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LeventErkok / CircuitSynthesizer.hs
Created August 11, 2011 09:15
Circuit Synthesizer
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.SBV
import Control.Exception as E
-- Node indexes, support upto 2^16 entries (no of inputs + no of AND gates)
type Node = SWord16
-- Values that flow through the AND gates
LeventErkok / LSB.hs
Created September 18, 2011 23:38
Prove that Edward Kmett's lsb implementation is correct
module LSB(main) where
import Data.Word
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Bits
import Data.SBV
-- Kmett's implementation of finding the least significant bit set in a 64 bit word
-- Adapted from the original implementation at:
LeventErkok / prob1.smt
Created September 21, 2011 17:40
Successful z3 run (< 2 mins)
(set-option :mbqi true)
(set-option :produce-models true)
; --- literal constants ---
(define-fun s_2 () (_ BitVec 1) #b0)
(define-fun s_1 () (_ BitVec 1) #b1)
(define-fun s68 () (_ BitVec 8) #x00)
(define-fun s83 () (_ BitVec 8) #x01)
(define-fun s89 () (_ BitVec 8) #x02)
(define-fun s95 () (_ BitVec 8) #x03)
(define-fun s101 () (_ BitVec 8) #x04)
LeventErkok / prob2.smt
Created September 21, 2011 17:41
Takes too long, > 20 mins and z3 still running
(set-option :mbqi true)
(set-option :produce-models true)
; --- literal constants ---
(define-fun s_2 () (_ BitVec 1) #b0)
(define-fun s_1 () (_ BitVec 1) #b1)
(define-fun s68 () (_ BitVec 8) #x00)
(define-fun s83 () (_ BitVec 8) #x01)
(define-fun s89 () (_ BitVec 8) #x02)
(define-fun s95 () (_ BitVec 8) #x03)
(define-fun s101 () (_ BitVec 8) #x04)
LeventErkok / loop.hs
Created October 21, 2011 06:43
Compiling loopy programs
SBV can only generate straight-line code. While this usually leads to
faster and nicely optimizable code, it also inevitably can lead to code
explosion.. What we need is a way to control what parts of the code is
"inlined". The trick is to extract the "body" of the loop and uninterpret
it, and call it from the main program. Then, we use the library code
generation function to put the two together.
For instance, let's say we want to generate code for the following
Haskell function:
LeventErkok / cgEx.hs
Created December 2, 2011 07:01
use of uninterpreted functions for code generation
import Data.SBV
shiftLeft :: SWord32 -> SWord32 -> SWord32
shiftLeft = cgUninterpret "SBV_SHIFTLEFT" cCode hCode
where cCode = ["#define SBV_SHIFTLEFT(x, y) ((x) << (y))"]
hCode x y = select [x * literal (bit b) | b <- [0.. bitSize x - 1]] (literal 0) y
tstShiftLeft :: SWord32 -> SWord32 -> SWord32 -> SWord32
tstShiftLeft x y z = x `shiftLeft` z + y `shiftLeft` z
LeventErkok / testGenerator.hs
Created January 3, 2012 04:57
generating Haskell/C test vectors from SBV
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.SBV
-- you can have arbitrary number of constrain/pConstrain's.. Of course, if they
-- are *hard to satisfy*, then generating tests can take a loong time. The algorithm
-- simply makes up random cases and runs the code to see if constraints are satisfied;
-- if not it tries again. So, with hard constraints, this process can take long. In
-- particular, consider "constrain false", :-)
code = do t <- free_
import Data.SBV
import Data.List (partition)
sumSplit :: [Integer] -> IO (Maybe (Integer, [Integer], [Integer]))
sumSplit xs = do r <- satWith z3 $ do zs <- mkFreeVars (length xs)
let sums sofar [] = sofar
sums (i,o) ((f, v):rest) = sums (ite f (i+v, o) (i, o+v)) rest
(f, s) = sums (0, 0) $ zip zs (map literal xs)
return $ f .== s
case getModel r of
LeventErkok / Hamiltonian.hs
Created February 1, 2012 04:26
Hamiltonian Cycle detection using SBV
import Data.SBV
hamiltonian :: Int -> [(Integer, Integer)] -> IO (Maybe [Integer])
hamiltonian n edges = extractModel `fmap` satWith z3 hcycle
where isEdge p = bAny (.== p) [(literal x, literal y) | (x, y) <- edges]
validNodes xs = allDifferent xs &&& bAll (\x -> x .>= 0 &&& x .< fromIntegral n) xs
validEdges xs = bAll isEdge $ zip xs (tail xs ++ [head xs])
hcycle = do order <- mkFreeVars n
return $ validNodes order &&& validEdges order
LeventErkok / gfh.vim
Created March 22, 2012 07:33
Jump to an imported file
function! OpenHaskellFile()
let f = tr(matchstr(getline(line('.')), '\(import\s*qualified\|import\)\s*\zs[A-Za-z0-9.]\+'), ".", "/") . ".hs"
if f == ".hs"
echohl ErrorMsg
echo "Not on a valid import line!"
echohl NONE
if filereadable(f)
if (&modified)