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Last active October 26, 2023 19:58
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"Oh The Biomes You'll Go" biome config to include Biomes 'O' Plenty biomes.

Original post

u/ShakuraKazuki did an amazing job on adding BOP biomes into BYG biome config. However, BYG got new biomes and default config since then. The versions their config is based on are as follows:

Biomes O Plenty Version is: "BiomesOPlenty-1.16.4-" Biomes you Go Version is: "byg-1.1.10.jar"

I decided to update this config, based on default config of current BYG version.

At the moment of writing, I adapted the config to the version:

BYG: "byg-1.2.8.jar"

I'll try to update the config when new version of BYG releases.

You are free to use this config in your modpack or modify/distribute it.

"biomes": {
"byg:allium_fields": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 2,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 5
"name": "byg:red_oak_forest",
"weight": 5
"byg:alps": {
"climate": "ICY",
"weight": 5,
"river": "byg:alps",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "byg:alpine_foothills",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:alpine_foothills",
"weight": 8
"name": "biomesoplenty:alps_foothills",
"weight": 8
"name": "biomesoplenty:alps",
"weight": 6
"byg:amaranth_fields": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 2,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 5
"name": "byg:jacaranda_forest",
"weight": 5
"name": "biomesoplenty:lavender_field",
"weight": 2
"name": "biomesoplenty:lavender_forest",
"weight": 1
"byg:ancient_forest": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 1,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:flowering_ancient_forest",
"weight": 5
"name": "byg:glowing_ancient_forest",
"weight": 5
"byg:araucaria_savanna": {
"climate": "DESERT",
"dictionary": "FOREST,OVERWORLD",
"weight": 2,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 5
"name": "byg:araucaria_forest",
"weight": 5
"byg:aspen_forest": {
"climate": "WARM",
"dictionary": "FOREST,OVERWORLD",
"weight": 6,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:aspen_forest_hills",
"weight": 6
"name": "byg:aspen_clearing",
"weight": 8
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 5
"name": "byg:flowering_grove",
"weight": 1
"name": "byg:grove",
"weight": 7
"byg:autumnal_valley": {
"climate": "COOL",
"dictionary": "DRY,OVERWORLD,PLAINS",
"weight": 5,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 8
"name": "byg:cika_woods",
"weight": 5
"byg:baobab_savanna": {
"climate": "DESERT",
"weight": 6,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "minecraft:savanna",
"weight": 5
"byg:bayou": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 5,
"river": "byg:bayou",
"beach": "byg:bayou",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "biomesoplenty:bayou",
"weight": 5
"name": "biomesoplenty:deep_bayou",
"weight": 1
"byg:blue_taiga": {
"climate": "COOL",
"weight": 6,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:blue_giant_taiga",
"weight": 2
"name": "byg:blue_taiga_hills",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 4
"byg:bluff_steeps": {
"climate": "COOL",
"weight": 6,
"river": "byg:bluff_steeps",
"beach": "byg:rocky_beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:bluff_peaks",
"weight": 10
"name": "biomesoplenty:jade_cliffs",
"weight": 3
"byg:boreal_forest": {
"climate": "COOL",
"dictionary": "FOREST,OVERWORLD",
"weight": 6,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:boreal_forest_hills",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:boreal_clearing",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 3
"byg:canyons": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 2,
"river": "byg:canyons",
"beach": "byg:canyon_edge",
"edge": "byg:canyon_edge",
"hills": []
"byg:cherry_blossom_forest": {
"climate": "WARM",
"dictionary": "FOREST,OVERWORLD",
"weight": 6,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:cherry_blossom_clearing",
"weight": 8
"name": "byg:bamboo_forest",
"weight": 2
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:flowering_grove",
"weight": 1
"name": "byg:grove",
"weight": 5
"name": "biomesoplenty:cherry_blossom_grove",
"weight": 5
"name": "biomesoplenty:bamboo_blossom_grove",
"weight": 2
"byg:cika_woods": {
"climate": "COOL",
"weight": 6,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "byg:rocky_beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:cika_mountains",
"weight": 8
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 5
"name": "byg:autumnal_valley",
"weight": 6
"name": "biomesoplenty:redwood_forest",
"weight": 8
"byg:cold_swamplands": {
"climate": "COOL",
"dictionary": "OVERWORLD,SWAMP",
"weight": 6,
"river": "byg:cold_swamplands",
"beach": "byg:cold_swamplands",
"edge": "",
"hills": []
"byg:coniferous_forest": {
"climate": "COOL",
"weight": 5,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:coniferous_clearing",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:coniferous_forest_hills",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:coniferous_forest",
"weight": 8
"name": "biomesoplenty:coniferous_lakes",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:fir_clearing",
"weight": 5
"byg:crag_gardens": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 1,
"river": "byg:crag_gardens",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "minecraft:river",
"hills": []
"byg:cypress_swamplands": {
"climate": "WARM",
"dictionary": "OVERWORLD,SWAMP,HOT",
"weight": 5,
"river": "byg:cypress_swamplands",
"beach": "biomesoplenty:gravel_beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "biomesoplenty:volcanic_plains",
"weight": 5
"name": "biomesoplenty:volcano",
"weight": 1
"byg:dead_sea": {
"climate": "DESERT",
"weight": 2,
"river": "biomesoplenty:gravel_beach",
"beach": "biomesoplenty:gravel_beach",
"edge": "biomesoplenty:wasteland",
"hills": [
"name": "biomesoplenty:wooded_wasteland",
"weight": 5
"name": "biomesoplenty:wasteland",
"weight": 7
"name": "biomesoplenty:origin_valley",
"weight": 2
"byg:deciduous_forest": {
"climate": "WARM",
"dictionary": "FOREST,OVERWORLD",
"weight": 6,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:deciduous_forest_hills",
"weight": 5
"name": "byg:deciduous_clearing",
"weight": 8
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:flowering_grove",
"weight": 1
"name": "byg:grove",
"weight": 7
"byg:dover_mountains": {
"climate": "COOL",
"weight": 3,
"river": "byg:dover_mountains",
"beach": "byg:white_beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": []
"byg:dunes": {
"climate": "DESERT",
"dictionary": "DRY,HOT,OVERWORLD,SANDY",
"weight": 5,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "biomesoplenty:lush_desert",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:oasis",
"weight": 10
"name": "biomesoplenty:lush_desert",
"weight": 10
"byg:ebony_woods": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 4,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:ebony_hills",
"weight": 6
"name": "byg:flowering_grove",
"weight": 1
"name": "byg:grove",
"weight": 7
"byg:enchanted_forest": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 1,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 2
"name": "byg:enchanted_forest_hills",
"weight": 6
"name": "byg:enchanted_grove",
"weight": 10
"name": "byg:flowering_enchanted_grove",
"weight": 2
"name": "biomesoplenty:origin_valley",
"weight": 2
"name": "biomesoplenty:mystic_grove",
"weight": 5
"name": "biomesoplenty:mystic_plains",
"weight": 5
"byg:enchanted_grove": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 1,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 2
"name": "byg:flowering_enchanted_grove",
"weight": 8
"byg:evergreen_taiga": {
"climate": "ICY",
"weight": 6,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:evergreen_hills",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:evergreen_clearing",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:evergreen_clearing",
"weight": 3
"byg:glowshroom_bayou": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 1,
"river": "byg:glowshroom_bayou",
"beach": "byg:glowshroom_bayou",
"edge": "",
"hills": []
"byg:grassland_plateau": {
"climate": "WARM",
"dictionary": "OVERWORLD,PLAINS",
"weight": 5,
"river": "byg:grassland_plateau",
"beach": "byg:rocky_beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:wooded_grassland_plateau",
"weight": 10
"name": "biomesoplenty:scrubland",
"weight": 5
"name": "biomesoplenty:shrubland_hills",
"weight": 3
"byg:great_lakes": {
"climate": "COOL",
"weight": 3,
"river": "byg:great_lakes",
"beach": "byg:great_lake_isles",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:great_lake_isles",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:great_lakes",
"weight": 7
"name": "biomesoplenty:wetland_marsh",
"weight": 2
"byg:grove": {
"climate": "WARM",
"dictionary": "LUSH,OVERWORLD,PLAINS",
"weight": 5,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 2
"name": "byg:flowering_grove",
"weight": 8
"byg:guiana_shield": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 3,
"river": "byg:guiana_shield",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "byg:guiana_clearing",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:guiana_clearing",
"weight": 8
"name": "byg:guiana_springs",
"weight": 2
"byg:jacaranda_forest": {
"climate": "WARM",
"dictionary": "FOREST,OVERWORLD",
"weight": 4,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "biomesoplenty:tropic_beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:jacaranda_forest_hills",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:jacaranda_clearing",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 3
"byg:lush_tundra": {
"climate": "ICY",
"weight": 6,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "byg:basalt_barrera",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:frozen_lake",
"weight": 1
"name": "byg:northern_forest",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:tundra",
"weight": 5
"name": "biomesoplenty:tundra_bog",
"weight": 4
"byg:mangrove_marshes": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 4,
"river": "byg:mangrove_marshes",
"beach": "byg:mangrove_marshes",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:coral_mangroves",
"weight": 10
"byg:maple_taiga": {
"climate": "COOL",
"dictionary": "COLD,FOREST,OVERWORLD",
"weight": 5,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "biomesoplenty:wetland",
"weight": 3
"byg:meadow": {
"climate": "WARM",
"dictionary": "LUSH,OVERWORLD,PLAINS",
"weight": 7,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:flowering_meadow",
"weight": 6
"name": "byg:wooded_meadow",
"weight": 5
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 4
"name": "biomesoplenty:ominous_woods",
"weight": 1
"name": "biomesoplenty:ominous_mire",
"weight": 1
"byg:mojave_desert": {
"climate": "DESERT",
"dictionary": "DRY,HOT,OVERWORLD,SANDY",
"weight": 3,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "biomesoplenty:dryland",
"hills": [
"name": "minecraft:desert",
"weight": 10
"name": "biomesoplenty:dry_boneyard",
"weight": 2
"name": "byg:dunes",
"weight": 1
"name": "biomesoplenty:dryland",
"weight": 4
"byg:orchard": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 3,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:flowering_grove",
"weight": 1
"name": "byg:grove",
"weight": 6
"name": "biomesoplenty:meadow",
"weight": 6
"name": "biomesoplenty:orchard",
"weight": 5
"byg:prairie": {
"climate": "WARM",
"dictionary": "DRY,OVERWORLD,PLAINS",
"weight": 5,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 2
"name": "byg:prairie_clearing",
"weight": 8
"name": "biomesoplenty:prairie",
"weight": 6
"name": "biomesoplenty:golden_prairie",
"weight": 4
"byg:red_desert": {
"climate": "DESERT",
"dictionary": "DRY,HOT,OVERWORLD,SANDY",
"weight": 2,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:lush_red_desert",
"weight": 5
"name": "byg:red_desert_dunes",
"weight": 5
"name": "byg:oasis",
"weight": 10
"byg:red_oak_forest": {
"climate": "WARM",
"dictionary": "FOREST,OVERWORLD",
"weight": 7,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:red_oak_forest_hills",
"weight": 7
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:flowering_grove",
"weight": 1
"name": "byg:grove",
"weight": 6
"byg:red_rock_mountains": {
"climate": "DESERT",
"weight": 4,
"river": "byg:red_rock_mountains",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "byg:red_rock_lowlands",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:red_rock_highlands",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:red_rock_lowlands",
"weight": 2
"name": "byg:wooded_red_rock_mountains",
"weight": 4
"byg:redwood_tropics": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 1,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "byg:rocky_beach",
"edge": "biomesoplenty:redwood_forest_edge",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:redwood_clearing",
"weight": 5
"name": "byg:redwood_mountains",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:redwood_hills",
"weight": 2
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 2
"name": "biomesoplenty:redwood_forest",
"weight": 7
"byg:rose_fields": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 2,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:red_spruce_taiga",
"weight": 7
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:flower_meadow",
"weight": 4
"byg:seasonal_birch_forest": {
"climate": "COOL",
"dictionary": "COLD,FOREST,OVERWORLD",
"weight": 7,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:seasonal_birch_forest_hills",
"weight": 7
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 2
"name": "biomesoplenty:dead_swamp",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:rainbow_hills",
"weight": 2
"byg:seasonal_deciduous_forest": {
"climate": "COOL",
"dictionary": "FOREST,OVERWORLD",
"weight": 6,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:seasonal_deciduous_forest_hills",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:seasonal_deciduous_clearing",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 2
"name": "biomesoplenty:seasonal_orchard",
"weight": 3
"byg:seasonal_forest": {
"climate": "COOL",
"dictionary": "COLD,FOREST,OVERWORLD",
"weight": 7,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 2
"name": "biomesoplenty:seasonal_forest",
"weight": 5
"name": "biomesoplenty:seasonal_pumpkin_patch",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:scrubland",
"weight": 6
"name": "biomesoplenty:wooded_scrubland",
"weight": 3
"byg:seasonal_taiga": {
"climate": "COOL",
"weight": 5,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:seasonal_taiga_hills",
"weight": 8
"name": "byg:seasonal_giant_taiga",
"weight": 2
"byg:shattered_glacier": {
"climate": "ICY",
"dictionary": "OVERWORLD,RARE,SNOWY",
"weight": 2,
"river": "byg:shattered_glacier",
"beach": "byg:basalt_barrera",
"edge": "",
"hills": []
"byg:shrublands": {
"climate": "DESERT",
"weight": 6,
"river": "byg:shrublands",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:polluted_lake",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:shrubland",
"weight": 7
"name": "biomesoplenty:shrubland_hills",
"weight": 6
"byg:sierra_valley": {
"climate": "DESERT",
"weight": 5,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "byg:sierra_range",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:sierra_range",
"weight": 8
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 2
"byg:skyris_highlands": {
"climate": "COOL",
"weight": 2,
"river": "byg:skyris_highlands",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "byg:skyris_steeps",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:skyris_highlands_clearing",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:skyris_peaks",
"weight": 5
"name": "byg:skyris_steeps",
"weight": 1
"byg:snowy_blue_taiga": {
"climate": "ICY",
"weight": 5,
"river": "minecraft:frozen_river",
"beach": "byg:snowy_rocky_black_beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:snowy_blue_taiga_hills",
"weight": 8
"name": "byg:snowy_blue_giant_taiga",
"weight": 2
"byg:snowy_coniferous_forest": {
"climate": "ICY",
"weight": 4,
"river": "minecraft:frozen_river",
"beach": "byg:snowy_rocky_black_beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:snowy_coniferous_clearing",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:snowy_coniferous_forest_hills",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:frozen_lake",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:snowy_coniferous_forest",
"weight": 5
"name": "biomesoplenty:snowy_fir_clearing",
"weight": 5
"byg:snowy_deciduous_forest": {
"climate": "ICY",
"weight": 6,
"river": "minecraft:frozen_river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:snowy_deciduous_forest_hills",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:snowy_deciduous_clearing",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:frozen_lake",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:snowy_maple_forest",
"weight": 3
"byg:snowy_evergreen_taiga": {
"climate": "ICY",
"weight": 6,
"river": "minecraft:frozen_river",
"beach": "byg:snowy_rocky_black_beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:snowy_evergreen_clearing",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:snowy_evergreen_hills",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:frozen_lake",
"weight": 3
"byg:stone_forest": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 1,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "byg:rocky_beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:pointed_stone_forest",
"weight": 7
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:highland_crag",
"weight": 5
"byg:the_black_forest": {
"climate": "COOL",
"weight": 4,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "byg:rocky_beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:black_forest_clearing",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:black_forest_hills",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:forest_fault",
"weight": 2
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 2
"byg:tropical_fungal_forest": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 3,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "biomesoplenty:tropic_plains",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:fungal_patch",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:tropical_fungal_rainforest_hills",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:overgrown_fungal_jungle",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:fungal_jungle",
"weight": 8
"name": "biomesoplenty:fungal_field",
"weight": 5
"byg:tropical_rainforest": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 6,
"river": "biomesoplenty:bayou_mangrove",
"beach": "biomesoplenty:tropics",
"edge": "biomesoplenty:tropic_plains",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:tropical_rainforest_hills",
"weight": 7
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:rainforest",
"weight": 7
"name": "biomesoplenty:rainforest_cliffs",
"weight": 2
"name": "biomesoplenty:rainforest_floodplain",
"weight": 5
"byg:twilight_valley": {
"climate": "COOL",
"weight": 2,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:twilight_valley_hills",
"weight": 7
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 2
"name": "biomesoplenty:dead_forest",
"weight": 5
"name": "biomesoplenty:burnt_forest",
"weight": 3
"byg:vibrant_swamplands": {
"climate": "COOL",
"weight": 5,
"river": "byg:vibrant_swamplands",
"beach": "byg:vibrant_swamplands",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "biomesoplenty:grove",
"weight": 3
"name": "biomesoplenty:highland_moor",
"weight": 10
"byg:weeping_witch_forest": {
"climate": "COOL",
"weight": 1,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:pumpkin_forest",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:weeping_witch_clearing",
"weight": 7
"name": "biomesoplenty:silkglade",
"weight": 2
"name": "biomesoplenty:silkglade_nest",
"weight": 1
"byg:woodlands": {
"climate": "WARM",
"weight": 4,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 6
"name": "byg:flowering_grove",
"weight": 1
"name": "byg:grove",
"weight": 8
"name": "biomesoplenty:grove",
"weight": 10
"name": "biomesoplenty:grove_lakes",
"weight": 8
"name": "biomesoplenty:grove_clearing",
"weight": 10
"name": "biomesoplenty:orchard",
"weight": 4
"byg:zelkova_forest": {
"climate": "COOL",
"weight": 5,
"river": "minecraft:river",
"beach": "minecraft:beach",
"edge": "",
"hills": [
"name": "byg:zelkova_clearing",
"weight": 4
"name": "byg:zelkova_forest_hills",
"weight": 3
"name": "byg:fresh_water_lake",
"weight": 3
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