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Created October 16, 2019 14:02
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A simple Installation guidance for HPCG(High Performance Conjugate Gradients)

Related Website:

  • HPCG Installation Reference: hpcg-3.1/INSTALL
  • HPCG Official Release
  • HPCG Official Github
  • The installation of HPCG is exactly the same way as HPL. For people who meet troubles in installing HPCG, you can have a try to install HPL first.

Installation Environment:

Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS, 4.18.0-15-generic, x86_64, VirtualBox, 2GB Memory

0. Install dependency

sudo apt-get install -y mpich libmpich-dev

1. Download HPCG

cd ~
# unzip the .tar.gz file
mv hpcg-3.1 hpcg

2. Generate HPCG template conffile

cd hpcg/setup
cp Make.Linux_MPI Make.linux

3. Modify Make.linux according to the text below

MPdir        = /usr/bin                                 # which mpicc
MPinc        = -I /usr/include/mpich/                   # dpkg --listfiles libmpich-dev | grep 'mpi\.h'
MPlib        = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/    # dpkg --listfiles libmpich-dev | grep ''

4. Compile HPCG

cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
../configure linux
make -j $(nproc)

5. Modify hpcg.dat and run the HPCG

cd bin
Replace hpcg.dat by the text below:
HPCG benchmark input file
Sandia National Laboratories; University of Tennessee, Knoxville
16 16 16
Execute HPCG program
Execute HPCG program on multiple node
mpirun -np 8 ./xhpcg
The output will be a file name 'HPCG-Benchmark_3.1_2019-10-15_20-15-01.txt' generated under same directory with content like:
Release date=March 28, 2019
Machine Summary=
Machine Summary::Distributed Processes=1
Machine Summary::Threads per processes=1
Global Problem Dimensions=
Global Problem Dimensions::Global nx=16
Global Problem Dimensions::Global ny=16
Global Problem Dimensions::Global nz=16
Processor Dimensions=
Processor Dimensions::npx=1
Processor Dimensions::npy=1
Processor Dimensions::npz=1
Local Domain Dimensions=
Local Domain Dimensions::nx=16
Local Domain Dimensions::ny=16
Local Domain Dimensions::Lower ipz=0
Local Domain Dimensions::Upper ipz=0
Local Domain Dimensions::nz=16
########## Problem Summary  ##########=
Setup Information=
Setup Information::Setup Time=0.0205922
Linear System Information=
Linear System Information::Number of Equations=4096
Linear System Information::Number of Nonzero Terms=97336
Multigrid Information=
Multigrid Information::Number of coarse grid levels=3
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids=
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Grid Level=1
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Equations=512
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Nonzero Terms=10648
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Presmoother Steps=1
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Postsmoother Steps=1
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Grid Level=2
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Equations=64
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Nonzero Terms=1000
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Presmoother Steps=1
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Postsmoother Steps=1
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Grid Level=3
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Equations=8
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Nonzero Terms=64
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Presmoother Steps=1
Multigrid Information::Coarse Grids::Number of Postsmoother Steps=1
########## Memory Use Summary  ##########=
Memory Use Information=
Memory Use Information::Total memory used for data (Gbytes)=0.00293857
Memory Use Information::Memory used for OptimizeProblem data (Gbytes)=0
Memory Use Information::Bytes per equation (Total memory / Number of Equations)=717.424
Memory Use Information::Memory used for linear system and CG (Gbytes)=0.00258607
Memory Use Information::Coarse Grids=
Memory Use Information::Coarse Grids::Grid Level=1
Memory Use Information::Coarse Grids::Memory used=0.000308216
Memory Use Information::Coarse Grids::Grid Level=2
Memory Use Information::Coarse Grids::Memory used=3.8968e-05
Memory Use Information::Coarse Grids::Grid Level=3
Memory Use Information::Coarse Grids::Memory used=5.312e-06
########## V&V Testing Summary  ##########=
Spectral Convergence Tests=
Spectral Convergence Tests::Result=PASSED
Spectral Convergence Tests::Unpreconditioned=
Spectral Convergence Tests::Unpreconditioned::Maximum iteration count=11
Spectral Convergence Tests::Unpreconditioned::Expected iteration count=12
Spectral Convergence Tests::Preconditioned=
Spectral Convergence Tests::Preconditioned::Maximum iteration count=1
Spectral Convergence Tests::Preconditioned::Expected iteration count=2
Departure from Symmetry |x'Ay-y'Ax|/(2*||x||*||A||*||y||)/epsilon=
Departure from Symmetry |x'Ay-y'Ax|/(2*||x||*||A||*||y||)/epsilon::Result=PASSED
Departure from Symmetry |x'Ay-y'Ax|/(2*||x||*||A||*||y||)/epsilon::Departure for SpMV=6.29632e-05
Departure from Symmetry |x'Ay-y'Ax|/(2*||x||*||A||*||y||)/epsilon::Departure for MG=3.71658e-06
########## Iterations Summary  ##########=
Iteration Count Information=
Iteration Count Information::Result=PASSED
Iteration Count Information::Reference CG iterations per set=50
Iteration Count Information::Optimized CG iterations per set=50
Iteration Count Information::Total number of reference iterations=59750
Iteration Count Information::Total number of optimized iterations=59750
########## Reproducibility Summary  ##########=
Reproducibility Information=
Reproducibility Information::Result=PASSED
Reproducibility Information::Scaled residual mean=3.66234e-41
Reproducibility Information::Scaled residual variance=0
########## Performance Summary (times in sec) ##########=
Benchmark Time Summary=
Benchmark Time Summary::Optimization phase=2.38419e-07
Benchmark Time Summary::DDOT=1.30756
Benchmark Time Summary::WAXPBY=0.699755
Benchmark Time Summary::SpMV=7.1738
Benchmark Time Summary::MG=47.1471
Benchmark Time Summary::Total=56.3567
Floating Point Operations Summary=
Floating Point Operations Summary::Raw DDOT=1.47821e+09
Floating Point Operations Summary::Raw WAXPBY=1.47821e+09
Floating Point Operations Summary::Raw SpMV=1.18643e+10
Floating Point Operations Summary::Raw MG=6.51332e+10
Floating Point Operations Summary::Total=7.99539e+10
Floating Point Operations Summary::Total with convergence overhead=7.99539e+10
GB/s Summary=
GB/s Summary::Raw Read B/W=8.77158
GB/s Summary::Raw Write B/W=2.02881
GB/s Summary::Raw Total B/W=10.8004
GB/s Summary::Total with convergence and optimization phase overhead=10.3485
GFLOP/s Summary=
GFLOP/s Summary::Raw DDOT=1.1305
GFLOP/s Summary::Raw WAXPBY=2.11246
GFLOP/s Summary::Raw SpMV=1.65384
GFLOP/s Summary::Raw MG=1.38149
GFLOP/s Summary::Raw Total=1.41871
GFLOP/s Summary::Total with convergence overhead=1.41871
GFLOP/s Summary::Total with convergence and optimization phase overhead=1.35936
User Optimization Overheads=
User Optimization Overheads::Optimization phase time (sec)=2.38419e-07
User Optimization Overheads::Optimization phase time vs reference SpMV+MG time=0.000260879
DDOT Timing Variations=
DDOT Timing Variations::Min DDOT MPI_Allreduce time=0.0760264
DDOT Timing Variations::Max DDOT MPI_Allreduce time=0.0760264
DDOT Timing Variations::Avg DDOT MPI_Allreduce time=0.0760264
Final Summary=
Final Summary::HPCG result is VALID with a GFLOP/s rating of=1.35936
Final Summary::HPCG 2.4 rating for historical reasons is=1.41871
Final Summary::Reference version of ComputeDotProduct used=Performance results are most likely suboptimal
Final Summary::Reference version of ComputeSPMV used=Performance results are most likely suboptimal
Final Summary::Reference version of ComputeMG used=Performance results are most likely suboptimal
Final Summary::Reference version of ComputeWAXPBY used=Performance results are most likely suboptimal
Final Summary::Results are valid but execution time (sec) is=56.3567
Final Summary::Official results execution time (sec) must be at least=1800	
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