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Last active February 12, 2020 08:31
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A collection of utilities providing solutions to problems regularly encountered in the development of third-party A/B tests
* @fileoverview A collection of utilities providing solutions to problems
* regularly encountered in the development of third-party A/B tests
* Returns a function to get current time
* @returns {Function}
const getNow = || function getNow() {
return new Date().getTime();
* Merge together two objects with properties of the source object taking priority
* The function is called recursively for properties that are also objects to avoid
* overwriting the entire source object
* @param {object} target Base object
* @param {object} source Object with properties that will overwrite target
* @returns {object}
const mergeObjects = (target, source) => {
const merged = target;
Object.keys(source).forEach((key) => {
const sourceValue = source[key];
const targetValue = merged[key];
const isObject = typeof targetValue === 'object' && !(targetValue instanceof Array);
if (isObject) {
// If object, call function recursively to overwrite subproperties individually
merged[key] = mergeObjects(targetValue, sourceValue);
} else {
// Overwrite default with value from options
merged[key] = sourceValue;
return merged;
* @desc Check for the existence of elements or some other logic before running callback
* @param {array} conditions
* @param {function} callback
* @param {options} userOptions
const poller = (conditions, callback, userOptions) => {
* Default options
let options = {
wait: 50,
multiplier: 1.1,
timeout: 0,
// Overwrite any default options with user supplied options
if (userOptions) {
options = mergeObjects(options, userOptions);
const { multiplier, wait } = options;
* A date object created from the timeout option for easier comparison
* @type {Date}
const timeout = options.timeout ? new Date(getNow() + options.timeout) : null;
* Check if the poller has timed out
* @returns {boolean}
const isTimedOut = () => timeout && getNow() > timeout;
* Any successful polling conditions are pushed here to keep track of progress
* @type {array}
const successfulConditions = [];
* Check if a condition has passed
* Conditions are evaluated differently depending on the type
* Functions must return true and strings should be CSS selectors present in the DOM
* @param {*} condition
* @returns {boolean}
const evaluateCondition = (condition) => {
const types = {
function: () => condition(),
string: () => document.querySelector(condition),
const evaluate = types[typeof condition];
return evaluate ? evaluate() : true;
* Check if all the conditions have passed
* @returns {boolean}
const allConditionsPassed = () => successfulConditions.length === conditions.length;
* Recursive poll for a condition until it returns true
* @param {*} condition
* @param {number} waitTime Time before next polling attempt
* @param {boolean} skipWait Bypasses the wait period if true
const pollForCondition = (condition, waitTime, skipWait) => {
// End recursion if timeout has passed
if (timeout && isTimedOut()) {
return false;
const result = evaluateCondition(condition);
if (result) {
if (allConditionsPassed()) {
// Run the callback and pass the results as the first argument
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
pollForCondition(condition, waitTime * multiplier);
}, skipWait ? 0 : waitTime);
// Start polling for all conditions
for (let i = 0; i < conditions.length; i += 1) {
pollForCondition(conditions[i], wait, true);
* @desc Helpers to make working with MutationObservers easier
const observer = {
* A reference to all elements with active observers applied with observer.connect
* @type {array}
active: [],
* @method Observer.connect
* @desc Simplifies creating a MutationObservers and provides a throttle setting
* @param {Object} elements The element(s) to connect a MutationObserver to
* @param {function} cb Callback to run on mutation
* @param {Object} userOptions Settings to modify the behaviour of Observer
* @param {number} userOptions.throttle Minimum time to wait before callback can be fired again
* @param {object} userOptions.config MutationObserver config object (see:
connect: function connectMethod(elements, cb, userOptions) {
let options = {
throttle: 1000,
config: {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
subtree: false,
// Overwrite any default options with user supplied options
if (userOptions) {
options = mergeObjects(options, userOptions);
let blockCb;
const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
if (!blockCb) {
blockCb = true;
cb(elements, mutation);
setTimeout(() => {
blockCb = false;
}, options.throttle);
if (elements.jquery) {
// jQuery object
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1) {
mutationObserver.observe(elements[i], options.config);[elements[i], mutationObserver]);
} else {
// HTMLElement
mutationObserver.observe(elements, options.config);[elements, mutationObserver]);
return mutationObserver;
* @method Observer.disconnect
* @desc Allows MutationObservers connected with Observer.connect to easily be removed.
* All MutationObservers will be removed from specified element(s).
* @param {object} elements - the elements to remove all MutationObservers from
disconnect: function disconnectMethod(elements) {
const { active } = this;
// Removes observers from active element
function removeObservers(element) {
for (let i = 0; i < active.length; i += 1) {
if (element === active[i][0]) {
// For each element in argument check if the node exists in active
// If it does, disconnect the MutationObserver
if (elements.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1) {
} else {
* @desc Pass an array of elements and a number to split them into.
* Useful for separating elements into sections.
* @param {HTMLElement} elements
* @param {number} num
const group = (elements, num) => {
const groups = [];
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i += num) {
groups.push(elements.slice(i, i + num));
return groups;
* Define a function to be invoked on mouseleave if the user hovered for a minimum of 'x' ms.
* Useful for sending GA events on tooltip hovers as it avoids sending if a user just skims over.
* @param {HTMLElement} elements
* @param {function} cb
* @param {number} delay
const hoverDelay = (elements, cb, delay) => {
if (!$) return false;
let hovered;
let startHover;
if (!delay) delay = 1000;
$(elements).hover(() => {
startHover = getNow();
}, () => {
if (!hovered) {
const endHover = getNow();
const msHovered = endHover - startHover;
if (msHovered >= delay) {
hovered = true;
return elements;
* @desc FullStory tagging
* @param {string} experimentStr Experiment ID to show in Fullstory
* @param {string} variationStr Variation number to show in Fullstory
const fullStory = (experimentStr, variationStr) => {
pollerLite([() => {
const fs = window.FS;
if (fs && fs.setUserVars) return true;
}], () => {
experiment_str: experimentStr,
variation_str: variationStr,
}, { multiplier: 1.2, timeout: 0 });
* @desc Universal GA event sender that works on all client implementations of GA
* Polls for ga to exist and gets the tracker name from ga.getAll() to ensure
* events are always sent
const events = {
trackerName: false,
propertyId: false,
analyticsReference: 'ga',
eventCache: [],
setDefaultCategory(category) {
this.category = category;
return this;
setPropertyId(propertyId) {
// If set, will look for tracker matching given property ID
this.propertyId = propertyId;
setTrackerName(trackerName) {
this.trackerName = trackerName;
useLegacyTracker() {
this.analyticsReference = '_gaq';
* Send an event
* @param {string} evCategory
* @param {string} evAction
* @param {string} evLabel
* @param {object} userOptions
send(evCategory, evAction, evLabel, userOptions) {
const options = userOptions || {};
const category = evCategory || this.category;
const action = evAction;
const label = evLabel;
if (typeof options === 'object' && options.sendOnce) {
const eventID = `${category}${action}${label}`;
// Check eventCache to see if this has already been sent
if (this.eventCache.indexOf(eventID) > -1) {
return false;
} else {
// Store event in cache
const self = this;
const fire = (tracker) => {
if (self.analyticsReference === '_gaq') {
window._gaq.push(['_trackEvent', category, action, label, null, (typeof options.nonInteraction !== 'undefined' ? options.nonInteraction : true)]);
} else {
window[self.analyticsReference](`${tracker}.send`, 'event', category, action, label, { nonInteraction: (options.nonInteraction ? options.nonInteraction : true) });
if (self.trackerName) {
} else {
pollerLite([() => {
try {
if (self.analyticsReference === '_gaq') {
return !!window._gaq;
} else {
const trackers = window[self.analyticsReference].getAll();
if (trackers && trackers.length) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} catch (err) {}
}], () => {
if (window[self.analyticsReference].getAll) {
const trackers = window[self.analyticsReference].getAll();
if (self.propertyId) {
for (let i = 0; i < trackers.length; i += 1) {
const tracker = trackers[i];
if (tracker.get('trackingId') === self.propertyId) {
self.trackerName = tracker.get('name');
} else {
self.trackerName = trackers[0].get('name');
* Load a script wrapped in a promise. Any additional requests for the same script
* following the first attempt will instead return the original promise.
* This is useful to avoid sending unnecessary network requests when a script
* is required across multiple experiments
* @param {string} url
* @param {boolean} options.async
* @param {boolean} options.defer
* @returns {Promise}
const globalGetScript = (url, options) => {
window.ucGlobals = window.ucGlobals || {};
const { ucGlobals } = window;
ucGlobals.requests = ucGlobals.requests || {};
const { requests } = ucGlobals;
const opts = options || {};
* Create a script and resolve the promise on load
* @returns {Promise}
const createGlobalPromise = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let script = document.createElement('script');
script.async = opts.async instanceof Boolean ? opts.async : true;
script.defer = opts.defer instanceof Boolean ? opts.defer : true;
const onloadHander = (_, isAbort) => {
if (isAbort || !script.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test(script.readyState)) {
script.onload = null;
script.onreadystatechange = null;
script = undefined;
if (isAbort) {
} else {
script.onload = onloadHander;
script.onreadystatechange = onloadHander;
script.src = url;
document.body.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', script);
const isPromise = requests[url] instanceof Promise;
if (!isPromise) {
requests[url] = createGlobalPromise();
return requests[url];
* Run a callback when an element is in view
* @param {HTMLElement} element The element you want to track viewability of
* @param {function} cb Callback function to run once the element is in full view
* @param {Object} options Settings for the tracker
* @param {boolean} options.removeOnView Removes scroll tracking when element is in view
* @param {number} options.throttle Custom throttle timing
const viewabilityTracker = (element, cb, options) => {
let throttledCheckElement;
const stageHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);
options = options || {
zeroHeightElementsNotInView: true, /* Zero height elements are usually hidden */
throttle: 250, /* Scroll throttle delay */
allElementHasToBeInView: true, /* Otherwise only top of element has to be in view */
removeOnView: true, /* cb fires once only */
const delay = options.throttle || 250;
const elementIsInView = (element, stageHeight) => {
const elementBoundingBox = element.getBoundingClientRect();
if (options.zeroHeightElementsNotInView && elementBoundingBox.height == 0) {
return false;
const elementsTopY =;
const elementsBottomY = + elementBoundingBox.height;
if (options.allElementHasToBeInView) {
return elementsTopY >= 0 && elementsBottomY < stageHeight;
} else {
return elementsTopY <= stageHeight;
const checkElement = () => {
if (elementIsInView(element, stageHeight)) {
if (options.removeOnView) {
window.removeEventListener('scroll', throttledCheckElement);
throttledCheckElement = throttle(checkElement, delay);
window.addEventListener('scroll', throttledCheckElement);
/** Class for native JS animations */
class Animation {
* Animate the style property of an element
* @param {Object} options Options object
* @param {HTMLElement} options.elem
* @param {string} CSS property to animate
* @param {string} options.unit % or px
* @param {number} options.from Animate value from
* @param {number} Animate value to
* @param {number} options.time Time to complete animation
* @param {number} options.buffer Time between each value change
* lower results in a smoother animation but is worse for performance
* @param {function} options.beforeAnim Function to run before animation
* @param {function} options.afterAnim Function to run after animation
constructor(options) {
// Set defaults
this.options = {
elem: options.elem,
unit: options.unit !== undefined ? options.unit : 'px',
from: options.from !== 'undefined' ? options.from :[],
time: options.time !== 'undefined' ? options.time : 3000,
buffer: options.buffer !== 'undefined' ? options.buffer : 20,
beforeAnim: options.beforeAnim,
afterAnim: options.afterAnim,
animate() {
const {
} = this.options;
// Run beforeAnim function
if (beforeAnim && typeof beforeAnim === 'function') beforeAnim();
// Initial values[style] = from + unit;
const start = new Date().getTime();
* Update style value for the next frame
const nextFrame = () => {
const step = Math.min(1, (new Date().getTime() - start) / time);[style] = (from + step * (to - from)) + unit;
if (step === 1) {
if (afterAnim && typeof afterAnim === 'function') afterAnim();
} else {
// Init
setTimeout(() => {
}, buffer);
export {
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