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Forked from artheus/
Created March 30, 2022 07:35
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Shell script for downloading mods for Curseforge Modpack on Linux clients (using Vanilla Minecraft Launcher)
## Usage:
## 1. Download the modpack zip from CurseForge
## 2. Extract zip to where you want your modpacks game directory to be (e.g. ~/minecraft/modpack/gamedir)
## 3. In terminal, run this script in your chosen game directory
## If successful, it should print out which mods its downloading, until it is done
## 4. Create an "Installation" in the Vanilla Minecraft Launcher
## * Version should be set to the correct modded minecraf version installed (eg. 1.16.4-forge-35.1.13)
## * Make sure you are running the correct java version, and are giving an appropriate amount of RAM
## Check if manifest.json exists, exit if it does not exist
if [ ! -f "manifest.json" ]; then
echo "## No manifest.json found, probably no files to download.."
exit 0
OVERRIDES_DIR=$(cat manifest.json | jq -r .overrides)
if [ ! -z "${OVERRIDES_DIR}" ] && [ "${OVERRIDES_DIR}" != "null" ] && [ -d "./${OVERRIDES_DIR}" ]; then
mv "./${OVERRIDES_DIR}/"* ./
rm -r "./${OVERRIDES_DIR}"
## Function to download mod files from manifest.json
function downloadFile {
if [[ $# != 2 ]]; then
echo "Not enough arguments to download file"
## Change to mods directory
cd mods
## Get download url for mod file
MOD_FILE_URL=$(curl -sL "${1}/file/${2}/download-url")
echo "# Downloading mods/$(basename "$MOD_FILE_URL")"
## Make downloadFile function accessible for xargs call
export -f downloadFile
# Create mods directory if it does not exist
[ ! -d "mods" ] && mkdir "mods"
# Download all mod files to mods directory
cat manifest.json | \
jq -r '.files[] | (.projectID|tostring) + " " + (.fileID|tostring)' | \
xargs -n 1 -P 10 -I {} bash -c 'downloadFile $@' _ {}
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