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Created December 8, 2018 20:06
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1.13 Announcement.
So about 1.13. As we have been stating since the public release of 1.13,
the Forge update is a time we are taking to re-write everything from the
ground up. Not just Forge, but the entire toolchain, launcher, installer,
and core of Forge is being rewritten. Every line of code is being inspected,
and re-validated. This whole process takes a while. To give you (the reader)
an idea of what has been done so far:
ForgeGradle has been rewritten to support modern gradle versions, with better tools
to be expandable and used for more than just setting up a Minecraft/Forge
dependency project. It's also much cleaner and organized this time around
so that future changes to the tools used by FG don't break FG.
The launcher is re-written to support modern Java versions, meaning you can
now run Forge 1.13+ on Java 9+. To have achieved this, we've had to rewrite
the core modding system to be safer and more open as a platform, as well as
getting rid of 8 years worth of patch updates to ModLoader's (yes, Risugami's
thing) legacy code that prevented us from making these better systems. Along
with speeding up loading times, better launch stages, and mod interaction order,
this new launcher is very clean and should clean up mod code for better
The installer has been rewritten, specifically in that a lot of steps that
were done every launch are now done at install time! Deobfuscating the
Minecraft jar, applying patches, etc. is now done at installation, so
the launch sequence is now THAT much faster. Likewise, since the dependencies
are generated at install time, external tools can now interact with both
Minecraft and Forge in more stable ways and should address common installer
Now about the progress and speed of work being done. There are many factors
that play into all that has been done so far that took longer than expected,
people that I've relied on took longer than expected or didn't get the work
done causing delays to continue work. Regardless of these delays, we should
be able to still achieve the goal of a New Years-ish release, but remember,
this entire project and all the work being done is provided to the community
on volunteer time, for free, with all volunteers having plenty of other real
world responsibilities. Help is always appreciated and has been asked for
many times. Forge is currently in a state where modders can start testing things,
providing feedback, and squashing bugs. Not all features/patches have been
ported yet and the ease of use is still being worked on, but things are always
As for all of you guys hounding for ETA's instead of searching for yourself
and finding the progress: Remember, Forge and most of it's tools are open source,
on GitHub. You can see everything in progress as it's happening. You'll want to
pay attention to the 1.13-pre branch, and patches_old directory:
All of those files still need to be ported.
So, there you go. A good old todo list. Now, go help, or shut up!
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wpphili commented Jan 8, 2019

Feels like 1.13 should have been 2.0!

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Ok whoever keeps saying help or shut up, we want to help, some of us don’t know how to code. Some have asked to help but have been told no. We all understand the devs have real lives. I think some are frustrated that this post did not really answer the “when” question. They just seemed to tell us what they have done or have to do.

Along with Kevinmd88. He is right. By the time forge 1.13 comes out we will all have to wait again for 1.14 how many mods can’t update until forge finishes. They could have easily made an update and then on the side worked on starting from scratch to release later.

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lehjr commented Jan 10, 2019

Ok whoever keeps saying help or shut up, we want to help, some of us don’t know how to code. Some have asked to help but have been told no. We all understand the devs have real lives. I think some are frustrated that this post did not really answer the “when” question. They just seemed to tell us what they have done or have to do.

Along with Kevinmd88. He is right. By the time forge 1.13 comes out we will all have to wait again for 1.14 how many mods can’t update until forge finishes. They could have easily made an update and then on the side worked on starting from scratch to release later.

Unfortunately, if you cannot help by coding the best way to help is to be patient. It's impossible to give an ETA for a community project, especially with different people working on different things IN THEIR SPARE TIME and that time not always being consistent or even existent. What you're asking for is impossible, it's as simple as that.

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Strategic division of labour requires we put in an hour or two of overtime and donate it to Forge so they can hire a contract developer. I was about to commit to Saturday but I can't find a link : ( but it's technically an affirmative answer to Rebecca's question.

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pixelmaster13 commented Jan 13, 2019

Happy new year and good luck with it

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For those mentioning 1.14. Mojang did a truckload of changes in 1.13 to make future updates less painful. As I understand it 1.14 will just be added features, not complete rewrites of code and naming conventions and as such mods and plugins will be easier to update. Provided of course that those mods and plugins are fully 1.13 compatible and that's exactly what this forge update seems to be about, a huge clean up and rewrite. A properly done 1.13 forge should, in theory, be much smoother to update to 1.14

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ghost commented Jan 16, 2019

How about a guide to help newcomers to code this? I'd love to help but I don't know where to start with the codebase. Maybe consider something in the readme, to guide people on where to start learning. I know step one would be to use Forge itself and build a mod(s).

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ghost commented Jan 21, 2019

How about a guide to help newcomers to code this? I'd love to help but I don't know where to start with the codebase. Maybe consider something in the readme, to guide people on where to start learning. I know step one would be to use Forge itself and build a mod(s).

There's an excellent article, within the documents section on the Forge website, that covers how to get started with contributing to the project. It should be noted, regardless of how obvious, that you will need to have a decent understanding of Java programming. If you've read that, you should try reaching out to moderators/developers to see if they can provide guidance on what to work on. With that in mind, when reaching out, you might want to include some credentials of your talents as a developer (point out your Github page if you've done previous Java contributions). I imagine they would take you much more seriously!

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BradyLa commented Jan 21, 2019

Just give us an update already jeez its almost February and there has been no news

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Thank you for your work!!!

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BradyLa commented Jan 27, 2019


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Please be patient and not scream. Coding is hard and doing dynamic Java code loading voodoo is extremely hard

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Phy369 commented Jan 28, 2019

It'll be out when it's out and not before. Rewriting all of this from the ground up should take more time than this. I'd be very impressed if they got it out within the year.

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BradyLa commented Jan 29, 2019

They could just give an update, like it would take someone 5 minutes to write a paragraph about the status of forge 1.13.2

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@BradyLa yep I agree it's almost February now and still no update on 1.13+

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Instead of complaining, you could contribute - or at least, if you follow the progress in the git repository, you will see that progress is being done and good things take time.

Also if you at least look in the actual update written in the forum, there is a link to the work that still needs to be done. Inside there you will see the content being smaller and smaller - THAT is your update.

This is free work, done in peoples spare time. If you want them to do more work you could probably also start paying up, so they don't have to "waste time" on their daily job.

Last - it's a GAME ... stop complaining!

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I really appreciate all of the volunteers and the hours you are putting into this project! Great works gals/guys! Keep up the good work! My daughter and her friends (and myself...) love Forge!

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Akoot-zz commented Feb 9, 2019

final patch hype

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final patch hype

Been lurking this page and following the git repo progress for so long, seeing less and less stuff left in there. This is so exciting!

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To be completely honest, if people want to create or show me a guide to what's going on I'd be willing to help. I'd just need help getting started.

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