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Created July 12, 2023 12:56
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Abstraction over profunctor optics' kinds
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
import Data.Data
class OpticKind k where
-- This definition would give us injectivity with respect to s, t, a, b
-- but it doesn't allow to write @Base OKGetter s t a b = s -> a@, since
-- there is no lambdas on type level and type synonyms can't be partially
-- applied:
-- type Base k :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
-- This definition would also be better (though not so clear), but also is
-- impossible now:
-- type Base k s t a b = r | (k, r) -> s, (k, r) -> t, (k, r) -> a, (k, r) -> b
type Base k s t a b
trivOptic :: Base k a b a b
newtype OpticP k a b s t = OpticP { runOpticP :: Base k s t a b }
type AnOptic k s t a b = OpticP k a b a b -> OpticP k a b s t
runOptic :: forall k s t a b. OpticKind k => AnOptic k s t a b -> Base k s t a b
runOptic = runOpticP . ($ OpticP (trivOptic @k @a @b))
class OpticKind k => OpticC k p where
opticOp :: Base k s t a b -> p a b -> p s t
type Optic k s t a b = forall p. OpticC k p => p a b -> p s t
optic :: forall k s t a b. OpticKind k => Base k s t a b -> Optic k s t a b
optic = opticOp @k
class (OpticKind k1, OpticKind k2) => Is k1 k2 where
comp :: Proxy (k1, k2, s, t, a, b, u, v)
-> Base k1 s t a b -> Base k2 a b u v -> Base k2 s t u v
-- This looks awful since we don't know that "Base k1" is a normal type =>
-- is injective. See also comment to "Base" definition
instance forall k1 k2 u v. (Is k1 k2) => OpticC k1 (OpticP k2 u v) where
opticOp :: forall s t a b. Base k1 s t a b -> OpticP k2 u v a b -> OpticP k2 u v s t
opticOp b1 p2 = OpticP $
comp (Proxy @(k1, k2, s, t, a, b, u, v)) b1 (runOpticP p2)
store :: (Is k k) => Optic k s t a b -> AnOptic k s t a b
store = id
clone :: forall k s t a b. AnOptic k s t a b -> Optic k s t a b
clone = optic @k . runOptic
-- Getter
data OKGetter
instance OpticKind OKGetter where
type Base OKGetter s t a b = s -> a
trivOptic = id
instance Is OKGetter OKGetter where
comp _ sa au = au . sa
type AGetter s t a b = AnOptic OKGetter s t a b
view :: AGetter s t a b -> s -> a
view = runOptic
type Getter s t a b = Optic OKGetter s t a b
getter :: (s -> a) -> Getter s t a b
getter = optic @OKGetter
storeGetter :: Getter s t a b -> AGetter s t a b
storeGetter = store
cloneGetter :: AGetter s t a b -> Getter s t a b
cloneGetter = clone
-- Lens
data OKLens
instance OpticKind OKLens where
type Base OKLens s t a b = (s -> a, s -> b -> t)
trivOptic = (id, const id)
instance Is OKLens OKLens where
comp _ (sa, sbt) (au, avb) = (au . sa, \s v -> sbt s $ avb (sa s) v)
instance Is OKLens OKGetter where
comp _ (sa, sbt) au = au . sa
type ALens s t a b = AnOptic OKLens s t a b
viewAndSet :: ALens s t a b -> (s -> a, s -> b -> t)
viewAndSet = runOptic @OKLens
type Lens s t a b = Optic OKLens s t a b
lens :: (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens = curry (optic @OKLens)
storeLens :: Lens s t a b -> ALens s t a b
storeLens = store
cloneLens :: ALens s t a b -> Lens s t a b
cloneLens = clone
-- Here I use primitive combinators instead of synonyms 'Lens', 'lens' etc.
-- to make it more clear how it works
_1 :: Optic OKLens (a, a') (b, a') a b
_1 = optic @OKLens (fst, \(_, a') b -> (b, a'))
-- >>> runOptic @OKGetter _1 (True, 'x')
-- True
runOptic @OKGetter _1 (True, 'x')
≡ runOpticP (_1 $ OpticP (trivOptic @OKGetter)) (True, 'x')
≡ runOpticP (optic @OKLens (fst, \(_, a') b -> (b, a'))
$ OpticP (trivOptic @OKGetter)
) (True, 'x')
≡ runOpticP (OpticP $
(fst, \(_, a') b -> (b, a'))
(trivOptic @OKGetter)
) (True, 'x')
≡ runOpticP (OpticP $
(fst, \(_, a') b -> (b, a'))
) (True, 'x')
≡ runOpticP (OpticP $
id . fst
) (True, 'x')
≡ (id . fst) (True, 'x')
≡ True
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