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Created July 25, 2022 19:10
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Debugging megaparsec transofrmer using `MonadParsecDbg` class
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- | This module contains usage example of suggested `MonadParsecDbg` type class,
-- minimized, but, I hope, demonstrative
-- If someone have better solution, I would like to see it
module Main where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Void
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Debug
class Monad m => MonadParsecDbg m where
dbg :: Show a => String -> m a -> m a
instance (VisualStream s, ShowErrorComponent e) => MonadParsecDbg (ParsecT e s m) where
dbg = Text.Megaparsec.Debug.dbg
-- | This `Show s` constrained gives us opportunity to see state at each step
-- just as if it were build in Megaparsec
instance (Show s, MonadParsecDbg m) => MonadParsecDbg (StateT s m) where
dbg str sma = StateT $ \s ->
dbg str $ runStateT sma s
-- | Wrapping state in newtype to see it better in output
newtype Depth = Depth Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum)
-- Two solutions for such test task: count 'x'/'y' symbols
-- situated in round brackets (correctly working with nested brackets)
-- Solutions are the same, except the types and first lines, where dbg function is called
-- | Composed monad-style with new `MonadParsecDebug` type class
xCounter :: (MonadParsec Void String m, MonadState Depth m, MonadParsecDbg m) => m Int
xCounter = do
ch <- dbg "counter" $ optional anySingle
case ch of
Just '(' -> do
modify succ
Just ')' -> do
modify pred
Just 'x' -> do
inBracket <- gets (> Depth 0)
if inBracket
then (+ 1) <$> xCounter
else xCounter
Just _ -> xCounter
Nothing -> return 0
-- | The same solution with concrete transformers without `MonadParsecDebug`
yCounter :: StateT Depth (Parsec Void String) Int
yCounter = do
ch <- lift $ Text.Megaparsec.Debug.dbg "counter" $ optional anySingle
case ch of
Just '(' -> do
modify succ
Just ')' -> do
modify pred
Just 'y' -> do
inBracket <- gets (> Depth 0)
if inBracket
then (+ 1) <$> yCounter
else yCounter
Just _ -> yCounter
Nothing -> return 0
-- Testing at the same sample
-- Output:
-- xCounter
-- counter> IN: "x(xa(x))a"
-- counter> MATCH (COK): 'x'
-- counter> VALUE: (Just 'x',Depth 0)
-- counter> IN: "(xa(x))a"
-- counter> MATCH (COK): '('
-- counter> VALUE: (Just '(',Depth 0)
-- counter> IN: "xa(x))a"
-- counter> MATCH (COK): 'x'
-- counter> VALUE: (Just 'x',Depth 1)
-- ...
-- yCounter
-- counter> IN: "y(ya(y))a"
-- counter> MATCH (COK): 'y'
-- counter> VALUE: Just 'y'
-- counter> IN: "(ya(y))a"
-- counter> MATCH (COK): '('
-- counter> VALUE: Just '('
-- counter> IN: "ya(y))a"
-- counter> MATCH (COK): 'y'
-- counter> VALUE: Just 'y'
-- ...
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "xCounter"
parseTest (evalStateT xCounter (Depth 0)) "x(xa(x))a"
putStrLn "yCounter"
parseTest (evalStateT yCounter (Depth 0)) "y(ya(y))a"
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