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Created September 27, 2017 00:33
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Useful informations about my McpeProxy


If you can't understand some words in this readme then take a look at this list:

mcpe servers, ip, port, server, client, proxy, client side, server side, console, spam, killaura, attempt, aimbot, euro, currency, paypal, telegram, kik

What is this "proxy"?

It is a server which can be used to connect yourself to other minecraft servers through it.
It acts as an intermediary beetween you and the real minecraft server, basically a proxy.

What are the advantages of connecting through it?

  • It is able to "tell" the real mcpe server (Bob) whatever he wants
  • It is able to "tell" your mcpe client (Alice) whatever he wants

This means you can "tell" the proxy to do something using the in-game chat, it will receive your command and will act accordingly, in the case of killaura for instance it will tell the server you want to hit players even if you're not.
The list of in-game commands can be found below in the Proxy in-game commands section or in-game by typing */help into chat

What can the proxy do?

This is a youtube video showing almost all its features (except the world downloader):
click on the image to watch it

Youtube Video-Click to watch!

This is an older youtube video showing also the WorldDownloader:
click on the image to watch it

Youtube Video-Click to watch!

How can you use it?

To use a proxy you have to add its IP and PORT as a normal external mcpe server.

Here is a list of free, public shared proxies as a trial/proof.
The proxies below can be laggy or offline at any time, do not complain, they are FREE TRIALs after all.

Since a lot of players will be using them, there is an high chance a lot of servers will ban the proxy IPs as well (you can surely still use them on servers no one knows about) so, don't be surprised if you can't connect to famous, popular servers while using a PUBLIC proxy !
You can't unban yourself from servers changing your IP (using VPNs or in any other way) because since you're connecting through the McpeProxy, servers won't even "see" your IP but the proxy one. SO, it's the proxy IP which is banned, not yours. Anyway, you won't be able to join the McpeProxy using VPNs or proxies

The proxies below are meant to be used with mcpe 1.1.x (x means "any number here") other versions of mcpe won't work!
It doesn't matter what device you will use, it can be whatever you like: android, ios, windows 10, windows phone, etc.

IP PORT 19140 19141 19142 19143 19144 19145 19146 19147 19148 19149 19150 19151 19152 19153 19154

1 of them can only handle 1 player at a time (it's a long story, don't keep asking why, it works like this for now) so i recommend adding them all to have an higher chance of not finding an occupied one.

You can use the proxies for a total amount of 1 hour then you will be banned for 4 hours to let other players try them also, so, do not be discouraged, sooner or later you will find a free proxy to join ! 😉

If you want your own private proxy server which will be lag-free and always online you can ask me privately, my contacts are in the section below.
Private proxies aren't free for obvious reasons (hosting a proxy has its costs), the price is 5€/month, only paypal is accepted. If your currency isn't euros, simply convert it 5 euros equals around 6 usd at the moment of writing

Here are some images explaining how to add a proxy server to mcpe:

Open Minecraft and click on PLAY

Tap on the Friends tab (up right corner)

Tap on the small add server square (it's next to the Add Friend button)

Fill the form with the right ip & port, from the list above

Tap on Save, this is how it looks like when the proxy is free

This is how it looks like when you add all the proxies

Once you added the proxy server you can join it and start using its commands!
The list of in-game commands can be found below in the Proxy in-game commands section or in-game by typing */help into chat.

The first command you have to use is /connect ip:port to connect the proxy to an actual server (not using this command in less than 1 minute you will be kicked from the proxy, reason: you're probably AFK wasting the time of someone else)

If you are having trouble using the proxies, first watch my videos and fully read this readme then if the problem persists remember it's just a FREE TRIAL , at this point you can contact me if you really think your problem needs attention.

"The proxies are offline !!!!!"
"I can't join any proxy even if they are online!!!!!"
"I can join the proxy but then it doesn't work"
"It keeps disconnecting me!!! Whyyyyy!"
"Can i have a private proxy for free? i just want to try it, i'm not able to join public ones :("

The above won't be considered problems and you will just be ignored or blocked by me :D


nothing else because i don't want to become mad so, don't ask if i've got

Proxy in-game commands

Commands starts with */ to differentiate from normal mcpe commands, if a command isn't working make sure you're typing it right before complaining (happens way too often). For example the command /help must be typed */help in-game

Command Description
/connect [ip:port] connects the proxy to another server

First of all, the command syntax is exactly as the above, i've seen people using the command like this:

/connect ip: port:19132 or /connect and complaining because it doesn't work, mostly kids

It seems easy to me, just replace the ip with the actual server ip and the port with the actual server port like this /connect is this hard?

The port isn't optional, you must type it, i know most of the times it is 19132 but sometimes it isn't so just type it, it doesn't take so much time.

What exactly this command does:
- Ping the ip:port server
- If a reply is received or if the force connect option is used then
- Disconnects the proxy from the current server
- Connects the proxy to the provided ip:port
- Tells the client to re-connect to the proxy

Essentially it "changes" the server

If after using the command successfully you can't join the server you wanted to join:
- Make sure you can join the server without using the proxy
- Make sure the server didn't ban the proxy ip
- Make sure the server isn't a minet server or a server with encryption enabled

If the problem persists then please contact me with enough information to reproduce the bug and i will try to fix it.
Most of the times the server is just using encryption which isn't currently implemented in the proxy and i think it is going to change a lot with mcpe 1.2 so, you have to wait some months

/friend [add|remove|list] friends management,names can be partial & case-insensitive

You can add, remove and list your friends. Why should you add a friend? Because by adding one you won't be able to hit him IN ANY WAY until you remove him from your friends.

/friend add friendName Adds a friend

/friend remove friendName Removes a friend

/friend list Prints the list of all your friends in the chat

"friendName" can be a partial name and case-insensitive (it doesn't matter if you type it upper or lower case) for example if your friend name is "StUpiDnamE" you can use "stup" or "STUPI" or "sTuPId" ... as the name. But be careful, if there is someone else whose name is exactly "stupid", a wrong player will be added as your friend, this usually doesn't happen because once you use the command a message in chat will tell you the exact whole name of the friend added/removed

/killaura [range mode] hits everyone near you except your friends

This command toggles killaura ON and OFF.

Killaura attempts to hit players/mobs in the "range" and using a "mode".
The "range" represents a distance in blocks from you.
The "mode" can be either "multi" or "single".

In multi mode the killaura will attempt to hit all the players in the range. In single mode the killaura will attempt to hit only the closest player to you and in the range.

ATTEMPTS doesn't mean it will force the server to hit a player, we can't do that, it's just NOT POSSIBLE.
It will surely tell the server "hey i want to hit this player" but then the server can make the decision to ignore or not the ATTEMPT.
For example if you are in a non-pvp zone, the server knows and will ignore the proxy hit attempts. Or if the hit distance is too much, the server knows as well

This killaura will hit 5 times per second, more than enough, faster attempts can be ignored by the server or detected by an anticheat resulting in a ban.
Maybe 5 times is a little bit too much, i will maybe decrease this in the future if needed

Killaura is the best hack to kill players, any other hack like AimBot won't do any better, trust me. If you don't trust me then compare them side by side ;) you're free to do that.

AimBot, AutoAim are the same thing and usually hacks are wrongly using the name killaura to referr to AimBot and get more attention, mine instead is a REAL killaura, you can stay still, it will hit players automatically !

/ghost toggles ghost mode (reduces blatant hack behaviours)

This command toggles the ghost mode ON and OFF.

When the ghost mode is on:

- No proxy messages will be send to the in-game chat
- Killaura will only hit players in your field of view instead of all around you, rapid head rotations won't draw admins attention anymore !
- Killaura will hit at a lower rate of 2 times per second instead of 4

You will still be able to select multi or single mode for the killaura, single is recommended combined with ghost mode if you want to look more like a normal player.

/speedset [value] sets your speed to a value from 1 to 10 (do NOT use sprint)

This command lets you change your move speed using a scale from 1(slower) to 10 (fastest)
After using the command your speed is set client side, you just have to WALK.
By sprinting the server will change your speed and you need to use the command again

/noclip toggles no-clip (ability to go inside blocks)

This command toggles no-clip ON and OFF.
No-clip is the ability to go inside blocks like when you're in spectator mode.
The no-clip is only set client side so the server may push you out of blocks and give you damage for suffocation

/mine automatically breaks blocks under your feets OR blocks you're looking at

This command toggles auto-mine ON and OFF.
Auto-mine basically breaks blocks in the range of 6 or 13 blocks depending on your gamemode server side (13 for creative and 6 for survival)

The blocks will take the normal time needed to break them (if you're in creative the blocks will break instantly, if you're in survival it depends on the block and on the tool used), the only thing that changes is: you don't have to hold down a button, can be useful on prison servers.

The block which is broke depends on the command configuration (can't be changed in-game) and can either be the block under your feets OR the block you're looking at

/gamemode [mode] sets your gamemode to 0 (survival) or 1 (creative)

Corresponds to the vanilla minecraft command /gamemode except it only supports gamemode 0 and 1 .
The gamemode is changed only client side, fly is enabled on both gamemodes.
This command isn't completely useless, gamemode 1 can be used to instantly break blocks on servers with instant break allowed, it is useless for everything else

/nvision toggles night vision (effect to see in the dark)

This command toggles night vision ON and OFF.
Night vision is a minecraft effect which gives you the ability to see in the dark
It is better than only changing the time because it also removes shadows and you can see in caves for example. You don't need thorches anymore!

/timeset [value] sets the time to a value from 0 (day) to 14000 (night)

Self explanatory command i think. Corresponds to the vanilla minecraft command /time set

/chat toggles the chat (the client won't see chat messages)

This command toggles the client side chat ON and OFF.
If the chat is disabled then the proxy won't send the client chat,popups,tips
It's useful when you don't want to see the chat due to spam or anything else

/spam [RATEx msg] spams msg at a rate of RATE messages per second (no msg stops the spam)

This command will send "msg" to the server as if you were typing "msg" in the chat RATE times per second.
You can spam commands as well, just put a dot before the / of the command you want to spam, like this: /spam ./tell svile spamming you privately!!!
The chat will automatically be disabled using this command and can be enabled using /chat or by stopping the spam.
To stop the spam just use /spam without arguments

The RATE argument is optional and can be used like this: /spam 2x two times per second example , it can also be a float, for example 0.1x to send the message 0.1 times per second (each 10 seconds, simple math)

/w [msg] sends a private message to the client chat OR proxy console

This command is a kind of the minecraft vanilla command /tell
It can be used to send private message between the proxy console and the client mcpe chat.
Useful if someone is at the proxy console and wants to tell you something

/sskin [displayName] saves player skins as PNG & uploads to a file hosting service

This command will convert and then upload player skins in .png format to which is a free file hosting service.

I recommend downloading the skin right after uploading it or the link for downloading could expire.

[displayName] is the player name whose skin will be "saved". You can find it in the minecraft pause screen, usually the same as the one you see in-game

sskin stands for save-skin

/chunkcachecleanup used before changing world to avoid saving the previous world chunks
/pos1 sets position 1 OR world spawn to the block under your feets
/pos2 sets position 2 to the block under your feets
/sch [name] exports the current selection in schematic format
/mcr [name] exports the received chunks in mcr world format
/mca [name] exports the received chunks in mca world format
/mcapm [name] exports the received chunks in mcapm world format

These command are related to the world downloader which can't be used remotely since it saves worlds on the local storage you don't have access to.
You don't have the need to use these commands, it just doesn't make sense to save worlds you can't access.
If you need the world downloader, contact me for more info

There are public world downloaders for minecraft pc, i just created one for mcpe inside of this proxy (this was the my first goal when i started creating the proxy)
It's not a fake/scam, you can for real save server worlds ;) STEALING server maps is just something more dangerous and not even correct than using simple hacks, so, for more info contact me privately

/r executes the last used command (instead of entirely typing it again)

This command executes the last used command.

For example if you used /killaura 5 single or any other long command and you don't want to type it again.
You can just type /r and the last command will be executed, way faster!
R stands for REPEAT! :D

Proxy console commands

This part is not needed yet since no one has access to the proxy console except me.

Command Description
/disconnect [msg] disconnects the connected player from the proxy&server

Basically this command kicks the connected player

/setip [ip] sets the proxy ip relative to you for reconnections

The proxy is able to get its IP relative to you (the one you wrote in the "mcpe add server window") automatically so you will likely never feel the need to use this command. If you don't understand what this command does, then, using it could also break other functionalities!


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