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Created August 11, 2011 09:15
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Circuit Synthesizer
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.SBV
import Control.Exception as E
-- Node indexes, support upto 2^16 entries (no of inputs + no of AND gates)
type Node = SWord16
-- Values that flow through the AND gates
type V = (Node, SBool) -- A node, possibly complemented if the boolean is true
-- helpers
node, cmp :: Node -> V
node n = (n, false)
cmp n = (n, true)
-- An AND gate has two inputs going into it
type AND = (V, V)
-- A circuit is a collection of AND gates. The "output" is the result
-- of the final AND gate, possibly complemented if the boolean is true
type Circuit = ([AND], SBool)
-- For instance, here's how we can model a 2 gate XOR using this paradigm
-- nodes 0 and 1 are the inputs; we refer to them as a and b below in comments
-- This looks pretty ugly, but it's quite straightforward..
xorCircuit :: Circuit
xorCircuit = (gs, o)
where (a, a') = (node 0, cmp 0) -- the first input and its complement
(b, b') = (node 1, cmp 1) -- the second input and its complement
gs :: [AND]
gs = [ (a, b') -- 2: ab'
, (a', b) -- 3: a'b
, (cmp 2, cmp 3) -- 4: (ab')' (a'b)'
o = true -- ((ab')' (a'b)')' = ab' + a'b, which is the XOR of a and b
-- So we complement the result of the last AND gate
-- Check that a given "circuit" is valid. This means that the indices of all And gates must
-- be less than its own output index; thus ensuring there are no cycles
-- The first parameter is the number of inputs to the circuit
validCircuit :: Int -> Circuit -> SBool
validCircuit nInps (ands, _) = bAll valid (zip [fromIntegral nInps ..] ands)
where valid (n, ((i, _), (j, _))) = i .< literal n &&& j .< literal n
-- "Run" a circuit. We consult the "environment" for storing the values.
-- Invariant: Environment always have a constant size
-- This is important to make sure that the results are always symbolically mergeable
-- NB. There are faster ways of doing this; the current version is a bit of
-- slow due to indexing and all. But the idea remains the same.
run :: [SBool] -> Circuit -> SBool
run inps (ands, oc) = ite oc (bnot res) res
where env0 = inps ++ replicate (length ands) false
envF = foldl upd env0 (zip [length inps..] ands)
res = last envF
upd env (n, ((i, ic), (j, jc))) = let (f, _:r) = splitAt n env in f ++ [v] ++ r
where vi = select env false i
vj = select env false j
ni = ite ic (bnot vi) vi
nj = ite jc (bnot vj) vj
v = ni &&& nj
-- Synthesis
-- A specification is a Haskell function from
-- symbolic boolean inputs to a symbolic boolean outputs
type Spec = [SBool] -> SBool
-- Synthesize a given spec with 'n' inputs
-- This code looks kind of gnarly, and you need to know some of the
-- details of SBV to make full sense of it. In any case, here it goes..
synthesize :: Int -> Spec -> IO ()
synthesize nInps spec = synth 1 -- Start with just a program with one instruction
where -- synthesize a program of given number of AND gates
synth gateCount = do
putStrLn $ "Trying to find a program with " ++ show gateCount ++ " AND gates.."
SatResult res <- sat $ do
-- generate the gates. For each gate, we need two inputs,
-- each of which requires two bits to state whether they are complemented
circuit <- do cout <- free_ -- bit for complementing the output
cmps <- mkFreeVars (2*gateCount) -- complement bits for each input
wires <- mkFreeVars (2*gateCount) -- inputs to AND gates
return (chop2 (zip wires cmps), cout)
-- assert that spec matches the circuit for all inputs
let inps = sequence (replicate nInps [false, true])
return $ bAll (\i -> validCircuit nInps circuit &&& run i circuit .== spec i) inps
-- Display the model, if there's one; otherwise loop
disp gateCount (getModel res) `E.catch` (\(_ :: SomeException) -> synth (gateCount+1))
chop2 (a:b:r) = (a, b) : chop2 r
chop2 _ = []
disp :: Int -> ([Bool], [Word16]) -> IO ()
disp gc (bs, is)
| -- Do some sanity checking..We expect 1+2*gc bools, and 2*gc Word16's
not (length bs == 1 + 2*gc && length is == 2*gc)
= do putStrLn "Cannot reconstruct circuit from the counter example"
putStrLn $ "Received: " ++ show (bs, is)
| True -- good to go
= do let cout:cbits = bs
gateDescs = chop2 (zip is cbits)
shN (n, nc) = (if nc then "~" else "") ++ show n
shA i (v1, v2) = " " ++ show i ++ " <- " ++ shN v1 ++ " & " ++ shN v2
putStrLn $ " Inputs are 0 through " ++ show (nInps - 1)
putStrLn $ " AND gates:"
mapM_ putStrLn (zipWith shA [nInps ..] gateDescs)
putStrLn $ " OUTPUT: "
putStrLn $ " " ++ shN (nInps + gc - 1, cout)
-- Tests
-- Generate the xor circuit
testXOR :: IO ()
testXOR = synthesize 2 specXor
where specXor :: Spec
specXor [a, b] = ite a (bnot b) b
specXor _ = error "specXor: needs two elements"
{- Result:
*Main> testXOR
Trying to find a program with 1 AND gates..
Trying to find a program with 2 AND gates..
Trying to find a program with 3 AND gates..
Inputs are 0 through 1
AND gates:
2 <- ~0 & 1
3 <- ~1 & 0
4 <- ~2 & ~3
So, if we read that as a formula, where 0 is a and 1 is b, where a' denotes a complement, we have:
And gate number 2: a'b
And gate number 3: b'a
And gate number 4: (a'b)' (b'a)'
Output: ((a'b)' (b'a)')'
By De-morgan's rules, the output is: a'b + b'a; which is precisely our xorCircuit definition above! (Modulo
the commutativity of the and gate.)
-- Generate the majority circuit for 3 inputs
testMajority :: IO ()
testMajority = synthesize 3 specMaj
where specMaj :: Spec
specMaj [a, b, c] = (a &&& b) <+> (a &&& c) <+> (b &&& c)
specMaj _ = error "specMac: needs three elements"
{- Result:
Trying to find a program with 1 AND gates..
Trying to find a program with 2 AND gates..
Trying to find a program with 3 AND gates..
Trying to find a program with 4 AND gates..
Inputs are 0 through 2
AND gates:
3 <- ~2 & ~0
4 <- 2 & 0
5 <- ~3 & 1
6 <- ~5 & ~4
Let's see. This is:
0: a
1: b
2: c
3: c'a'
4: ca
5: (c'a')'b
6: ((c'a')'b)' (ca)'
So the output is:
(((c'a')'b)' (ca)')'
Simplification gives:
(((c'a')'b)' (ca)')' = ((c'a')'b) + ca
= ((c+a)b) + ca
= cb+ab+ca
This is indeed a correct implementation of the majority function; but note that it
differs from our specification in its implementation. The specification used XOR gates
(<+> in SBV notation), but we derived the equivalent version with just OR gates. It's
easy to show that these two functions are indeed equivalent and they both compute the
majority function.
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