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Last active August 24, 2017 19:20
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Get PHP Software Project Functions

PHP Function Signature Dump

This project is part of an idea for using automated unattended shell scripts to track API's of Libre & OpenSource projects

It's a total pain in the ass to have a method signature change on you, and it would be lovely if there was some way to automatically update or notify source code when API's change (Imagine the time you could not be spending trawling docs)

The core concept is this

  • Projects:
    ProjectPK, RepoURL, Name, Flags

  • Version:
    VersionPK, Name, Major, Minor, Patch, Build, ReleaseDate, ProjectPK

  • Methods:
    MethodPK, Name, Line, Flags, StructPK, ProjectPK, NamespacePK, FilePK, VersionPK

  • Namespaces:
    NamespacePK, Name, ProjectPK, VersionPK

  • Files:
    FilePK, Path, LanguagePK, ProjectPK, VersionPK

  • Structures:
    StructPK, Name, Flags, VersionPK

  • MethodArguments:
    MethodArgumentPK, Name, Type, MethodPK

  • Dependency:
    DepPK, Name, ProjectPK, VersionPK

Obviously what is here right now is not the above, but what a lovely concept.

LanguagePK is a weird one, but I'm thinking it's just another projectPK

Metadata isn't fully fleshed out and Flags would likely be an indexed bitfield, so you can search multiple properties at once

final class ProjectVersionData {
  ProjectVersion(string Project, string Version)
Interface ReadProjectData {
    getFileData(PK filePK)
    getMethodData(PK MethodPK)
    getStructureData(PK StructPK)
Interface WriteProjectData {
    addFiles(FileData[] Files)
    addMethods(MethodData[] Method)
    addStructures(StructureData[] Structure)
    addDependencies(string[] Dependencies)
    addNamespacesDefined(NamespaceData[] NS)
grep -R --include=*.php -P $SEARCH_PATTERN --line-number $SEARCH_PATH > functions.lst
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