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Last active February 20, 2020 16:14
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Lost and Found page
import "package:flutter_web/material.dart";
import "package:flutter_web/cupertino.dart";
import "package:flutter_web_ui/ui.dart" as ui;
// Lines like these are comments (only read by people, ignored by computer)
/// Lines like these (three slashes) explain only the class/function/variable right underneath them
// Any part of a comment in [brackets] are either defined here in this file or
// can be searched for at
/// This is a [StatefulWidget]. The gist is that this widget can keep track of variables (ie, "state"),
/// and change how it looks when those variables change.
/// Here, we will use a variable to keep track of whether the tile is open or not.
class Tile extends StatefulWidget {
/// This method (method = function belonging to an object -- in this case, [StatefulWidget]s) tells Flutter
/// how to understand the state (variables) of this widget
/// We define [TileState] later.
TileState createState() => TileState();
/// This is a State object. State objects connect state (variables) to a Widget.
/// All state objects need to extend [State] and refer to the widget they control.
class TileState extends State<Tile> {
/// Whether this [Tile] should be open or not.
/// Starts off closed.
bool open = false;
/// This method tells Flutter how the widget should look. This is identical to the build
/// method of [StatelessWidget], except here we can use the [setState] method of [StatefulWidget]
/// to tell Flutter we are changing the state of the widget, and the widget will reload
/// itself with the new values.
Widget build(BuildContext context) => ExpansionPanelList( // list of [ExpansionPanel]s.
children: [
ExpansionPanel( // a panel that can open and close
isExpanded: open, // whether it is opened or not. Can be changed by changing [open].
headerBuilder: (_, __) => ListTile( // generic layout Widget -- really helpful
title: Text("Lost"),
leading: IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.add),
// change [open] to its opposite (!open = "opposite of [open]")
// uses [setState] to tell Flutter to reload the widget.
onPressed: () => setState(() => open = !open)
body: ListTile( // body is the thing that expands
title: Text("Hello")
void main() async {
// This function needs to be called on WEB only!
await ui.webOnlyInitializePlatform();
// Actually run the app
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Lost and found")),
body: ListView( // scrollable list
children: [ // elements of the list
Tile() // an expanding [Tile], as defined above
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