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Created May 15, 2019 08:05
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import numpy as np
from random import uniform
import math as m
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
delta = 1.758820149*10**11 #q/m
pi = m.pi
e0 = 8.854184817*10**-12
sigma = 1/10
mu = 0.5
pc = 10**-5
def bin_search(mas, x):
i = 0
j = len(mas)-1
m = j // 2
while i < j:
if x > mas[m]:
i = m+1
j = m-1
m = int((i+j)/2)
return i
def F(x):
return m.sqrt(x*(x-1)) + m.acosh(m.sqrt(x))
def Q(r) :
C1 = 4*pc*m.sqrt(pi/2)
C2 = m.sqrt(pi/2)*(sigma**2 + mu**2)
C3 = m.erf( (r-mu)/(m.sqrt(2)*sigma) ) + m.erf( mu/(m.sqrt(2)*sigma) )
C4 = sigma**2
C5 = mu*m.exp(-mu**2/(2*sigma**2))
C6 = (r+mu)*m.exp(-(r-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))
return C1*(C2*C3 + C4*(C5 - C6))
def gamma(r) :
C1 = delta/(4*pi*e0)
return C1*Q(r)
def lamda(r) :
return m.sqrt(2*gamma(r))/r**(3/2)
def density_start(r):
C1 = pc/(m.sqrt(2*pi)*sigma)
return C1*m.exp(-(r-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))
def density(R0, R, t):
p0 = density_start(R0)
C1 = R0**2 * p0 / R**2
lamda0 = lamda(R0)
C2 = R/R0 + t*m.sqrt(1 - R0/R)*(delta*p0/(e0*lamda0) - 3*lamda0/2)
return C1 / C2
def characteristic(R0, R, lamda0) :
return F(R/R0) / lamda0
def run_R(n, r_max) :
dx = r_max/n
global cord
cord = [x for x in np.arange(dx, r_max+dx, dx)]
data = []
for i in range(1, len(cord)) :
dR = 0.0001
data.append([ [], [] ])
for R in np.arange(cord[i], 2+dR, dR) :
lamda0 = lamda(cord[i])
data[i-1][0].append(characteristic(cord[i], R, lamda0))
return data # [ [time], [cord] ]
def run_p(data, t) :
dens = []
crd = []
for i in range(1, len(cord)) :
ind = bin_search(data[i-1][0], t)
if ind > 0 :
R_sr = (data[i-1][1][ind] + data[i-1][1][ind-1])/2
else :
R_sr = data[i-1][1][ind]
ddd = density(cord[i], R_sr, t)
if ddd < 0 :
ddd = -ddd
cdr = crd.sort()
return dens, crd
def main():
data = run_R(520, 1)
graph = plt.figure()
ax = graph.add_subplot(111)
for i in range(17, 52, 7) :
ax.plot(data[i*10][1], data[i*10][0])
graph = plt.figure()
ay = graph.add_subplot(111)
p, c = run_p(data, 0)
ay.plot(c, p, "red")
for i in np.arange(0, 3.6, 0.7) :
p, c = run_p(data, i*10**-9)
ay.plot(c, p)
p, c = run_p(data, 3.77*10**-9)
ay.plot(c, p)
p, c = run_p(data, 3.96*10**-9)
ay.plot(c, p)
if __name__ == "__main__" :
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