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Created June 26, 2021 03:10
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  • Save Lexikos/1649effc9fa97ee8666478b19f18029f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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WarnLegacy() - prints a warning to sdout for each legacy assignment/IF.
WarnLegacy(filename := A_ScriptFullPath)
Prints a warning to stdout for each detected use of the following:
var = value ; legacy assignment
if var = value ; legacy IF with any of these operators: = < > <= >= <> !=
if var = n ; where n is any literal number, and = is any of the above operators.
Also handles #Include or #IncludeAgain if passed a directory or filename, but does
not handle <LibName> or variables except for %A_LineFile%. Relative paths may be
resolved incorrectly if A_WorkingDir does not have the appropriate value.
WarnLegacy(filename := "") {
if (filename = "")
filename := A_ScriptFullPath
Loop Files, % filename
filename := A_LoopFileLongPath
code := FileOpen(filename, "r`r").Read()
static regex := "
(LTrim Join
(?<lcom>(?<![^ `t`r`n]);.*)
(?<bcom>^[ `t]*/\*(?:.*\R?)+?(?:[ `t]*\*/|.*\Z))
(?<hkkey>\w+|[^ `t`r`n])
(?<hklbl>(?>[<>*~$!^+#]*(?&hkkey)|~?(?&hkkey) & ~?(?&hkkey))(?i:[ `t]+up)?::)
(?<hslbl>:[[:alnum:]\?\*\- ]*:.*(?<!``)::)
(?<tosol>(?>[ `t]*(?&lcom)?\R|(?&bcom))++)
[ `t]*\((?i:Join[^ `t`r`n]*+|(?&lcom)|[^ `t`r`n)]++|[ `t]++)*+\R
(?:[ `t]*+(?!\)).*\R)*+
[ `t]*\)
(?<solcont>[ `t]*(?:,(?!::| +& )|[<>=/|^,?:\.+\-*&!~](?![^""]*?(?:"".*?::(?!.*?"")|::))))
(?<blank>(?&bcom)|[ `t]*(?&lcom)?\R)
(?<numv>[ `t]*(?&num)[ `t]*$)
^[ `t{}]*
(?:(?&lcom)|(?&bcom)|(?&hklbl)|(?&hslblr)|(?:else|try|finally)[ `t{}]*)?
(?&var)[ `t]*=(?&vline)(*:LegacyAss)|
if[ `t]+(?&var)[ `t]*(?>!?=|[<>]=?|<>)(?!(?&numv))(?&vline)(*:LegacyIf)|
#Include(?:Again)?(?>,|[ `t]+,?)[ `t]*+(?:\*i )?(?<IncludePath>.*?(?=[ `t]*(?&lcom)?$))(*:Include)|
owd := A_WorkingDir, sp := 1, line := 1
try while fp := RegExMatch(code, "O" regex, m, sp) {
; Calculate line number based on number of line since previous match.
StrReplace(SubStr(code, sp, fp-sp), "`n", "`n", nlc), line += nlc
; Calculate next starting point.
sp := fp + m.Len()
; Handle #Include.
if (m.mark = "Include") {
; TODO: Implement more variable support as needed.
path := StrReplace(m.IncludePath, "%A_LineFile%", filename)
attrib := InStr(path, "%") ? "" : FileExist(path)
if InStr(attrib, "D")
SetWorkingDir % path
else if attrib
else if SubStr(filename, 1, 1) != "<"
FileAppend % filename " (" line ") : ==> Debug: Unable to resolve #Include."
. "`n Specifically: " m.0 "`n", *
; Handle legacy syntax.
FileAppend % filename " (" line ") : ==> Warning: Use of deprecated syntax."
. "`n Specifically: " m.0 "`n", *
SetWorkingDir % owd
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