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#... | |
function gitzip() { | |
git archive -o $@.zip HEAD | |
} | |
#... gitzip ZIPPED_FILE_NAME |
Dec 20, 2018
#if you want the file to have the name of the current folder if you're lazy about typing the zipfile name git archive HEAD -o ${PWD##*/}.zip
This works well. Thanks
Amazing alias. Thanks~
Careful - this only zips what you've checked in to git. Any changes you haven't committed won't appear in the archive.
includes local commits, but not files / changes in the working directory that haven't been committed locally.
sephbook:g josephg$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/josephg/temp/g/.git/
sephbook:g josephg$ echo 'hi there' > foo.txt
sephbook:g josephg$ git add foo.txt
sephbook:g josephg$ git commit -m 'Added foo'
[master (root-commit) aa502e5] Added foo
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 foo.txt
sephbook:g josephg$ echo 'changes' > bar.txt # <------ Will this make it into the zip file??
sephbook:g josephg$ git archive -o stuff.zip HEAD
sephbook:g josephg$ unzip -l stuff.zip
Archive: stuff.zip
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
9 10-26-2019 22:12 foo.txt # <------ Nope! Only foo.txt!
--------- -------
9 1 file
Notice that foo.txt
is in the archive, but bar.txt
is missing because it hasn't been committed.
Good point. I actually want to accomplish exactly what the title says. I'm using a .gitignore file simply because it has a preselected list of items to ignore. There would be no commits in this repo.
If you require the files in the archive to be nested within the repo folder, and not in the root of the zip ie:
Use something like this -
git archive --prefix ${PWD##*/}/ HEAD -o ../${PWD##*/}.zip
Thank you very mutch, it's very helped
if you find it useful to include the time of the backup/archive:
sudo git archive --prefix ${PWD##*/}/ HEAD -o ../${PWD##*/}-$(date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S").zip
@sadernalwis That's a good idea.
I use one time
git config --global alias.zip 'archive HEAD -o'
and then when you want..
git zip test.zip
Ah sorry repost, sorry..
used this one for windows Powershell:
git archive HEAD -o ../$(Split-Path -Path ${PWD} -Leaf)-$(Get-Date -UFormat "%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M").zip
I got here when i looked for a command do backup the whole (local) repository including .git.
Here it is:
7z.exe a -bd ../archive.7z * '-xr@.\.gitignore'
Based on this answer: https://superuser.com/questions/28162/how-do-i-use-7-zip-to-backup-files-but-exclude-some-directories