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Created January 3, 2020 04:49
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A sketch to control an H-Bridge
// These "#define" statements are *like* variables, but not really
// Variables can be changed to any other value, but these cannot
// They don't even stay in memory! What happens is, when you press compile,
// the Arduino replaces all the times the name comes up in the code with the
// value before sending it to the Arduino board. So it's not really a variable
// you can control, but rather just another name for a value.
// The define statement looks like this: #define NAME VALUE. Note that NAME can
// not contain spaces, because then it would be interpreted as VALUE.
// PINS:
// H-bridge
#define IN1 2
#define IN2 3
#define IN3 4
#define IN4 5
#define ENA 6
#define ENB 7
// motor speeds
#define FAST 1023
#define STOP 0
// A function is a piece of code that can be "called" from anywhere and give
// back a result. A function "signature" tells the Arduino how to use it.
// A signature looks like this:
// type name(type1 parameter1, type2 parameter2) {
// code
// }
// The type is the type of value the function gives back. The name is what we
// can use to call it. "Parameters" are values given to the function. Think of
// it like math: f(x) = x + 2. Here, you give "f" a value, that it calls "x",
// a number, and you get a number (x + 2) back. Each parameter must have it's
// type specified, as types are very important to the computer.
// Here, we want to define a function that moves the motors. We don't expect
// any values back from it (just a physical reaction), we can call it "drive"
// and we would need to give it two values: direction (forwards? true or false)
// and the speed (a number -- can be decimal -- from 0 to 1023).
void drive(bool clockwise, float speed) {
// Now we have a true/false value ("boolean", or `bool` for short) and a
// number (that can be a decimal) -- a "floating point value", or `float`.
// Knowing how H-bridges work, we can program that in here.
// First, the speed. We use `analogWrite` to write a value to a pin that's
// anywhere between 0 and 1023. It goes: analogWrite(pinNumber, value);
analogWrite(ENA, speed);
// Next, we take care of the switches. We need to send a digital signal to
// the pins, using `digitalWrite`. It goes: digitalWrite(pin, HIGH/LOW)
// Now, here we are using something called a "tertiary operator". It can
// choose between multiple values based on a condition. It looks like this:
// condition ? ifTrue : ifFalse.
// Here, we want to send HIGH or low based on the direction. So:
digitalWrite(IN1, clockwise ? HIGH : LOW);
digitalWrite(IN2, clockwise ? LOW : HIGH);
// This is the setup function. Arduino knows to run this code by itself when
// it turns on for the first time. It will only run once, so put all setup
// code here, and don't expect it to keep being called.
void setup() {
// This allows us to read and print to the Serial Monitor. 9600 just tells
// the Arduino how to communicate with the Serial Monitor (like a TV channel)
// We need to explicitly configure all our pins to being output pins
// We can call `pinMode` to do it. It looks like this:
// pinMode(pinNumber, typeOfMode);
// Here, we use the pin number from the `define`s, and OUTPUT for the mode.
pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ENA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ENB, OUTPUT);
// This is the `loop` function. Just like the setup function, Arduino knows to
// call this whenever it can. So put your "always running" logic here.
void loop() {
// Let's go simply back and forth a bit.
// First, we go forward for two seconds.
drive(true, FAST);
// Next, stop. Notice the direction doesn't matter here
drive(true, STOP);
// Now, drive backwards for two seconds.
drive(false, FAST);
// That's it! See how much easier it was,
// now that we made our own `drive` function?
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