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Created August 26, 2015 10:55
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Load sincro scripts
( function( tools, libs ){
// Iterator
var require = function( scripts, onEnd ){
onEnd = onEnd || function(){};
if( !scripts || scripts.length < 1 )return onEnd();
var src = scripts.splice( 0, 1),
script = document.createElement( "script" );
script.setAttribute( "src", src );
tools.addEvent( "load", script, function(){
require( scripts, onEnd );
} );
document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[ 0 ].appendChild( script );
// Install all scripts with a copy of scripts
require( libs.slice(), function(){
alert( "Enjoy :)" );
} );
// Timeout information
var ti = setTimeout( function(){
if( !window.jQuery || !Window.jQuery.ui )alert( "Timeout !" );
clearTimeout( ti );
}, 5000 );
} )(
{ // Tools
addEvent : function( evnt, elem, func ){
if( elem.addEventListener ){
elem.addEventListener( evnt, func, false );
}else if( elem.attachEvent ){
var r = elem.attachEvent( "on" + evnt, func );
return true;
}catch( e ){
return false;
[ // Scripts
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