - set to true to execute the Exec line in a spawned terminal window.
# Generally if you use this you should not have Quotes defined, as that will be taken care
# of during converting the expanded command string into an arg vector.
# Optional - by default this is false
# Uri scheme - provide a uri scheme that the current location's scheme must match
# For example:
# ...
# UriScheme=sftp
# ...
# sftp://joe@ matches
# file:///home/joe/.bashrc does not
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Leokuma commented Mar 17, 2024

Put the files in ~/.local/share/nemo/actions.

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