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Last active February 25, 2016 21:58
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public class Neo4jHelper {
private Neo4jOperations neo4jOperations;
public <T extends DomainComponent> Set<T> queryAsSetWithSingleParam(String cypher, Object param1, Class<T> targetClass, String targetKey) {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("0", param1);
return queryAsSet(cypher, params, targetClass, targetKey);
public <T extends DomainComponent> Set<T> queryAsSet(String cypher, Map<String, Object> params, Class<T> targetClass, String targetKey) {
Result queryResult = neo4jOperations.query(cypher, params);
Set<T> results = new HashSet<>();
for (Map<String, Object> queryResultEntry : queryResult) {
if (!queryResultEntry.containsKey(targetKey)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("target key '" + targetKey + "' not found in query result. ");
Object targetObject = queryResultEntry.get(targetKey);
if (!(targetClass.isInstance(targetObject))) {
throw new IllegalStateException("target object is of class " + targetObject.getClass().getName() +
" and should be subclass of " + targetClass.getName());
results.add((T) targetObject);
return results;
public <T extends DomainComponent> T querySingleResult(String cypher, Map<String, Object> params, Class<T> targetClass, String targetKey) {
Set<T> results = queryAsSet(cypher, params, targetClass, targetKey);
if(results.iterator().hasNext()) {
return results.iterator().next();
else {
return null;
public <T extends DomainComponent> T querySingleResultWithSingleParam(String cypher, Object param1, Class<T> targetClass, String targetKey) {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("0", param1);
return querySingleResult(cypher, params, targetClass, targetKey);
public class UserRepositoryImpl implements UserRespositoryExtension {
private Neo4jHelper neo4jHelper;
public User findOneById(Long id) {
String cypher = "MATCH (u:User) WHERE id(u) = {0} WITH u " +
"OPTIONAL MATCH p = (u)-[:" + USER_MAPPED_REL_TYPES + "]-() " +
"RETURN u, nodes(p), rels(p) ";
return neo4jHelper.querySingleResultWithSingleParam(cypher, id, User.class, "u");
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