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Created July 20, 2022 12:59
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Check if every list composed from the set of patterns can be uniquely decomposed into patterns using Sardinas-Peterson's algorithm
module LookAhead
( Pattern (..),
import Control.Monad (guard, when)
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, maybeToList)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
-- | Patterns --- parts of lists of `c`
-- `k` --- pattern's name type
data Pattern k c = Pattern
{ -- | unique name of pattern
name :: k,
-- | list of sets of acceptable elements on each position
body :: [Set c],
-- | list of NOT acceptable elements before/after pattern
behind, ahead :: [Set c]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data RPattern k c = RPattern
{ name :: k,
body :: [Set c],
rbehind, ahead :: [Set c]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Suff c = Suff
{ rbehind :: [Set c],
body :: [Set c],
ahead :: [Set c]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data PatDiv k c = PatDiv
{ rprefPatNames, rpatNames :: [k],
suff :: Suff c
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
zipWithKeepRest :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
zipWithKeepRest _ [] ys = ys
zipWithKeepRest _ xs [] = xs
zipWithKeepRest g (x : xs) (y : ys) = g x y : zipWithKeepRest g xs ys
initDiv :: RPattern k cs -> PatDiv k cs
initDiv RPattern {name, body, ahead} =
{ rprefPatNames = [],
rpatNames = [name],
suff =
{ rbehind = [],
behind big body big ahead
behind small body small ahead
res behind res body res ahead
divStep :: Ord c => Int -> PatDiv k c -> RPattern k c -> Maybe (PatDiv k c)
PatDiv {rprefPatNames, rpatNames, suff = Suff {rbehind, body, ahead}}
RPattern {name, body = pbody, rbehind = prbehind, ahead = pahead} =
let rbehind' = diffPref prbehind rbehind
guard $ not $ any null rbehind'
let drbehind = zipWith S.intersection pbody body
guard $ not $ any null drbehind
let (bigBody, smallBody, bigAhead, smallAhead) =
if length pbody <= length body
then (body, pbody, ahead, pahead)
else (pbody, body, pahead, ahead)
let body' = diffPref smallAhead $ drop (length smallBody) bigBody
guard $ not $ any null body'
let ahead' =
(drop (length bigBody - length smallBody) smallAhead)
let (rprefPatNames', rpatNames') =
if length pbody <= length body
then (name : rprefPatNames, rpatNames)
else (rprefPatNames, name : rpatNames)
{ rprefPatNames = rprefPatNames',
rpatNames = rpatNames',
suff =
{ rbehind = take maxBehind $ reverse drbehind <> rbehind',
body = body',
ahead = ahead'
diffPref [] ys = ys
diffPref _ [] = error "Long prefix"
diffPref (x : xs) (y : ys) = S.difference y x : diffPref xs ys
-- | Two sequences of patterns, that lead to the same list
type ConflictPatterns k = ([k], [k])
-- | Check if every list composed from the set of patterns can be uniquely decomposed into patterns
checkUniquePatSplit :: forall k c. (Eq k, Ord c) => [Pattern k c] -> Either (ConflictPatterns k) ()
checkUniquePatSplit pats =
first (bimap reverse reverse) $
mapM_ (h S.empty) [res | p <- rpats, p' <- rpats, p /= p', res <- maybeToList $ divStep maxBehind (initDiv p') p]
rpats =
( \Pattern {name, body, behind, ahead} ->
RPattern {name, body, rbehind = reverse behind, ahead}
<$> pats
maxBehind = maximum $ (\RPattern {rbehind} -> length rbehind) <$> rpats
h :: Set (Suff c) -> PatDiv k c -> Either (ConflictPatterns k) ()
h olds pdiv@PatDiv {rprefPatNames, rpatNames, suff = suff@Suff {body}} = do
when (null body) $
Left (rprefPatNames, rpatNames)
mapM_ (h (S.insert suff olds)) $
filter ((`S.notMember` olds) . (\PatDiv {suff} -> suff)) $
catMaybes $ divStep maxBehind pdiv <$> rpats
checkUniquePatSplit' :: Ord c => [[c]] -> Either (ConflictPatterns [c]) ()
checkUniquePatSplit' pats =
( map
( \x -> Pattern {name = x, body = S.singleton <$> x, behind = [], ahead = []}
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