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Created September 17, 2017 13:01
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Estensione jQuery per restituire la path assoluta di un elemento, alternativa a xpath, utilizzata da TRIMGLE :
Leonardo Ciaccio -
Scritto per servire TRIMGLE :
Una piccola ma potente estensione jQuery per ottenere il percorso assouto di un elemento
generic() restituisce il percorso assoluto generico html > body > div > div> ...
unique() restituisce il percorso univoco html > body > div > :nth-child(1) > :nth-child(7) > ...
target <jquery element> <required>
oggetto jQuery
tipized <boolean> <optional [false] >
se true, partendo dalla fine trova e inserisce la classe come selettore solo al primo che incontra
shortner <boolean> <optional [false] >
se true, partendo dalla fine trova e si ferma al primo "id" che incontra anziche partire da "html >"
( function( $ ){
"use strict";
if( !$ )throw new Error( "jqPath require jQuery !" );
_fromIndex = function( $ele ){
// --> Passando un oggetto jQuery restituisce il selettore univoco da un indice o generico se è l'unico
var tagname = $ele.prop( "tagName" ) || "";
if( !tagname || tagname.length < 1 )return "";
tagname = tagname.toLowerCase();
if( tagname == "html" || tagname == "body" || $ele.parent().children().length == 1 )
return tagname;
var index = $ele.parent().children().index( $ele );
return ( ":nth-child(" + ( index + 1 ) + ")" );
} // <-- _identity
,_fromID = function( $ele ){
// --> Restiruisce un elemento da ID, #myid
var xxid = $ele.attr( "id" ) || "";
if( !xxid || xxid.length < 1 )return "";
return ( "#" + xxid.trim() );
} // <-- _fromID
,_fromClass = function( $ele ){
// --> Restiruisce un elemento tipizzato, div.myclass
var tagname = $ele.prop( "tagName" ) || "";
if( !tagname || tagname.length < 1 )return "";
tagname = tagname.toLowerCase();
var claxx = $ele.attr( "class" ) || "";
if( !claxx || claxx.length < 1 )return "";
claxx = claxx.trim().split( /\s+/ );
if( claxx.length > 0 )
return ( tagname + "." + claxx.join( "." ) );//return ( tagname + "." + claxx[ claxx.length - 1 ] );
return "";
} // <-- _fromClass
,_jqPathGeneric = function( $ele, tipized, shortner, path ){
path = path || ""
if( !$ele || $ele.length != 1 )return path;
// --> Iniziamo con il definire il processo
_next = function(){
return _jqPathGeneric( $ele.parent(), tipized, shortner, path );
}catch( e ){
return path;
,myselector = $ele.prop( "tagName" ) || ""
if( myselector && myselector.length > 0 )
myselector = myselector.toLowerCase();
if( shortner === true ){
tmp = _fromID( $ele );
if( tmp && tmp.length > 0 ){
path = ( path && path.length > 0 ) ? tmp + " > " + path : tmp;
return path;
if( tipized === true ){
tmp = _fromClass( $ele );
if( tmp && tmp.length > 0 ){
myselector = tmp;
tipized = false;
if( myselector && myselector.length > 0 )
path = ( path && path.length > 0 ) ? myselector + " > " + path : myselector;
return _next();
} // <-- _jqPathGeneric
,_jqPathUnique = function( $ele, tipized, shortner, path ){
path = path || ""
if( !$ele || $ele.length != 1 )return path;
// --> Iniziamo con il definire il processo
_next = function(){
return _jqPathUnique( $ele.parent(), tipized, shortner, path );
}catch( e ){
return path;
,myselector = _fromIndex( $ele ) || ""
if( myselector && myselector.length > 0 )
myselector = myselector.toLowerCase();
if( shortner === true ){
tmp = _fromID( $ele );
if( tmp && tmp.length > 0 ){
path = ( path && path.length > 0 ) ? tmp + " > " + path : tmp;
return path;
if( tipized === true ){
tmp = _fromClass( $ele );
if( tmp && tmp.length > 0 ){
myselector = tmp;
tipized = false;
if( myselector && myselector.length > 0 )
path = ( path && path.length > 0 ) ? myselector + " > " + path : myselector;
return _next();
} // <-- _jqPathUnique
$.extend( true, $, {
jqPath : {
// --> html > body > div > .... se tipizzato html > body > div > a.myclass
generic : function( $target, tipized, shortner ){
collection = []
$target.each( function(){
var _jq = _jqPathGeneric( $( this ), tipized, shortner );
if( _jq && _jq.length > 0 )
collection.push( _jq );
} );
return collection.join( "," );
} // <-- generic
// --> html > body > div > :nth-child(1) > .... se tipizzato html > body > div.myclass > :nth-child(1)
,unique : function( $target, tipized, shortner ){
collection = []
$target.each( function(){
var _jq = _jqPathUnique( $( this ), tipized, shortner );
if( _jq && _jq.length > 0 )
collection.push( _jq );
} );
return collection.join( "," );
} );
} )( window.jQuery );
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