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Forked from DarokinB/gist:5826648
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Save LewisMcMahon/54c942095791635488ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Roll20 Auto Initiative for Shadowrun E4
var Combat_Begins = Combat_Begins || {};
Combat_Begins.statName = new Array ("Dex"); //Stats to be added to roll, commas between values
Combat_Begins.rollValue = 20; //rolling 1d20, change if you roll 1dXX
Combat_Begins.sendChat = true; //True if you want the chat log to show their results
Combat_Begins.includeChars = true; //set false if you want to roll for players
//If you want players to roll, make this a global macro (add other stats as needed):
// @{selected|token_name} rolls a [[ 1d20 + @{selected|Dex} &{tracker} ]] for initiative!
on("chat:message", function(msg) {
if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf("!CombatBegins") !== -1 && msg.who.indexOf("(GM)") !== -1) {
Campaign().set("initiativepage", false );
if (Combat_Begins.sendChat == true) {
sendChat("", "/desc Combat Begins!");
_.each(msg.selected, function(selected) {
var obj = getObj("graphic", selected._id);
//Test for players, exit if players roll themself
var currChar = getObj("character", obj.get("represents")) || "";
var initString = "";
var TokenName = "";
var CharName = "";
if (currChar.length != 0) {
CharName = currChar.get("name");
if (currChar.get("controlledby") != "" && Combat_Begins.includeChars == false ) return;
if (CharName != "") {
_.each(Combat_Begins.statName, function(stat) {
//cycle through each stat and add it to mod
var mod = findObjs({
name: stat,
_characterid: obj.get("represents"),
}, {caseInsensitive: true});
if ( mod.length != 0 ) { initString = initString + " + " + mod[0].get("current"); }
var pre = "";
if (Combat_Begins.sendChat == false || currChar.get("controlledby") == "") {
pre = "/w GM ";
var string = "I rolled a [[1d" + Combat_Begins.rollValue + initString + "]] for initiative!";
var result = 0;
sendChat("character|" + obj.get("represents"), string, function(ops) {
var rollresult = ops[0];
result = rollresult.inlinerolls[1];
var turnorder;
if(Campaign().get("turnorder") == "") {
turnorder = [];
} else turnorder = JSON.parse(Campaign().get("turnorder"));
id: selected._id,
pr: result,
turnorder.sort(function(a,b) {
first =;
second =;
return second - first;
Campaign().set("turnorder", JSON.stringify(turnorder));
sendChat("character|" + obj.get("represents"), pre + "I rolled a " + result + " for initiative!");
} else {
//handles non-linked tokens. Rolls the die value and uses it.
sendChat(obj.get("name"), "I rolled a [[1d" + Combat_Begins.rollValue + "]] for initiative!", function(ops) {
var rollresult = ops[0];
result = rollresult.inlinerolls[1];
var turnorder;
if(Campaign().get("turnorder") == "") {
turnorder = [];
} else turnorder = JSON.parse(Campaign().get("turnorder"));
id: selected._id,
pr: result,
turnorder.sort(function(a,b) {
first =;
second =;
return second - first;
Campaign().set("turnorder", JSON.stringify(turnorder));
sendChat(obj.get("name"), "/w GM I rolled a " + result + " for initiative!");
} catch(err){return;}
Campaign().set("initiativepage", true );
if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf("!CombatEnds") !== -1) {
Campaign().set("turnorder", "");
Campaign().set("initiativepage", false );
if (MovementTracker.MovementTracker == true) { ResetAllPins() };
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