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Created June 28, 2021 10:55
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Require Import Reals Lra Equivalence Utf8.
Open Scope R.
Reserved Infix "~>" (at level 90, right associativity).
Reserved Infix "∘" (at level 40, left associativity).
Definition set A := A → Prop.
Axiom SetExtensionality: ∀ {A} (X Y: set A), (∀ a, X a ↔ Y a) ↔ X = Y.
Definition empty_set A: set A := λ x, False.
Definition full_set A: set A := λ x, True.
Definition union {A} (X Y: set A): set A := λ a, X a ∨ Y a.
Definition intersection {A} (X Y: set A): set A := λ a, X a ∧ Y a.
Definition difference {A} (X Y: set A): set A := λ a, X a ∧ ¬ Y a.
Structure function A B := {
graph: set (A * B);
function_property: ∀ x y1 y2, graph (x, y1) → graph (x, y2) → y1 = y2
Arguments graph: default implicits.
Arguments function_property: default implicits.
Notation "a ~> b" := (function a b).
Definition domain {A B} (f: A ~> B): set A := λ x, ∃ y, graph f (x, y).
Definition range {A B} (f: A ~> B): set B := λ y, ∃ x, graph f (x, y).
Definition preimage {A B} (f: A ~> B) (y: B): set A := λ x, graph f (x, y).
Definition set_image {A B} (f: A ~> B) (X: set A) (*(H: subset X (domain f))*): set B :=
λ y, (∃ x, X x ∧ graph f (x, y)).
Definition set_preimage {A B} (f: A ~> B) (Y: set B) (*(H: subset Y (full_set B))*): set A :=
λ x, ∃ y, Y y ∧ graph f (x, y).
Definition function_equiv {A B} (f g: A ~> B) := ∀ x, graph f x ↔ graph g x.
Instance function_equiv_proof {A B} (f g: A ~> B): Equivalence (@function_equiv A B).
+ unfold Reflexive. unfold function_equiv. tauto.
+ unfold Symmetric. unfold function_equiv. intros. rewrite H. auto. tauto.
+ unfold Transitive. unfold function_equiv. intros. rewrite H, H0. tauto.
Definition arr {A B} (f: A → B): A ~> B.
exists (λ p, match p with (x, y) => y = f x end).
Definition compose {A B C} (f: A ~> B) (g: B ~> C): A ~> C.
exists (λ p, match p with (x, z) => ∃ y, graph f (x, y) ∧ graph g (y, z) end).
intros. destruct H as [t1 [H1 H2]], H0 as [t2 [H3 H4]].
assert (t1 = t2). { eapply f; eauto. }
subst. eapply g; eauto.
Notation "f ∘ g" := (compose f g).
Definition first {A B C} (f: A ~> B): A * C ~> B * C.
exists (λ p, match p with ((x, z1), (y, z2)) => graph f (x, y) ∧ (z1 = z2) end).
intros. destruct x, y1, y2. destruct H, H0. subst.
pose proof (function_property f _ _ _ H H0). subst. auto.
Definition second {A B C} (f: B ~> C): A * B ~> A * C.
exists (λ p, match p with ((x1, y), (x2, z)) => graph f (y, z) ∧ (x1 = x2) end).
intros. destruct x, y1, y2. destruct H, H0. subst.
pose proof (function_property f _ _ _ H H0). subst. auto.
Definition split_and_combine {A B C D} (f: A ~> B) (g: C ~> D): A * C ~> B * D.
exists (λ p, match p with ((x1, x2), (y1, y2)) => graph f (x1, y1) ∧ graph g (x2, y2) end).
intros. destruct x, y1, y2. destruct H, H0.
pose proof (function_property f _ _ _ H H0). pose proof (function_property g _ _ _ H1 H2).
subst. auto.
Definition fanout {A B C} (f: A ~> B) (g: A ~> C): A ~> B * C.
exists (λ p, match p with (x, (y1, y2)) => graph f (x, y1) ∧ graph g (x, y2) end).
intros. destruct y1, y2. destruct H, H0.
pose proof (function_property f _ _ _ H H0). pose proof (function_property g _ _ _ H1 H2).
subst. auto.
(* Theorems about domains *)
Definition set_eq {A} (X Y: set A): Prop := ∀ x, X x ↔ Y x.
Theorem domain_of_arr {A B} (f: A → B): domain (arr f) = @full_set A.
unfold arr, domain, full_set. simpl. apply SetExtensionality. split; intros.
+ auto.
+ eauto.
Theorem domain_of_composition {A B C} (f: A ~> B) (g: B ~> C):
domain (f ∘ g) = intersection (domain f) (set_preimage f (domain g)).
unfold domain, compose, set_preimage, intersection, range.
simpl. apply SetExtensionality. split; intros.
+ destruct H as [z [y [H H0]]]. split.
- eauto.
- eauto.
+ destruct H as [[y H] [y0 [[z H0] H1]]]. eauto.
Theorem domain_of_first {A B C} (f: A ~> B):
domain (@first _ _ C f) = λ p, domain f (fst p).
unfold first, domain. simpl. apply SetExtensionality. split; intros.
+ destruct a. simpl. destruct H as [[y z] [H0 H1]]. subst. eauto.
+ destruct a. simpl in *. destruct H as [y H]. exists (y, c). auto.
Theorem domain_of_second {A B C} (f: B ~> C):
domain (@second A _ _ f) = λ p, domain f (snd p).
unfold second, domain. simpl. apply SetExtensionality. split; intros.
+ destruct a. simpl. destruct H as [y H]. destruct y. destruct H. eauto.
+ destruct a, H as [y H]. simpl in *. exists (a, y). auto.
Theorem domain_of_split_and_combine {A B C D} (f: A ~> B) (g: C ~> D):
domain (split_and_combine f g) = λ p, match p with (x, y) => domain f x ∧ domain g y end.
unfold domain, split_and_combine. simpl. apply SetExtensionality. split; intros.
+ destruct a. destruct H as [[y w] [H H0]]. split; eauto.
+ destruct a. destruct H as [[y H] [w H0]]. exists (y, w). auto.
Theorem domain_of_fanout {A B C} (f: A ~> B) (g: A ~> C):
domain (fanout f g) = intersection (domain f) (domain g).
unfold domain, fanout, intersection. simpl. apply SetExtensionality. split; intros.
+ destruct H as [[y z] [H H0]]. eauto.
+ destruct H as [[y H] [z H0]]. exists (y, z). auto.
Theorem range_of_fanout {A B C} (f: A ~> B) (g: A ~> C):
range (fanout f g) = λ p, match p with (x, y) => range f x ∧ range g y end.
unfold range, fanout. simpl. apply SetExtensionality. split; intros.
+ destruct a. destruct H as [x [H H0]]. eauto.
+ destruct a. destruct H as [[x H] [x0 H0]].
(* Experimenting *)
Definition Rplus': R * R ~> R := arr (λ p, match p with (x, y) => x + y end).
Definition test1: R ~> R.
exists (λ p, match p with (x, y) => x < 4 ∧ x = y end).
intros. abstract lra.
Definition test2: R ~> R.
exists (λ p, match p with (x, y) => x > - 4 ∧ x = y end).
intros. abstract lra.
Definition combination: R ~> R := (fanout test1 test2) ∘ Rplus'.
Definition domain_of_combination: domain combination = λ x, -4 < x < 4.
assert (domain test1 = λ x, x < 4).
{ unfold domain, test1. simpl. apply SetExtensionality. split; intros.
+ destruct H. tauto.
+ eauto. }
assert (domain test2 = λ x, x > -4).
{ unfold domain, test2. simpl. apply SetExtensionality. split; intros.
+ destruct H0. tauto.
+ eauto. }
unfold combination. rewrite domain_of_composition.
unfold Rplus'. rewrite domain_of_arr. rewrite domain_of_fanout.
assert (∀ A B (f: A ~> B), set_preimage f (@full_set _) = domain f).
{ intros. unfold full_set, set_preimage, domain. apply SetExtensionality. split; intros.
+ destruct H1 as [y [H1 H2]]. eauto.
+ destruct H1 as [y H1]. eauto. }
rewrite H1. rewrite domain_of_fanout. rewrite H, H0.
unfold intersection. apply SetExtensionality. split; intros.
+ tauto.
+ tauto.
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