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Created April 19, 2024 22:47
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kernelbase32.dll function list
__misaligned_access 6.1 and higher (x64 only);
__wgetmainargs 6.2 and higher
_AddMUIStringToCache 6.2 and higher
_c_exit 6.2 and higher
_exit 6.2 and higher
_initterm_e 6.2 and higher
_local_unwind 6.1 and higher (x64 only);
_onexit 6.2 and higher
_OpenMuiStringCache 6.2 and higher
_time64 6.2 and higher
ActivateActCtx 6.2 and higher;
AddAccessAllowedAce 6.1 and higher;
AddAccessAllowedAceEx 6.1 and higher;
AddAccessAllowedObjectAce 6.1 and higher;
AddAccessDeniedAce 6.1 and higher;
AddAccessDeniedAceEx 6.1 and higher;
AddAccessDeniedObjectAce 6.1 and higher;
AddAce 6.1 and higher;
AddAuditAccessAce 6.1 and higher;
AddAuditAccessAceEx 6.1 and higher;
AddAuditAccessObjectAce 6.1 and higher;
AddDllDirectory 6.2 and higher;
AddMandatoryAce 6.1 and higher;
AddRefActCtx 6.2 and higher
AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor 6.2 and higher
AddVectoredContinueHandler 6.2 and higher
AdjustTokenGroups 6.1 and higher;
AdjustTokenPrivileges 6.1 and higher;
AllocateUserPhysicalPagesNuma 6.3 and higher
AllocConsole 6.2 and higher
AppContainerFreeMemory 6.3 and higher
AppContainerLookupMoniker 6.3 and higher
AppContainerUnregisterSid 6.3 and higher
ApplicationUserModelIdFromProductId 10.0 and higher
AppXGetApplicationData 6.3 and higher
AppXGetOSMaxVersionTested 6.3 and higher
AppXGetPackageCapabilities 6.3 and higher
AppXGetPackageState 6.3 only
AppXLookupMoniker 6.3 and higher
AppXPreCreationExtension 6.3 and higher
AppXSetPackageState 6.3 only
AreThereVisibleShutdownScriptsInternal 6.2 and higher
BaseCheckAppcompatCache 6.2 and higher
BaseCleanupAppcompatCacheSupport 6.2 and higher
BaseDllMapResourceIdW 6.1 and higher
BaseFlushAppcompatCache 6.2 and higher
BaseFreeAppCompatDataForProcess 6.3 and higher
BaseGetProcessDllPath 6.1 only
BaseInitAppcompatCacheSupport 6.2 and higher
BaseInvalidateProcessSearchPathCache 6.1 only
BaseMarkFileForDelete 6.2 and higher
BasepCopyFileCallback 6.2 and higher
BasepNotifyTrackingService 6.2 and higher
BaseReleaseProcessDllPath 6.1 only
BaseUpdateAppcompatCache 6.2 and higher
BemCreateContractFrom 6.1 to 6.3
BemFreeContract 6.1 to 6.3
CancelIo 6.2 and higher
CancelThreadpoolIo 6.1 and higher;
CancelWaitableTimer 6.1 and higher;
CeipIsOptedIn 10.0 and higher
CharLowerBuffA 6.2 and higher
CharLowerW 6.2 and higher
CharNextExA 6.2 and higher
CharPrevA 6.2 and higher
CharPrevW 6.2 and higher
CharUpperBuffA 6.2 and higher
CharUpperW 6.2 and higher
CheckIfStateChangeNotificationExists 6.3 and higher
CheckTokenCapability 6.2 and higher
ChrCmpIA 6.2 and higher
ClearCommBreak 6.2 and higher
CloseGlobalizationUserSettingsKey 10.0 and higher
ClosePrivateNamespace 6.2 and higher
CloseStateAtom 6.3 and higher
CloseStateContainer 6.3 and higher
CloseThreadpool 6.1 and higher;
CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroup 6.1 and higher;
CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroupMembers 6.1 and higher;
CloseThreadpoolIo 6.1 and higher;
CloseThreadpoolTimer 6.1 and higher;
CloseThreadpoolWait 6.1 and higher;
CloseThreadpoolWork 6.1 and higher;
CloseTrace 6.2 and higher
CompareFileTime 6.1 and higher;
CompareObjectHandles 10.0 and higher
ControlTraceA 6.2 and higher
ConvertDefaultLocale 6.1 and higher;
ConvertFiberToThread 10.0 and higher
ConvertThreadToFiberEx 10.0 and higher
CopyFile2 6.2 and higher
CopyFileW 10.0 and higher
CreateAppContainerToken 6.3 and higher
CreateConsoleScreenBuffer 6.2 and higher
CreateDirectoryW 6.1 and higher;
CreateEventA 6.1 and higher;
CreateEventExA 6.1 and higher;
CreateEventExW 6.1 and higher;
CreateEventW 6.1 and higher;
CreateFiber 10.0 and higher
CreateFile2 6.2 and higher
CreateFileMappingNumaW 6.1 and higher;
CreateFileMappingW 6.1 and higher;
CreateFileW 6.1 and higher;
CreateHardLinkA 10.0 and higher
CreateIoCompletionPort 6.1 and higher;
CreateMemoryResourceNotification 6.2 and higher
CreatePrivateObjectSecurity 6.1 and higher;
CreatePrivateObjectSecurityEx 6.1 and higher;
CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance 6.1 and higher;
CreateProcessA 6.2 and higher
CreateProcessAsUserW 6.2 and higher
CreateProcessInternalW 6.2 and higher
CreateRemoteThread 6.1 and higher;
CreateRemoteThreadEx 6.1 and higher documented (KERNEL32)
CreateStateAtom 6.3 and higher
CreateStateContainer 6.3 and higher
CreateStateSubcontainer 6.3 and higher
CreateThread 6.1 and higher;
CreateThreadpool 6.1 and higher;
CreateThreadpoolCleanupGroup 6.1 and higher;
CreateThreadpoolIo 6.1 and higher;
CreateThreadpoolTimer 6.1 and higher;
CreateThreadpoolWait 6.1 and higher;
CreateThreadpoolWork 6.1 and higher;
CreateTimerQueue 6.1 and higher;
CreateTimerQueueTimer 6.1 and higher;
CreateWaitableTimerExW 6.1 and higher;
CreateWaitableTimerW 10.0 and higher
DeactivateActCtx 6.2 and higher
DebugActiveProcessStop 6.2 and higher
DecodeSystemPointer 6.1 and higher;
DefineDosDeviceW 6.1 and higher;
DelayLoadFailureHook 6.2 and higher
DeleteAce 6.1 and higher;
DeleteBoundaryDescriptor 6.2 and higher
DeleteFileA 6.1 and higher;
DeleteFileW 6.1 and higher;
DeleteProcThreadAttributeList 6.1 and higher;
DeleteStateAtomValue 6.3 and higher
DeleteStateContainerValue 6.3 and higher
DeleteTimerQueueEx 6.1 and higher;
DeleteTimerQueueTimer 6.1 and higher;
DeleteVolumeMountPointW 6.1 and higher;
DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity 6.1 and higher;
DeviceIoControl 6.1 and higher;
DisablePredefinedHandleTableInternal 6.2 and higher
DisconnectNamedPipe 6.1 and higher;
DnsHostnameToComputerNameExW 6.3 and higher
DsCrackNamesW 6.2 and higher
DsFreeNameResultW 6.2 and higher
DsFreePasswordCredentials 6.2 and higher
DsMakePasswordCredentialsW 6.2 and higher
DsUnBindW 6.2 and higher
DuplicateHandle 6.1 and higher;
DuplicateStateContainerHandle 6.3 and higher
earlier in ADVAPI32
earlier in ADVAPI32 documented (ADVAPI32)
earlier in KERNEL32
earlier in KERNEL32 documented (KERNEL32)
earlier in USER32 documented (USER32)
EnableTraceEx2 6.2 and higher
EncodeSystemPointer 6.1 and higher;
EnterCriticalPolicySectionInternal 6.2 and higher
EnumCalendarInfoExEx 6.1 and higher;
EnumCalendarInfoExW 6.1 and higher;
EnumCalendarInfoW 6.1 and higher;
EnumDateFormatsExEx 6.1 and higher;
EnumDateFormatsExW 6.1 and higher;
EnumDateFormatsW 6.1 and higher;
EnumDeviceDrivers 6.2 and higher
EnumerateStateContainerItems 6.3 and higher
EnumLanguageGroupLocalesW 6.1 and higher;
EnumPageFilesA 6.2 and higher
EnumProcesses 6.2 and higher
EnumProcessModules 6.2 and higher
EnumResourceLanguagesExW 6.2 and higher
EnumResourceNamesExW 6.2 and higher
EnumResourceTypesExW 6.2 and higher
EnumSystemGeoID 6.2 and higher
EqualDomainSid 6.1 and higher;
EqualPrefixSid 6.1 and higher;
EqualSid 6.1 and higher;
EscapeCommFunction 6.2 and higher
EventAccessQuery 6.2 and higher
EventActivityIdControl 6.2 and higher
EventProviderEnabled 6.2 and higher
EventSetInformation 6.2 and higher
EventWrite 6.2 and higher
EventWriteString 6.2 and higher
exit 6.2 and higher
ExitProcess 6.1 and higher;
ExitThread 6.1 and higher;
ExpandEnvironmentStringsA 6.1 and higher;
ExpandEnvironmentStringsW 6.1 and higher;
FatalAppExitA 6.1 and higher;
FatalAppExitW 6.1 and higher;
FileTimeToLocalFileTime 6.1 and higher;
FileTimeToSystemTime 6.1 and higher;
FillConsoleOutputAttribute 6.2 and higher
FillConsoleOutputCharacterW 6.2 and higher
FindActCtxSectionStringW 6.2 and higher
FindFirstFileW 6.1 and higher;
FindFirstFreeAce 6.1 and higher;
FindFirstStreamW 10.0 and higher
FindNextFileW 6.1 and higher;
FindNextStreamW 10.0 and higher
FindResourceExW 6.1 and higher;
FindResourceW 10.0 and higher
FindVolumeClose 6.1 and higher;
FlsAlloc 6.1 and higher;
FlsFree 6.1 and higher;
FlsGetValue 6.1 and higher;
FlsSetValue 6.1 and higher;
FlushConsoleInputBuffer 6.2 and higher
FlushProcessWriteBuffers 6.1 and higher;
FlushViewOfFile 6.1 and higher;
FoldStringW 6.1 and higher;
ForceSyncFgPolicyInternal 6.2 and higher
FormatMessageA 6.1 and higher;
FormatMessageW 6.1 and higher;
FreeConsole 6.2 and higher
FreeGPOListInternalW 6.2 and higher
GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent 6.2 and higher
GetAcceptLanguagesA 6.2 and higher
GetAce 6.1 and higher;
GetAclInformation 6.1 and higher;
GetACP 6.1 and higher;
GetAdjustObjectAttributesForPrivateNamespaceRoutine 6.2 and higher
GetAppContainerAce 6.2 and higher
GetAppDataFolder 10.0 and higher
GetApplicationRecoveryCallback 6.2 and higher
GetApplicationUserModelId 6.3 and higher
GetAppliedGPOListInternalA 6.2 and higher
GetCalendar 6.1 and higher
GetCommMask 6.2 and higher
GetCommProperties 6.2 and higher
GetCommTimeouts 6.2 and higher
GetCompressedFileSizeW 6.3 and higher
GetConsoleCursorInfo 6.2 and higher
GetConsoleInputExeNameW 6.2 and higher
GetConsoleOutputCP 6.2 and higher
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx 6.2 and higher
GetCPFileNameFromRegistry 6.1 and higher;
GetCPHashNode 6.1 and higher
GetCurrencyFormatEx 6.1 and higher;
GetCurrencyFormatW 6.1 and higher;
GetCurrentActctx 6.2 and higher
GetCurrentDirectoryA 6.1 and higher;
GetCurrentDirectoryW 6.1 and higher;
GetCurrentPackageApplicationContext 6.3 and higher
GetCurrentPackageContext 6.3 and higher
GetCurrentPackageFullName 6.3 and higher
GetCurrentPackageInfo 6.3 and higher
GetCurrentPackageResourcesContext 6.3 and higher
GetCurrentProcess 6.1 and higher;
GetCurrentProcessId 6.1 and higher;
GetCurrentProcessorNumber 6.2 and higher
GetCurrentTargetPlatformContext 10.0 and higher
GetDateFormatA 6.2 and higher
GetDateFormatW 6.2 and higher
GetDeviceDriverBaseNameW 6.2 and higher
GetDeviceDriverFileNameW 6.2 and higher
GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation 6.1 and higher;
GetDynamicTimeZoneInformationEffectiveYears 6.2 and higher
GetEightBitStringToUnicodeSizeRoutine 6.2 and higher
GetEnabledXStateFeatures 6.3 and higher
GetErrorMode 6.1 and higher ;
GetExitCodeProcess 6.1 and higher;
GetExitCodeThread 6.1 and higher;
GetFallbackDisplayName 6.1 and higher
GetFileMUIInfo 6.1 and higher;
GetFileMUIPath 6.1 and higher;
GetFileSecurityW 6.1 and higher;
GetFileSize 6.1 and higher;
GetFileSizeEx 6.1 and higher;
GetFileTime 6.1 and higher;
GetFileType 6.1 and higher;
GetFileVersionInfoA 10.0 and higher
GetFileVersionInfoExA 6.2 and higher
GetFileVersionInfoSizeA 10.0 and higher
GetFileVersionInfoSizeExW 6.2 and higher
GetFileVersionInfoW 10.0 and higher
GetGPOListInternalW 6.2 and higher
GetHandleInformation 6.1 and higher;
GetHivePath 6.3 and higher
GetKernelObjectSecurity 6.1 and higher;
GetLargePageMinimum 6.2 and higher
GetLastError 6.1 and higher;
GetLengthSid 6.1 and higher;
GetLocaleInfoA 6.1 and higher;
GetLocaleInfoEx 6.1 and higher;
GetLocaleInfoHelper 6.1 and higher
GetLocalTime 6.1 and higher;
GetLongPathNameA 6.1 and higher;
GetLongPathNameW 6.1 and higher;
GetMappedFileNameA 6.2 and higher
GetMemoryErrorHandlingCapabilities 6.3 and higher
GetModuleBaseNameW 6.2 and higher
GetModuleFileNameExW 6.2 and higher
GetNamedLocaleHashNode 6.1 and higher
GetNamedPipeInfo 10.0 and higher
GetNextFgPolicyRefreshInfoInternal 6.2 and higher
GetNLSVersion 6.1 and higher;
GetNLSVersionEx 6.1 and higher;
GetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx 6.2 and higher
GetOEMCP 6.1 and higher;
GetOsManufacturingMode 10.0 and higher
GetOverlappedResult 6.1 and higher;
GetOverlappedResultEx 6.2 and higher
GetPackageApplicationIds 6.3 and higher
GetPackageApplicationPropertyString 6.3 and higher
GetPackageContext 6.3 and higher
GetPackageFamilyNameFromToken 10.0 and higher
GetPackageFullNameFromToken 10.0 and higher
GetPackageInfo 6.3 and higher
GetPackageOSMaxVersionTested 6.3 and higher
GetPackagePathByFullName 6.3 and higher
GetPackageProperty 6.3 and higher
GetPackageResourcesContext 6.3 and higher
GetPackagesByPackageFamily 6.3 and higher
GetPackageSecurityContext 6.3 and higher
GetPackageStatus 10.0 and higher
GetPackageTargetPlatformProperty 10.0 and higher
GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory 6.3 and higher
GetPriorityClass 6.1 and higher;
GetPrivateObjectSecurity 6.1 and higher;
GetProcAddress 6.1 and higher;
GetProcAddressForCaller 6.2 and higher
GetProcessGroupAffinity 6.2 and higher
GetProcessHeap 6.1 and higher;
GetProcessHeaps 6.1 and higher;
GetProcessId 6.1 and higher;
GetProcessIdOfThread 6.1 and higher;
GetProcessImageFileNameA 6.2 and higher
GetProcessInformation 10.0 and higher
GetProcessMitigationPolicy 6.2 and higher
GetProcessorSystemCycleTime 10.0 and higher
GetProcessPriorityBoost 6.3 and higher
GetProductInfo 6.2 and higher
GetPtrCalDataArray 6.1 and higher
GetPublisherRootFolder 10.0 and higher
GetRoamingLastObservedChangeTime 6.3 and higher
GetSharedLocalFolder 10.0 and higher
GetStagedPackagePathByFullName 6.3 and higher
GetStateFolder 6.3 and higher
GetStateRootFolderBase 10.0 and higher
GetStateVersion 6.3 and higher
GetStringTableEntry 6.1 and higher
GetSystemAppDataKey 6.3 and higher
GetSystemDefaultLangID 6.1 and higher;
GetSystemDefaultLCID 6.1 and higher;
GetSystemDefaultLocaleName 6.1 and higher;
GetSystemDefaultUILanguage 6.1 and higher;
GetSystemDirectoryA 6.1 and higher;
GetSystemDirectoryW 6.1 and higher;
GetSystemFileCacheSize 6.2 and higher
GetSystemInfo 6.1 and higher;
GetSystemMetadataPath 10.0 and higher
GetSystemMetadataPathForPackageFamily 10.0 and higher
GetSystemTime 6.1 and higher;
GetSystemTimeAdjustment 6.1 and higher;
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 6.1 and higher;
GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime 6.2 and higher
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA 6.1 and higher;
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW 6.1 and higher;
GetSystemWow64DirectoryA 10.0 and higher
GetTargetPlatformContext 10.0 and higher
GetTempFileNameW 6.1 and higher;
GetTempPathA 10.0 and higher
GetThreadContext 6.2 and higher
GetThreadGroupAffinity 6.2 and higher
GetThreadId 6.1 and higher;
GetThreadIdealProcessorEx 6.2 and higher
GetThreadLocale 6.1 and higher;
GetThreadPreferredUILanguages 6.1 and higher;
GetThreadPriority 6.1 and higher;
GetThreadPriorityBoost 6.1 and higher;
GetThreadSelectedCpuSets 10.0 and higher
GetThreadUILanguage 6.1 and higher;
GetTickCount 6.1 and higher;
GetTickCount64 6.1 and higher;
GetTimeFormatA 6.2 and higher
GetTimeFormatW 6.2 and higher
GetTraceEnableLevel 6.2 and higher
GetUILanguageInfo 6.1 and higher;
GetUnicodeStringToEightBitSizeRoutine 6.2 and higher
GetUserDefaultLangID 6.1 and higher;
GetUserDefaultLCID 6.1 and higher;
GetUserDefaultLocaleName 6.1 and higher;
GetUserDefaultUILanguage 6.1 and higher;
GetUserGeoID 6.2 and higher
GetUserInfoWord 6.1 and higher
GetUserOverrideWord 10.0 and higher
GetVolumeInformationByHandleW 6.1 and higher;
GetVolumeInformationW 6.1 and higher;
GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW 6.2 and higher
GetWindowsAccountDomainSid 6.1 and higher;
GetWindowsDirectoryA 6.1 and higher;
GetWindowsDirectoryW 6.1 and higher;
GetWriteWatch 6.2 and higher
GetWsChangesEx 6.2 and higher
GlobalAlloc 6.1 and higher;
GlobalFree 6.1 and higher;
GlobalMemoryStatusEx 6.1 and higher;
HasPolicyForegroundProcessingCompletedInternal 6.2 and higher
HeapAlloc 6.1 and higher;
HeapCompact 6.1 and higher;
HeapCreate 6.1 and higher;
HeapDestroy 6.1 and higher;
HeapFree 6.1 and higher;
HeapLock 6.1 and higher;
HeapQueryInformation 6.1 and higher;
HeapReAlloc 6.1 and higher;
HeapSetInformation 6.1 and higher;
HeapSize 6.1 and higher;
HeapSummary 6.1 and higher;
HeapUnlock 6.1 and higher;
HeapValidate 6.1 and higher;
HeapWalk 6.1 and higher;
hwprintf 6.2 and higher
IdnToAscii 6.2 and higher
IdnToUnicode 6.2 and higher
InitializeAcl 6.1 and higher;
InitializeConditionVariable 6.2 and higher
InitializeCriticalSection 6.1 and higher;
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 6.1 and higher;
InitializeCriticalSectionEx 6.1 and higher;
InitializeProcessForWsWatch 6.2 and higher
InitializeProcThreadAttributeList 6.1 and higher;
InitOnceBeginInitialize 6.2 and higher
InitOnceExecuteOnce 6.2 and higher
InstallELAMCertificateInfo 6.3 and higher
Internal_EnumDateFormats 6.1 and higher
Internal_EnumSystemCodePages 6.1 and higher
Internal_EnumSystemLocales 6.1 and higher
Internal_EnumUILanguages 6.1 and higher
InternalLcidToName 6.1 and higher
InternetTimeFromSystemTimeW 6.2 and higher
InternetTimeToSystemTimeW 6.2 and higher
InvalidateTzSpecificCache 6.1 only
IsCharAlphaNumericA 6.2 and higher
IsCharAlphaW 6.2 and higher
IsCharCntrlW 6.2 and higher
IsCharLowerA 6.2 and higher
IsCharPunctW 6.2 and higher
IsCharSpaceW 6.2 and higher
IsCharUpperW 6.2 and higher
IsDBCSLeadByte 6.1 and higher;
IsDBCSLeadByteEx 6.1 and higher;
IsDebuggerPresent 6.1 and higher;
IsDeveloperModeEnabled 10.0 and higher
IsInternetESCEnabled 6.2 and higher
IsProcessCritical 6.3 and higher
IsSideloadingEnabled 10.0 and higher
IsSyncForegroundPolicyRefresh 6.2 and higher
IsThreadpoolTimerSet 6.1 and higher;
IsTimeZoneRedirectionEnabled 6.2 and higher
IsValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor 6.1 and higher;
IsValidSecurityDescriptor 6.1 and higher;
IsValidSid 6.1 and higher;
IsWellKnownSid 6.1 and higher;
IsWow64Process 6.1 and higher;
K32EmptyWorkingSet 6.2 and higher
K32EnumPageFilesA 6.2 and higher
K32EnumProcesses 6.2 and higher
K32EnumProcessModules 6.2 and higher
K32GetDeviceDriverBaseNameW 6.2 and higher
K32GetDeviceDriverFileNameW 6.2 and higher
K32GetMappedFileNameW 6.2 and higher
K32GetModuleBaseNameW 6.2 and higher
K32GetModuleFileNameExW 6.2 and higher
K32GetPerformanceInfo 6.2 and higher
K32GetProcessImageFileNameW 6.2 and higher
K32GetWsChanges 6.2 and higher
K32InitializeProcessForWsWatch 6.2 and higher
K32QueryWorkingSetEx 6.2 and higher
LCIDToLocaleName 6.1 and higher;
LCMapStringA 6.1 and higher;
LCMapStringEx 6.1 and higher;
LCMapStringW 6.1 and higher;
LeaveCriticalPolicySectionInternal 6.2 and higher
LoadLibraryA 10.0 and higher
LoadPackagedLibrary 10.0 and higher
LoadStringW 6.1 and higher;
LocalAlloc 6.1 and higher;
LocaleNameToLCID 6.1 and higher;
LocalFileTimeToFileTime 6.1 and higher;
LocalFree 6.1 and higher;
LocalLock 6.1 and higher;
LocalReAlloc 6.1 and higher;
LocalUnlock 6.1 and higher;
LocateXStateFeature 6.3 and higher
MapUserPhysicalPages 6.3 and higher
MoveFileExW 6.2 and higher
MoveFileWithProgressW 6.2 and higher
MultiByteToWideChar 6.1 and higher;
NamedPipeEventEnum 10.0 and higher
NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathA 6.1 and higher;
NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathW 6.1 and higher;
NlsCheckPolicy 6.1 and higher;
NlsDispatchAnsiEnumProc 6.1 and higher
NlsGetCacheUpdateCount 6.1 and higher;
NlsIsUserDefaultLocale 6.1 and higher
NlsWriteEtwEvent 6.1 and higher;
NormalizeString 6.2 and higher
NotifyRedirectedStringChange 6.1 and higher
OpenEventA 6.1 and higher;
OpenEventW 6.1 and higher;
OpenFileById 6.3 and higher
OpenFileMappingW 6.1 and higher;
OpenGlobalizationUserSettingsKey 10.0 and higher
OpenPackageInfoByFullNameForUser 10.0 and higher
OpenProcess 6.1 and higher;
OpenProcessToken 6.1 and higher;
OpenRegKey 6.1 and higher
OpenStateAtom 6.3 and higher
OpenStateExplicitForUserSid 10.0 and higher
OpenThread 6.1 and higher;
OpenThreadToken 6.1 and higher;
OpenTraceW 6.2 and higher
PackageFamilyNameFromFullName 6.3 and higher
PackageFamilyNameFromProductId 10.0 and higher
PackageFullNameFromProductId 10.0 and higher
PackageIdFromProductId 10.0 and higher
PackageRelativeApplicationIdFromProductId 10.0 and higher
PackageSidFromProductId 10.0 and higher
ParseURLA 6.2 and higher
PathAddBackslashA 6.2 and higher
PathAddExtensionA 6.2 and higher
PathAllocCanonicalize 6.2 and higher
PathAppendA 6.2 and higher
PathCanonicalizeA 6.2 and higher
PathCchAddBackslash 6.2 and higher
PathCchAddExtension 6.2 and higher
PathCchAppendEx 6.2 and higher
PathCchCanonicalizeEx 6.2 and higher
PathCchCombineEx 6.2 and higher
PathCchIsRoot 6.2 and higher
PathCchRemoveBackslashEx 6.2 and higher
PathCchRemoveFileSpec 6.2 and higher
PathCchSkipRoot 6.2 and higher
PathCchStripToRoot 6.2 and higher
PathCombineA 6.2 and higher
PathCommonPrefixA 6.2 and higher
PathCreateFromUrlA 6.2 and higher
PathCreateFromUrlW 6.2 and higher
PathFileExistsW 6.2 and higher
PathFindExtensionW 6.2 and higher
PathFindFileNameW 6.2 and higher
PathFindNextComponentW 6.2 and higher
PathGetArgsW 6.2 and higher
PathGetCharTypeW 6.2 and higher
PathGetDriveNumberW 6.2 and higher
PathIsFileSpecA 6.2 and higher
PathIsLFNFileSpecA 6.2 and higher
PathIsPrefixA 6.2 and higher
PathIsRelativeA 6.2 and higher
PathIsRootA 6.2 and higher
PathIsSameRootA 6.2 and higher
PathIsUNCA 6.2 and higher
PathIsUNCServerA 6.2 and higher
PathIsUNCServerShareW 6.2 and higher
PathIsUNCW 6.2 and higher
PathIsURLW 6.2 and higher
PathIsValidCharW 6.2 and higher
PathMatchSpecExA 6.2 and higher
PathMatchSpecW 6.2 and higher
PathParseIconLocationW 6.2 and higher
PathQuoteSpacesW 6.2 and higher
PathRelativePathToW 6.2 and higher
PathRemoveBackslashW 6.2 and higher
PathRemoveBlanksW 6.2 and higher
PathRemoveExtensionW 6.2 and higher
PathRemoveFileSpecW 6.2 and higher
PathRenameExtensionW 6.2 and higher
PathSearchAndQualifyW 6.2 and higher
PathSkipRootW 6.2 and higher
PathStripPathW 6.2 and higher
PathStripToRootW 6.2 and higher
PathUnExpandEnvStringsW 6.2 and higher
PathUnquoteSpacesW 6.2 and higher
PcwClearCounterSetSecurity 10.0 and higher
PcwCompleteNotification 10.0 and higher
PcwCreateQuery 10.0 and higher
PcwEnumerateInstances 10.0 and higher
PcwQueryCounterSetSecurity 10.0 and higher
PcwRegisterCounterSet 10.0 and higher
PcwSendNotification 10.0 and higher
PcwSetCounterSetSecurity 10.0 and higher
PeekConsoleInputA 6.2 and higher
PeekNamedPipe 6.1 and higher;
PerfCreateInstance 10.0 and higher
PerfDecrementULongLongCounterValue 10.0 and higher
PerfIncrementULongCounterValue 10.0 and higher
PerfQueryInstance 10.0 and higher
PerfSetCounterSetInfo 10.0 and higher
PerfSetULongLongCounterValue 10.0 and higher
PerfStartProviderEx 10.0 and higher
PoolPerAppKeyStateInternal 6.2 and higher
PrivCopyFileExW 6.2 and higher
ProductIdFromPackageFamilyName 10.0 and higher
PsmCreateKeyWithDynamicId 10.0 and higher
PsmEqualPackage 6.3 and higher
PsmGetKeyFromProcess 6.3 and higher
PsmGetPackageFullNameFromKey 6.3 and higher
PsmIsDynamicKey 6.3 and higher
PssCaptureSnapshot 10.0 and higher
PssFreeSnapshot 10.0 and higher
PssWalkMarkerCreate 10.0 and higher
PssWalkMarkerGetPosition 10.0 and higher
PssWalkMarkerSetPosition 10.0 and higher
PublishStateChangeNotification 6.3 and higher
QISearch 6.2 and higher
QueryActCtxW 6.2 and higher
QueryAllTracesW 6.2 and higher
QueryFullProcessImageNameW 6.2 and higher
QueryIdleProcessorCycleTimeEx 6.2 and higher
QueryInterruptTimePrecise 10.0 and higher
QueryOptionalDelayLoadedAPI 6.2 and higher
QueryProtectedPolicy 10.0 and higher
QueryStateContainerItemInfo 6.3 and higher
QueryThreadpoolStackInformation 6.1 and higher documented (KERNEL32)
QueryUnbiasedInterruptTimePrecise 10.0 and higher
QueryWorkingSetEx 6.2 and higher
QuirkGetData 6.3 and higher
QuirkIsEnabled 6.3 and higher
QuirkIsEnabled3 6.3 and higher
QuirkIsEnabledForPackage2 6.3 and higher
QuirkIsEnabledForPackage4 10.0 and higher
RaiseException 6.1 and higher;
RaiseFailFastException 10.0 and higher
ReadConsoleA 6.2 and higher
ReadConsoleInputExA 6.2 and higher
ReadConsoleInputW 6.2 and higher
ReadConsoleOutputAttribute 6.2 and higher
ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW 6.2 and higher
ReadConsoleW 6.2 and higher
ReadFile 6.1 and higher;
ReadFileEx 6.1 and higher;
ReadFileScatter 6.1 and higher;
ReadProcessMemory 6.1 and higher;
ReadStateAtomValue 6.3 and higher
ReclaimVirtualMemory 6.3 from Windows 8.1 Update, and higher
RefreshPolicyInternal 6.2 and higher
RegCopyTreeW 6.2 and higher
RegCreateKeyExInternalA 6.2 and higher
RegCreateKeyExW 6.2 and higher
RegDeleteKeyExInternalA 6.2 and higher
RegDeleteKeyExW 6.2 and higher
RegDeleteKeyValueW 10.0 and higher
RegDeleteTreeW 6.2 and higher
RegDeleteValueW 6.2 and higher
RegEnumKeyExA 6.2 and higher
RegEnumValueA 6.2 and higher
RegFlushKey 6.2 and higher
RegGetValueA 6.2 and higher
RegisterBadMemoryNotification 6.3 and higher
RegisterStateChangeNotification 6.3 and higher
RegisterTraceGuidsA 6.2 and higher
RegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx 6.1 and higher;
RegKrnGetAppKeyEventAddressInternal 6.2 and higher
RegKrnGetClassesEnumTableAddressInternal 6.2 and higher
RegKrnGetTermsrvRegistryExtensionFlags 6.2 and higher
RegKrnSetDllHasThreadStateGlobal 6.2 and higher
RegLoadAppKeyA 6.2 and higher
RegLoadKeyA 6.2 and higher
RegLoadMUIStringA 6.2 and higher
RegNotifyChangeKeyValue 6.2 and higher
RegOpenKeyExA 6.2 and higher
RegOpenKeyExInternalW 6.2 and higher
RegOpenUserClassesRoot 6.2 and higher
RegQueryInfoKeyW 6.2 and higher
RegQueryValueExW 6.2 and higher
RegRestoreKeyW 6.2 and higher
RegSaveKeyExW 6.2 and higher
RegSetKeyValueA 10.0 and higher
RegSetValueExA 6.2 and higher
RegUnLoadKeyA 6.2 and higher
ReleaseActCtx 6.2 and higher
RemapPredefinedHandleInternal 6.2 and higher
RemovePackageStatus 10.0 and higher
RemoveTraceCallback 6.2 and higher
RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler 6.2 and higher
ReplaceFileW 6.2 and higher
ResetWriteWatch 6.2 and higher
ResolveDelayLoadsFromDll 6.2 and higher
RestoreLastError 6.2 and higher
SaveStateRootFolderPath 10.0 and higher
ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW 6.2 and higher
SearchPathW 6.1 and higher;
SetAclInformation 6.1 and higher;
SetCachedSigningLevel 6.2 and higher
SetClientTimeZoneInformation 6.2 and higher
SetCommConfig 6.2 and higher
SetCommState 6.2 and higher
SetComputerNameA 10.0 and higher
SetComputerNameEx2W 6.3 and higher
SetComputerNameW 10.0 and higher
SetConsoleCP 6.2 and higher
SetConsoleCursorInfo 6.2 and higher
SetConsoleInputExeNameA 6.2 and higher
SetConsoleMode 6.2 and higher
SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx 6.2 and higher
SetConsoleTextAttribute 6.2 and higher
SetConsoleWindowInfo 6.2 and higher
SetDynamicTimeZoneInformation 6.2 and higher
SetFilePointer 6.1 and higher;
SetFilePointerEx 6.1 and higher;
SetFileSecurityW 6.1 and higher;
SetFileTime 6.1 and higher;
SetFileValidData 6.1 and higher;
SetHandleCount 6.1 and higher;
SetHandleInformation 6.1 and higher;
SetIsDeveloperModeEnabled 10.0 and higher
SetKernelObjectSecurity 6.1 and higher;
SetLastConsoleEventActive 6.2 and higher
SetProcessGroupAffinity 6.2 and higher
SetProcessMitigationPolicy 6.2 and higher
SetProcessPriorityBoost 6.3 and higher
SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx 6.2 and higher
SetRoamingLastObservedChangeTime 6.3 and higher
SetStdHandle 6.1 and higher;
SetStdHandleEx 6.1 and higher;
SetSystemFileCacheSize 6.2 and higher
SetSystemTimeAdjustment 6.3 and higher
SetThreadErrorMode 10.0 and higher
SetThreadIdealProcessor 10.0 and higher
SetThreadInformation 6.3 and higher
SetThreadpoolStackInformation 6.1 and higher documented (KERNEL32)
SetThreadpoolWait 6.1 and higher;
SetThreadpoolWaitEx 6.2 and higher
SetThreadPriority 6.1 and higher;
SetThreadPriorityBoost 6.1 and higher;
SetThreadSelectedCpuSets 10.0 and higher
SetTokenInformation 6.1 and higher;
SetTraceCallback 6.2 and higher
SetUserGeoID 6.2 and higher
SetXStateFeaturesMask 6.3 and higher
SharedLocalIsEnabled 10.0 and higher
SHCoCreateInstance 6.2 and higher
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsA 6.2 and higher
SHGetDesktopFolder 6.2 to 6.3
SHGetFolderLocation 6.2 to 6.3
SHGetFolderPathAndSubDirW 6.2 to 6.3
SHGetInstanceExplorer 6.2 to 6.3
SHGetSpecialFolderPathA 6.2 to 6.3
SHLoadIndirectString 6.2 and higher
SHRegCloseUSKey 6.2 and higher
SHRegCreateUSKeyW 6.2 and higher
SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyW 6.2 and higher
SHRegDeleteUSValueW 6.2 and higher
SHRegEnumUSKeyW 6.2 and higher
SHRegEnumUSValueW 6.2 and higher
SHRegGetBoolUSValueW 6.2 and higher
SHRegGetUSValueW 6.2 and higher
SHRegOpenUSKeyW 6.2 and higher
SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyW 6.2 and higher
SHRegQueryUSValueW 6.2 and higher
SHRegSetUSValueW 6.2 and higher
SHRegWriteUSValueW 6.2 and higher
SHTruncateString 6.2 and higher
SizeofResource 6.1 and higher;
Sleep 6.1 and higher;
SleepConditionVariableCS 6.2 and higher
SleepEx 6.1 and higher;
SpecialMBToWC 6.1 and higher
StartTraceW 6.2 and higher
StmAllocateFlat 10.0 and higher
StmDeinitialize 10.0 and higher
StmReduceSize 10.0 and higher
StmWrite 10.0 and higher
StrCatBuffA 6.2 and higher
StrCatChainW 6.2 and higher
StrChrA_MB 6.2 and higher
StrChrIW 6.2 and higher
StrChrNW 6.2 and higher
StrCmpCA 6.2 and higher
StrCmpICA 6.2 and higher
StrCmpIW 6.2 and higher
StrCmpNA 6.2 and higher
StrCmpNCW 6.2 and higher
StrCmpNICA 6.2 and higher
StrCmpNIW 6.2 and higher
StrCmpW 6.2 and higher
StrCpyNXA 6.2 and higher
StrCSpnA 6.2 and higher
StrCSpnIW 6.2 and higher
StrDupA 6.2 and higher
StrIsIntlEqualA 6.2 and higher
StrPBrkA 6.2 and higher
StrRChrA 6.2 and higher
StrRChrIW 6.2 and higher
StrRStrIA 6.2 and higher
StrSpnA 6.2 and higher
StrStrA 6.2 and higher
StrStrIW 6.2 and higher
StrStrNW 6.2 and higher
StrToInt64ExA 6.2 and higher
StrToIntA 6.2 and higher
StrToIntExW 6.2 and higher
StrTrimA 6.2 and higher
SubmitThreadpoolWork 6.1 and higher;
SubscribeStateChangeNotification 6.3 and higher
SwitchToThread 6.1 and higher;
SystemTimeToFileTime 6.1 and higher;
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime 6.1 and higher;
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTimeEx 6.2 and higher
TerminateThread 6.1 and higher;
time 6.2 and higher
TlsAlloc 6.1 and higher;
TlsFree 6.1 and higher;
TlsGetValue 6.1 and higher;
TlsSetValue 6.1 and higher;
TraceEvent 6.2 and higher
TraceMessageVa 6.2 and higher
TraceSetInformation 6.2 and higher
TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive 6.1 and higher documented (KERNEL32)
TryEnterCriticalSection 6.1 and higher;
TrySubmitThreadpoolCallback 6.1 and higher;
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime 6.1 and higher;
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTimeEx 6.2 and higher
UnlockFile 6.1 and higher;
UnlockFileEx 6.1 and higher;
UnmapViewOfFile 6.1 and higher;
UnmapViewOfFileEx 6.2 and higher
UnregisterGPNotificationInternal 6.2 and higher
UnregisterStateLock 6.3 and higher
UnregisterWaitEx 6.1 and higher;
UnsubscribeStateChangeNotification 6.3 and higher
UpdatePackageStatusForUser 10.0 and higher
UrlApplySchemeW 6.2 and higher
UrlCanonicalizeW 6.2 and higher
UrlCombineW 6.2 and higher
UrlCompareW 6.2 and higher
UrlCreateFromPathW 6.2 and higher
UrlEscapeW 6.2 and higher
UrlGetLocationA 6.2 and higher
UrlGetPartA 6.2 and higher
UrlHashA 6.2 and higher
UrlIsA 6.2 and higher
UrlIsNoHistoryW 6.2 and higher
UrlIsOpaqueW 6.2 and higher
UrlUnescapeA 6.2 and higher
VerFindFileA 6.2 and higher
VerifyPackageFamilyName 10.0 and higher
VerifyPackageId 10.0 and higher
VerifyScripts 6.2 and higher
VerLanguageNameA 6.1 and higher;
VerLanguageNameW 6.1 and higher;
VerQueryValueA 6.2 and higher
VerSetConditionMask 6.2 and higher
VirtualFree 6.1 and higher;
VirtualFreeEx 6.1 and higher;
VirtualLock 6.2 and higher
VirtualQuery 6.1 and higher;
VirtualQueryEx 6.1 and higher;
VirtualUnlock 6.2 and higher
WaitForDebugEvent 6.2 and higher
WaitForMachinePolicyForegroundProcessingInternal 6.2 and higher
WaitForMultipleObjectsEx 6.1 and higher;
WaitForSingleObject 6.1 and higher;
WaitForSingleObjectEx 6.1 and higher;
WaitForThreadpoolIoCallbacks 6.1 and higher;
WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks 6.1 and higher;
WaitForThreadpoolWaitCallbacks 6.1 and higher;
WaitForThreadpoolWorkCallbacks 6.1 and higher;
WaitForUserPolicyForegroundProcessingInternal 6.2 and higher
WakeAllConditionVariable 6.2 and higher
WakeByAddressSingle 6.2 and higher
WerGetFlags 10.0 and higher
WerpNotifyLoadStringResource 6.2 and higher
WerRegisterMemoryBlock 6.2 and higher
WerSetFlags 10.0 and higher
WerUnregisterMemoryBlock 6.2 and higher
WideCharToMultiByte 6.1 and higher;
Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection 6.1 and higher;
Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection 6.1 and higher;
wprintf 6.2 and higher
WriteConsoleA 6.2 and higher
WriteConsoleInputW 6.2 and higher
WriteConsoleOutputAttribute 6.2 and higher
WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW 6.2 and higher
WriteConsoleW 6.2 and higher
WriteStateContainerValue 6.3 and higher
WTSIsServerContainer 10.0 and higher
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