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Created March 11, 2023 16:47
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#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
#include <functional>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
struct unit {
template <typename A>
using Parser = function<optional<pair<A, string>>(string)>;
template <typename A>
optional<pair<A, string>> parse(Parser<A> p, string s) {
return p(s);
template <typename A>
Parser<A> _return(A v) {
return [=](string inp) {
return make_pair(v, inp);
template <typename A>
Parser<A> failure() {
return [](string inp) {
return nullopt;
Parser<char> item() {
return [](string inp) -> optional<pair<char, string>> {
if (inp == "") {
return nullopt;
} else {
return make_pair(inp[0], inp.substr(1));
template <typename A, typename B>
Parser<B> then(Parser<A> p, function<Parser<B>(A)> f) {
return [=](string inp) -> optional<pair<B, string>> {
auto r = parse(p, inp);
if (r.has_value()) {
auto [v, out] = *r;
return parse(f(v), out);
} else {
return nullopt;
template <typename A>
Parser<A> or_else(Parser<A> p, Parser<A> q) {
return [=](string inp) {
auto r = parse(p, inp);
if (r.has_value()) {
return r;
} else {
return parse(q, inp);
Parser<char> sat(function<bool(char)> p) {
return then<char, char>(item(), [=](char x) {
return p(x) ? _return(x) : failure<char>();
Parser<char> digit() {
return sat([](char c) { return isdigit(c); });
Parser<char> lower() {
return sat([](char c) { return islower(c); });
Parser<char> upper() {
return sat([](char c) { return isupper(c); });
Parser<char> letter() {
return sat([](char c) { return isalpha(c); });
Parser<char> alphanum() {
return sat([](char c) { return isalnum(c); });
Parser<char> _char(char x) {
return sat([=](char c) { return x == c; });
Parser<string> _string(string inp) {
if (inp == "") {
return _return("");
} else {
char x = inp[0];
string xs = inp.substr(1);
return then<char, string>(_char(x), [=](char) {
return then<string, string>(_string(xs), [=](string) {
return _return(x + xs);
template <typename A>
Parser<vector<A>> many(Parser<A> p);
template <typename A>
Parser<vector<A>> many1(Parser<A> p);
template <typename A>
Parser<vector<A>> many(Parser<A> p) {
return or_else(many1(p), _return(vector<A> {}));
template <typename A>
Parser<vector<A>> many1(Parser<A> p) {
return then<A, vector<A>>(p, [=](A v) {
return then<vector<A>, vector<A>>(many(p), [=](vector<A> vs) {
vector<A> r = vs;
r.insert(r.begin(), v);
return _return(r);
Parser<string> ident() {
return then<char, string>(lower(), [](char x) {
return then<vector<char>, string>(many(alphanum()), [=](vector<char> xs) {
string s(xs.begin(), xs.end());
s.insert(s.begin(), x);
return _return(s);
Parser<int> nat() {
return then<vector<char>, int>(many1(digit()), [](vector<char> xs) {
string s(xs.begin(), xs.end());
return _return(stoi(s));
Parser<unit> space() {
return then<vector<char>, unit>(many(sat([](char c) { return isspace(c); })), [](vector<char>) {
return _return(unit {});
template <typename A>
Parser<A> token(Parser<A> p) {
return then<unit, A>(space(), [=](unit) {
return then<A, A>(p, [=](A v) {
return then<unit, A>(space(), [=](unit) {
return _return(v);
Parser<string> identifier() {
return token(ident());
Parser<int> natural() {
return token(nat());
Parser<string> symbol(string xs) {
return token(_string(xs));
Parser<int> expr();
Parser<int> term();
Parser<int> factor();
Parser<int> expr() {
return then<int, int>(term(), [](int t) {
return or_else(then<string, int>(symbol("+"), [=](string) {
return then<int, int>(expr(), [=](int e) {
return _return(t + e);
}), _return(t));
Parser<int> term() {
return then<int, int>(factor(), [](int f) {
return or_else(then<string, int>(symbol("*"), [=](string) {
return then<int, int>(term(), [=](int t) {
return _return(f * t);
}), _return(f));
Parser<int> factor() {
return or_else(then<string, int>(symbol("("), [](string) {
return then<int, int>(expr(), [](int e) {
return then<string, int>(symbol(")"), [=](string) {
return _return(e);
}), natural());
int eval(string xs) {
auto r = parse(expr(), xs);
if (r.has_value()) {
auto [n, out] = *r;
if (out == "") {
return n;
throw runtime_error("Unused input");
} else {
throw runtime_error("Invalid input");
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// auto p = then<string, vector<int>>(symbol("["), [](string) {
// return then<int, vector<int>>(natural(), [](int n) {
// return then<vector<int>, vector<int>>(many<int>(then<string, int>(symbol(","), [](string) {
// return natural();
// })), [=](vector<int> ns) {
// return then<string, vector<int>>(symbol("]"), [=](string) {
// vector r = ns;
// r.insert(r.begin(), n);
// return _return(r);
// });
// });
// });
// });
// auto [xs, s] = *parse(p, "[1, 2, 3]");
// for (auto x : xs) {
// cout << x << " ";
// }
// cout << endl;
while (true) {
string s;
std::getline(cin, s);
int n = eval(s);
cout << n << endl;
return 0;
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