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Created December 25, 2022 20:09
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Implementation of CKY Algorithm for NLP
COMS W4705 - Natural Language Processing
Homework 2 - Parsing with Probabilistic Context Free Grammars
Nick Luo
from lib2to3.pgen2 import token
import math
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
from grammar import Pcfg
### Use the following two functions to check the format of your data structures in part 3 ###
def check_table_format(table):
Return true if the backpointer table object is formatted correctly.
Otherwise return False and print an error.
if not isinstance(table, dict):
sys.stderr.write("Backpointer table is not a dict.\n")
return False
for split in table:
if not isinstance(split, tuple) and len(split) ==2 and \
isinstance(split[0], int) and isinstance(split[1], int):
sys.stderr.write("Keys of the backpointer table must be tuples (i,j) representing spans.\n")
return False
if not isinstance(table[split], dict):
sys.stderr.write("Value of backpointer table (for each span) is not a dict.\n")
return False
for nt in table[split]:
if not isinstance(nt, str):
sys.stderr.write("Keys of the inner dictionary (for each span) must be strings representing nonterminals.\n")
return False
bps = table[split][nt]
if isinstance(bps, str): # Leaf nodes may be strings
if not isinstance(bps, tuple):
sys.stderr.write("Values of the inner dictionary (for each span and nonterminal) must be a pair ((i,k,A),(k,j,B)) of backpointers. Incorrect type: {}\n".format(bps))
return False
if len(bps) != 2:
sys.stderr.write("Values of the inner dictionary (for each span and nonterminal) must be a pair ((i,k,A),(k,j,B)) of backpointers. Found more than two backpointers: {}\n".format(bps))
return False
for bp in bps:
if not isinstance(bp, tuple) or len(bp)!=3:
sys.stderr.write("Values of the inner dictionary (for each span and nonterminal) must be a pair ((i,k,A),(k,j,B)) of backpointers. Backpointer has length != 3.\n".format(bp))
return False
if not (isinstance(bp[0], str) and isinstance(bp[1], int) and isinstance(bp[2], int)):
sys.stderr.write("Values of the inner dictionary (for each span and nonterminal) must be a pair ((i,k,A),(k,j,B)) of backpointers. Backpointer has incorrect type.\n".format(bp))
return False
return True
def check_probs_format(table):
Return true if the probability table object is formatted correctly.
Otherwise return False and print an error.
if not isinstance(table, dict):
sys.stderr.write("Probability table is not a dict.\n")
return False
for split in table:
if not isinstance(split, tuple) and len(split) ==2 and isinstance(split[0], int) and isinstance(split[1], int):
sys.stderr.write("Keys of the probability must be tuples (i,j) representing spans.\n")
return False
if not isinstance(table[split], dict):
sys.stderr.write("Value of probability table (for each span) is not a dict.\n")
return False
for nt in table[split]:
if not isinstance(nt, str):
sys.stderr.write("Keys of the inner dictionary (for each span) must be strings representing nonterminals.\n")
return False
prob = table[split][nt]
if not isinstance(prob, float):
sys.stderr.write("Values of the inner dictionary (for each span and nonterminal) must be a float.{}\n".format(prob))
return False
if prob > 0:
sys.stderr.write("Log probability may not be > 0. {}\n".format(prob))
return False
return True
class CkyParser(object):
A CKY parser.
def __init__(self, grammar):
Initialize a new parser instance from a grammar.
self.grammar = grammar
def is_in_language(self,tokens):
Membership checking. Parse the input tokens and return True if
the sentence is in the language described by the grammar. Otherwise
return False
# TODO, part 2
pi = defaultdict(list)
n = len(tokens)
for i in range(n):
for lhs in self.grammar.rhs_to_rules[(tokens[i],)]:
for length in range(2,n+1):
for i in range(0,n-length+1):
j = i + length
for k in range(i+1,j):
for B in pi[(i,k)]:
for C in pi[(k,j)]:
if self.grammar.rhs_to_rules[(B,C)]:
for A in self.grammar.rhs_to_rules[(B,C)]:
if A[0] not in pi[(i,j)]:
return pi[(0,n)] != []
def parse_with_backpointers(self, tokens):
Parse the input tokens and return a parse table and a probability table.
# TODO, part 3
n = len(tokens)
table= defaultdict(dict)
probs = defaultdict(dict)
for i in range(n):
for lhs in self.grammar.rhs_to_rules[(tokens[i],)]:
table[(i,i+1)][lhs[0]] = tokens[i]
probs[(i,i+1)][lhs[0]] = math.log(lhs[2])
for length in range(2,n+1):
for i in range(0,n-length+1):
j = i + length
for k in range(i+1,j):
for B in table[(i,k)].keys():
for C in table[(k,j)].keys():
for A in self.grammar.rhs_to_rules[(B,C)]:
probability = math.log(A[2]) + probs[(i,k)][B] + probs[(k,j)][C]
table_item = ((B,i,k),(C,k,j))
if A[0] in table[(i,j)].keys():
if probability > probs[(i,j)][A[0]]:
probs[(i,j)][A[0]] = probability
table[(i,j)][A[0]] = table_item
table[(i,j)][A[0]] = table_item
probs[(i,j)][A[0]] = probability
return table, probs
def get_tree(chart, i,j,nt):
Return the parse-tree rooted in non-terminal nt and covering span i,j.
# TODO: Part 4
if j == i+1:
return (nt,chart[(i,j)][nt])
B = chart[(i, j)][nt][0]
C = chart[(i, j)][nt][1]
return (nt,get_tree(chart,B[1],B[2],B[0]),get_tree(chart,C[1],C[2],C[0]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open('atis3.pcfg','r') as grammar_file:
grammar = Pcfg(grammar_file)
parser = CkyParser(grammar)
toks =['flights', 'from', 'miami', 'to', 'cleveland', '.']
table,probs = parser.parse_with_backpointers(toks)
assert check_table_format(table)
assert check_probs_format(probs)
#print(get_tree(table, 0, len(toks), grammar.startsymbol))
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