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Created February 17, 2016 07:24
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main (main) where
import qualified Data.SBV as S
import qualified Data.SBV.Dynamic as S hiding (satWith)
import qualified Data.SBV.Internals as S
import Data.List (sort, nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Exception as C
-- Support <, >, ==
data CmpOp = Gt | Lt | Eq
-- Support +/*
data BOp = Plus | Times
-- Basic language; add constructs as necessary
data L = Leaf S.SVal
| LVar String
| LIf L L L
| LCmp CmpOp L L
| LArith BOp L L
-- Kind of signed-32 bit values
i32 :: S.Kind
i32 = S.KBounded True 32
-- Sample program
-- if (x > 5) (if (x > 10) a b) ((if (x == 0) c d) * (if (y == 0) a b))
test :: L
test = ite (x `gt` five)
(ite (x `gt` ten) a b)
(ite (x `eq` zero) c d `times` ite (y `eq` zero) a b)
where x = LVar "x"
y = LVar "y"
a = LVar "a"
b = LVar "b"
c = LVar "c"
d = LVar "d"
gt = LCmp Gt
eq = LCmp Eq
zero = Leaf (S.svInteger i32 0)
five = Leaf (S.svInteger i32 5)
ten = Leaf (S.svInteger i32 10)
ite = LIf
times = LArith Times
-- Interpreter environment
type Env = M.Map String S.SVal
-- Collect the "decision" variables; i.e., those that are under some "If" test-statement
getVars :: L -> [String]
getVars = sort . nub . collect False []
where collect True sofar (LVar s) = s:sofar
collect False sofar (LVar _) = sofar
collect pick sofar (LIf i t e) = collect pick (collect pick (collect True sofar i) t) e
collect pick sofar (LCmp _ a b) = collect pick (collect pick sofar a) b
collect pick sofar (LArith _ a b) = collect pick (collect pick sofar a) b
collect _ sofar (Leaf _) = sofar
-- Create a symbolic variable. We assume everything is Int32. If other types
-- are needed SVal can support them so long as you've enough info in your data-type around.
free32 :: String -> S.Symbolic S.SVal
free32 nm = S.svMkSymVar Nothing i32 (Just nm)
-- Cover points. This will keep track of the boolean condition as we descend down program.
-- We only need two cases here, since there's only one branching instruction in L. In general
-- you'll have a separate case for each decision point.
data Cov = CLeaf S.SVal
| CMul [Cov] -- multiple different ways of proceeding
| CIf S.SVal Cov Cov -- Conditional proceeding
deriving Show
-- An alternative interpreter, which creates coverage data from a program
coverPaths :: Env -> L -> S.Symbolic Cov
coverPaths varEnv pgm = do let (cov, _) = go (CLeaf S.svTrue) pgm
return cov
where -- The leaf case is simple; we terminate here
go path (Leaf v) = (path, v)
-- Ditto for variable look-up
go path (LVar s) = let v = fromMaybe (error $ "Impossible, unfound reference to: " ++ s)
(s `M.lookup` varEnv)
in (path, v)
-- Ite is the interesting case; we simply create the corresponding paths
-- down to the branches
go path (LIf b t e) = let -- First compute the ways we can compute b, t, and e
(_ , bv) = go path b
(tp, tv) = go path t
(ep, ev) = go path e
-- Now combine all the possibilities together
in (CIf bv tp ep, S.svIte bv tv ev)
-- comparison, simply descend down
go path (LCmp c a b) = let (ap, x) = go path a
(bp, y) = go path b
in case c of
Gt -> (CMul [ap, bp], x `S.svGreaterThan` y)
Lt -> (CMul [ap, bp], x `S.svLessThan` y)
Eq -> (CMul [ap, bp], x `S.svEqual` y)
-- same for arithmetic
go path (LArith o a b) = let (ap, x) = go path a
(bp, y) = go path b
in case o of
Plus -> (CMul [ap, bp], x `S.svPlus` y)
Times -> (CMul [ap, bp], x `S.svTimes` y)
-- Given a Cov, serialize it to create a boolean for each path representing the reachability of that path
serialize :: Cov -> [S.SBool]
serialize = filter (not . S.isConcrete) . map S.SBV . go
where go (CLeaf s) = [s]
go (CMul cs) = concatMap go cs
go (CIf bv t e) = map ( bv `S.svAnd`) (go t)
++ map (S.svNot bv `S.svAnd`) (go e)
-- Find the cover points for a program. This is a bit hackish since
-- we are forced to run the symbolic simulation repeatedly and quit
-- when we realize we covered all the paths. It can be done better
-- if we add a corresponding combinator to SBV itself; but it should
-- do for the time being. (Let me know if this becomes a problem.)
cover :: L -> IO [S.SatResult]
cover pgm = loop 0 []
where vs = getVars pgm
loop i sofar = do
mbR <- (Just `fmap` S.sat (do ss <- mapM free32 vs
c <- coverPaths (M.fromList (zip vs ss)) pgm
case drop i (serialize c) of
[] -> error "exhausted"
(h:_) -> return h))
`C.catch` (\(_ :: C.SomeException) -> return Nothing)
case mbR of
Nothing -> return sofar
Just r -> loop (i+1) (r:sofar)
main :: IO ()
main = do ss <- cover test
mapM_ print ss
putStrLn $ "Total coverage points: " ++ show (length ss)
$ ghci Lang.hs
GHCi, version 7.10.3: :? for help
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Lang.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> main
Satisfiable. Model:
x = 5 :: Int32
y = -1 :: Int32
Satisfiable. Model:
x = 5 :: Int32
y = 0 :: Int32
Satisfiable. Model:
x = 2 :: Int32
y = 0 :: Int32
Satisfiable. Model:
x = 0 :: Int32
y = 0 :: Int32
Satisfiable. Model:
x = 8 :: Int32
y = 0 :: Int32
Satisfiable. Model:
x = 15 :: Int32
y = 0 :: Int32
Total coverage points: 6
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