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Created June 9, 2023 12:24
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Effectful composible lens
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Optics
data MLens m s a = MLens
{ mview :: s -> m a
, mset :: a -> s -> m s
mover :: Monad m => MLens m s a -> (a -> m a) -> s -> m s
mover lens k s = do
a <- mview lens s
a' <- k a
mset lens a' s
(>%>) :: Monad m => MLens m s u -> MLens m u a -> MLens m s a
lsu >%> lua = MLens
{ mview = mview lsu >=> mview lua
, mset = \a s -> do
u <- mview lsu s
u' <- mset lua a u
mset lsu u' s
fromPrism :: (Is k An_AffineFold, Is k A_Setter) =>
e -> Optic' k NoIx s a -> MLens (Either e) s a
fromPrism e p = MLens
{ mview = \s -> case preview p s of
Nothing -> Left e
Just a -> Right a
, mset = \a s -> case preview p s of
Nothing -> Left e
Just _ -> Right $ set p a s
data Tree
= Leaf
| Branch (Map String Tree)
deriving (Generic, Show)
data Err
= NotLeaf
| NotBranch
| NoChild String
deriving (Show)
leaf :: MLens (Either Err) Tree ()
leaf = fromPrism NotLeaf #_Leaf
branch :: MLens (Either Err) Tree (Map String Tree)
branch = fromPrism NotBranch #_Branch
subtree :: String -> MLens (Either Err) Tree Tree
subtree name = branch >%> fromPrism (NoChild name) (ix name)
tree :: Tree
tree = Branch (M.fromList [("a", Leaf), ("b", Branch mempty)])
>>> mview (subtree "a") tree
Right Leaf
>>> mview (subtree "a" >%> leaf) tree
Right ()
>>> mview (subtree "b" >%> leaf) tree
Left NotLeaf
>>> mview (subtree "b" >%> branch) tree
Right (fromList [])
>>> mset (subtree "b" >%> branch) (M.fromList [("x", Leaf)]) tree
Right (Branch (fromList [("a",Leaf),("b",Branch (fromList [("x",Leaf)]))]))
>>> mset (subtree "a" >%> branch) (M.fromList [("x", Leaf)]) tree
Left NotBranch
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