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Created October 31, 2022 19:42
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Wrapper for evaluation, that can be reordered for efficiency
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Calc (
Calc, call, runCalc, runCalcM, extractCalls,
runCalcSortBy, runCalcSortOn, runCalcSort,
contramapRes, mapInit, traverseInit
) where
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.List (sortBy)
-- | Calculation of @a@ with possible calls to @x -> y@ function
data Calc x y a where
Pure :: a -> Calc x y a
App :: Calc x y (a -> b) -> Calc x y a -> Calc x y b
Call :: x -> Calc x y y
instance Show x => Show (Calc x y a) where
show = \case
Pure _ -> "Pure"
App ca ca' -> "(App " <> show ca <> " " <> show ca' <> ")"
Call x -> "(Call " <> show x <> ")"
instance Functor (Calc x y) where
fmap f = App (Pure f)
instance Applicative (Calc x y) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = App
call :: x -> Calc x y y
call = Call
-- | Run calculation using given function
runCalc :: (x -> y) -> Calc x y a -> a
runCalc f = \case
Pure a -> a
App cab ca -> runCalc f cab $ runCalc f ca
Call x -> f x
-- | Effectful version of 'runCalc'
runCalcM :: Applicative m => (x -> m y) -> Calc x y a -> m a
runCalcM f = \case
Pure a -> pure a
App cab ca -> ($) <$> runCalcM f cab <*> runCalcM f ca
Call x -> f x
extractCalls :: Calc x y a -> (Calc Int y a, IntMap x)
extractCalls ca = let (ca', xs, _) = go 1 ca in (ca', xs)
go :: Int -> Calc x y a -> (Calc Int y a, IntMap x, Int)
go i = \case
Pure a -> (Pure a, mempty, i)
App cab ca -> (App cab' ca', xab <> xa, i'')
(cab', xab, i') = go i cab
(ca', xa, i'') = go i' ca
Call x -> (Call i, IM.singleton i x, i + 1)
-- | Run reordered calculation.
runCalcSortBy :: (Monad m, Show x) =>
(x -> x -> Ordering) -> (x -> m y) -> Calc x y a -> m a
runCalcSortBy comp f ca = do
let (ca', imxs) = extractCalls ca
xs = sortBy (comp `on` snd) $ IM.toList imxs
ys <- traverse (\(k, x) -> (k, ) <$> f x) xs
let imys = IM.fromList ys
pure $ runCalc (imys IM.!) ca'
runCalcSortOn :: (Monad m, Ord x', Show x) =>
(x -> x') -> (x -> m y) -> Calc x y a -> m a
runCalcSortOn g = runCalcSortBy (compare `on` g)
runCalcSort :: (Monad m, Ord x, Show x) => (x -> m y) -> Calc x y a -> m a
runCalcSort = runCalcSortBy compare
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Calc (call, runCalcSortOn)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.State (evalState, gets, modify)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.List (findIndex, isPrefixOf, permutations,
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Traversable (for)
type Pos = (Int, Int)
class ErrPretty e where
errPretty :: e -> [(Pos, String)]
renderErrors :: ErrPretty e => String -> [e] -> String
renderErrors src es = runCalcSortOn fst prPos h `evalState` (0, src)
h = unlines <$> for es \e ->
unlines <$> for (errPretty e) \(pos, lbl) -> do
loc <- call pos
pure $ loc ++ "\n" ++ lbl
prPos (b, e) = do
o <- gets fst
when (b < o) $
error "Non monotonic error positions!"
modify $ bimap (const b) (drop (b - o))
gets (take (e - b + 1) . snd)
data MyError
= Foo Pos
| Bar Pos Pos
instance ErrPretty MyError where
errPretty = \case
Foo p -> [(p, "Foo occured here!")]
Bar p p' -> [ (p, "Bar occured here!")
, (p', "Note: here is something related to the problem")
check :: [(String, String)]
check = map h (permutations ["42", "bar", "lorem", "foo", "ipsum", "sit"])
h strs = let str = unwords strs
beg s = fromJust $ subIndex s str
pFoo = let b = beg "foo" in (b, b + 2)
pBar = let b = beg "bar" in (b, b + 2)
p42 = let b = beg "42" in (b, b + 1)
in (str, renderErrors str [Foo pFoo, Bar pBar p42])
main :: IO ()
main = do
let (str, res) = head check
putStrLn $ "Source: " <> str
putStrLn res
putStrLn $ "All are same: " <> show (all (\(_, r) -> r == res) check)
subIndex :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe Int
subIndex substr str = findIndex (isPrefixOf substr) (tails str)
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