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Last active June 30, 2020 10:04
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Script for generating multi-shell diffusion gradient tables for Siemens platforms (Note: executes against MRtrix3 >= 3.0.0 version)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import math, os, sys
def usage(cmdline): #pylint: disable=unused-variable
cmdline.set_author('Robert E. Smith (')
cmdline.set_synopsis('Generate diffusion gradient tables in the DVS format for Siemens scanners')
cmdline.add_argument('sets', type=int, help='The number of sets into which to break the scheme')
cmdline.add_argument('bzeros', type=int, help='Total number of b=0 images')
cmdline.add_argument('shells', nargs='+', type=int, metavar='<bvalue volumes>', help='Additional b-value shells, provided as bvalue-volumecount pairs')
cmdline.add_argument('output', help='The output DVS file')
cmdline.add_argument('-export_grad_mrtrix', metavar='file', help='Export the gradient table in MRtrix3 format')
def execute(): #pylint: disable=unused-variable
from mrtrix3 import MRtrixError #pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-outside-toplevel
from mrtrix3 import app, matrix, path, run #pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-outside-toplevel
if app.ARGS.sets < 1:
raise MRtrixError('Number of sets must be at least 1')
if len(app.ARGS.shells) % 2:
raise MRtrixError('Must provide shell information as bvalue - volumecount pairs')
if app.ARGS.bzeros / app.ARGS.sets < 2:
raise MRtrixError('Require at least two b=0 volumes per set')
class Shell(object):
def __init__(self, sets, bvalue, volumes):
self.bvalue = bvalue
self.volumes = volumes
self.dirgen_path = 'dirs_' + str(bvalue) + '.txt'
self.dirsplit_paths = [ os.path.splitext(self.dirgen_path)[0] + '_' + str(index) + '.txt' for index in range(0, sets) ] if sets > 1 else [ self.dirgen_path ]
self.dirflip_paths = [ os.path.splitext(filepath)[0] + '_flip.txt' for filepath in self.dirsplit_paths ]
self.dirorder_paths = [ os.path.splitext(filepath)[0] + '_order.txt' for filepath in self.dirflip_paths ]
shells = [ ]
bmax = max(app.ARGS.shells[0::2])
for bvalue, volumes in zip(app.ARGS.shells[0::2], app.ARGS.shells[1::2]):
shell = Shell(app.ARGS.sets, int(bvalue), int(volumes))
# Generate the directions
run.command('dirgen ' + str(shell.volumes) + ' ' + shell.dirgen_path + ' -niter 1M -restarts 1K -cartesian')
# Split the directions into discrete subsets
if app.ARGS.sets > 1:
run.command('dirsplit ' + shell.dirgen_path + ' ' + ' '.join(shell.dirsplit_paths) + ' -cartesian')
for splitfile, flipfile, orderfile in zip(shell.dirsplit_paths, shell.dirflip_paths, shell.dirorder_paths):
# Flip the directions to balance eddy currents
run.command('dirflip ' + splitfile + ' ' + flipfile + ' -cartesian')
# Manual combination of the different sets
grads = [ ]
for set_index in range(0, app.ARGS.sets):
# Make use of dirmerge instead of dirorder:
# this allows for some control of eddy current accumulation via unipolar model
# Don't include b=0 volumes
dirmerge_path = 'dirmerge_' + str(set_index) + '.txt'
run.command('dirmerge -unipolar 0.5 1 '
+ ' '.join(str(item.bvalue) + ' ' + item.dirflip_paths[set_index] for item in shells)
+ ' ' + dirmerge_path)
grad = [row[0:4] for row in matrix.load_matrix(dirmerge_path)]
# How many b=0 images in this set?
bzero_count = round(app.ARGS.bzeros * (set_index+1) / float(app.ARGS.sets)) - round(app.ARGS.bzeros * set_index / float(app.ARGS.sets))
# Add the b=0 volumes
# If at least 3 b=0 volumes, have a pair at the start of the acquisition
if bzero_count >= 3:
bzero_volume_increment = len(grad) / (bzero_count-2)
new_grad = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
bzero_volume_increment = len(grad) / (bzero_count-1)
new_grad = [[0, 0, 0, 0]]
bzero_accumulator = 0.0
bzeros_to_insert = bzero_count - len(new_grad)
for bzero_index in range(0, bzeros_to_insert):
bzero_accumulator += bzero_volume_increment
volumes_from_grad = round(bzero_accumulator)
grad = grad[volumes_from_grad:]
new_grad.append([0, 0, 0, 0])
bzero_accumulator -= volumes_from_grad
grad = new_grad
# We export the file at this level, since there's one file for each set
if app.ARGS.export_grad_mrtrix:
filename = path.from_user(app.ARGS.export_grad_mrtrix, False)
if app.ARGS.sets > 1:
filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '_' + str(set_index+1) + (os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if len(os.path.splitext(filename))>1 else '.b')
# TODO Custom export
matrix.save_matrix(filename, grad)
volume_index_digits = math.floor(math.log10(len(grad)-1))
dvs = '[directions=' + str(len(grad)-1) + ']\r\n'
dvs += 'CoordinateSystem = xyz\r\n'
dvs += 'Normalisation = none\r\n'
# DVS file omits the first b=0 volume
for index, line_in in enumerate(grad[1:]):
v = line_in[0:3]
b = line_in[3]
# Scale vector based on its ratio to the max b-value
v = [value * math.sqrt(b) / math.sqrt(bmax) for value in v]
dvs += 'Vector[' + str(index) + '] ' + (' ' * (volume_index_digits - math.floor(math.log10(max([1, index]))))) + '= ( ' \
+ ', '.join("{:18.15f}".format(value) for value in v) \
+ ' )\r\n'
filename = path.from_user(app.ARGS.output, False)
if app.ARGS.sets > 1:
filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '_' + str(set_index+1) + '.dvs'
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
# Execute the script
import mrtrix3
mrtrix3.execute() #pylint: disable=no-member
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