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Created April 27, 2019 02:26
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VScode REST api extension example
# Uses vs-rest-api to execute actions instead of keyboard shortcuts
# You will need to change send to command_or_key_nexus or add it through
import string
import requests
from dragonfly import (Grammar, Dictation, Repeat, Function)
from castervoice.lib import control
from castervoice.lib import settings
from castervoice.lib.actions import Key, Text
from castervoice.lib.context import AppContext
from castervoice.lib.dfplus.additions import IntegerRefST
from castervoice.lib.dfplus.merge import gfilter
from castervoice.lib.dfplus.merge.mergerule import MergeRule
from castervoice.lib.dfplus.state.short import R
# from castervoice.lib.utilities import command_or_key_nexus as send
def command_or_key_nexus(
key="", cmd=""): # Checks to send an API command or send dragonfly key actions
# Only use dragonfly key actions or an API Commands. API Commands can be combined with dragonfly methods.
# api = settings.SETTINGS["feature_rules"]["caster_api"]
debug_api = settings.SETTINGS["feature_rules"]["caster_api_debug"]
commands_list = cmd
shortcuts = key
if debug_api is True: # If the API is enabled and a String is present send_json_commands will initialize.
if cmd == "":
print("The command does not have API implemented")
else: # sends json commands
print("command_key_nexis Initialized to send json commands(cmd)") # Debugging
try: # when post to API fails to send command use keyboard shortcut instead.
commands_list = map(
string.strip, commands_list.split(',')
) # from commands_list split strings separated by a comma and removes white spaces.
for a_command in commands_list: # for each command found in commands_list post a request to API
r ='' + a_command)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error:
print("Is the API server running? Emulating " + shortcuts + " keyboard shortcuts!")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as error:
print(shortcuts, "Emulating " + shortcuts + " keyboard shortcuts!")
else: #
if shortcuts == "":
print("The command does not have keyboard shortcut assigned")
print("command_key_nexis Initialized Key(shortcuts).execute()") # Debugging
print(shortcuts, "Emulating " + shortcuts + " keyboard shortcuts!")
def findNthToken(text, n, direction):
Text("%(text)s").execute({"text": text})
if direction == "reverse":
print("yeah? %(n)d")
print("no? %(n)d")
class VisualStudioCodeRule(MergeRule):
pronunciation="visual studio code"
# File management
"select all":
R(Function(send, key="c-a", cmd="editor.action.selectAll"),
rdescript="Select All"),
"[open] command palette":
R(Function(send, key="c-p", cmd="workbench.action.showCommands"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Command Palette"),
"(open [file] | go to [tab]) [<text>]":
R(Function(send, key="c-p", cmd="workbench.action.quickOpen") +
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Go To File"),
"close tab":
R(Function(send, key="c-w", cmd="workbench.action.closeWindow"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Close Tab"),
"save file":
R(Function(send, key="c-s", cmd=""),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Save File"),
"save and close":
R(Function(send, key="c-s/10, c-w", cmd=", workbench.action.closeActiveEditor"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Save And Close File"),
# Search
"(search | find in) [all] (files | codebase)":
R(Function(send, key="cs-f", cmd="workbench.action.findInFiles"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Find in Codebase"),
"(search | find) [file]":
R(Function(send, key="c-f", cmd="actions.find"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Find in File"),
"(find | jump [to]) next select":
R(Function(send, key="f7", cmd=""),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Go to Next Symbol Highlighted"),
"(find | jump [to]) previous select":
R(Function(send, key="s-f7", cmd="editor.action.wordHighlight.prev"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Go to Previous Symbol Highlighted"),
"build workspace symbols":
R(Function(send, key="", cmd="python.buildWorkspaceSymbols"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Build Workspace Symbols"),
"(find | jump [to]) next <text>":
R(Function(findNthToken, n=1, direction="forward"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Find Next"),
"(find | jump [to]) previous <text>":
R(Function(findNthToken, n=1, direction="reverse"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Find Previous"),
# Tab Management
"nexta [<n>]":
R(Function(send, key="c-pgdown", cmd="workbench.action.nextEditor"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Next Tab") * Repeat(
), # These would be next and previous tab but i have a conflict with chrome
"prexta [<n>]":
R(Function(send, key="c-pgup", cmd="workbench.action.previousEditor"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Previous Tab") * Repeat(extra="n"),
"close tab":
R(Function(send, key="c-f4", cmd="workbench.action.closeActiveEditor"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Close Tab"),
"exit preview":
R(Function(send, key="space, c-z", cmd=""),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Exit Preview"),
# Moving Around a File
"(go to | jump | jump to) line <n>":
R(Function(send, key="c-g", cmd="workbench.action.gotoLine") + Text("%(n)d") +
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Go to Line"),
"go to definition":
R(Function(send, key="f12", cmd="editor.action.goToDeclaration"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Go to Definition"),
"go to type definition":
R(Function(send, key="", cmd="editor.action.goToTypeDefinition"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Go to Type Definition"),
"go to required definition":
R(Function(send, key="c-f12:2, c-right:5, left/50, f12", cmd=""),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Go to Required Definition"),
"go to (top | first line)":
R(Function(send, key="c-home", cmd="workbench.action.terminal.scrollToTop"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Go to Top"),
"go to (bottom | last line)":
R(Function(send, key="c-end", cmd="cursorBottom"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Go to Bottom"),
R(Function(send, key="end", cmd="cursorEnd"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: End Of Line"),
R(Function(send, key="home", cmd="cursorHome"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Beginning of Line"),
"go back [<n>]":
R(Function(send, key="a-left", cmd="workbench.action.navigateBack"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Go Back") * Repeat(extra="n"),
"go forward [<n>]":
R(Function(send, key="a-right", cmd="workbench.action.navigateForward"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Go Forward") * Repeat(extra="n"),
# Formatting
"indent [<n>]":
R(Function(send, key="tab", cmd="editor.action.indentLines"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Indent") * Repeat(extra="n"),
"unindent [<n>]":
R(Function(send, key="s-tab", cmd="outdent"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Unindent") * Repeat(extra="n"),
R(Function(send, key="c-slash", cmd="editor.action.commentLine"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Line Comment"),
"block comment":
R(Function(send, key="sa-a", cmd="editor.action.blockComment"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Block Comment"),
# Window Management
"[toggle] full screen":
R(Function(send, key="f11", cmd="workbench.action.toggleFullScreen"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Fullscreen"),
"[toggle] zen mode":
R(Function(send, key="c-k/3, z", cmd="workbench.action.toggleZenMode"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Zen Mode"),
# Debugging
"[toggle] breakpoint":
R(Function(send, key="f9", cmd="editor.debug.action.toggleBreakpoint"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Breakpoint"),
"step over [<n>]":
R(Function(send, key="f10/50", cmd="workbench.action.debug.stepOver") *
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Step Over"),
"step into":
R(Function(send, key="f11", cmd="workbench.action.debug.stepInto"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Step Into"),
"step out [of]":
R(Function(send, key="s-f11", cmd="workbench.action.debug.stepOut"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Step Out"),
R(Function(send, key="f5", cmd="workbench.action.debug.start"),
rdescript="Visual Studio Code: Resume"),
extras = [
IntegerRefST("n", 1, 1000),
defaults = {"n": 1, "mim": "", "text": ""}
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
context = AppContext(executable="code")
grammar = Grammar("Visual Studio Code", context=context)
if settings.SETTINGS["apps"]["visualstudiocode"]:
if settings.SETTINGS["miscellaneous"]["rdp_mode"]:
rule = VisualStudioCodeRule(name="visualstudiocode")
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