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Created January 5, 2020 15:08
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Veriify SQL Netbackup Processes With SQL
use master;
set nocount on
declare @fqdn_server_name varchar(255)
declare @tomorrow varchar(255)
declare @30_days varchar(255)
declare @file_removal table ([del_statement] varchar(555))
set @fqdn_server_name = (select cast(serverproperty('machinename') as varchar) + '.' + lower(default_domain()) + '.com')
set @tomorrow = (select convert(varchar, getdate() + 1, 101) + ' 00:00:00')
set @30_days = (select convert(varchar, getdate() - 30, 101) + ' 00:00:00')
--create temp table to capture list of all confirmed netbackup file copies.
if object_id('tempdb..##netbackup_confirmed') is not null
drop table ##netbackup_confirmed
create table ##netbackup_confirmed ([file_name] varchar(255))
--find all backup path and backup files for the last 30 days.
declare @duration datetime
set @duration = (select getdate() - 30)
declare @backup_history table ([location] varchar(255), [backup_file] varchar(255))
insert into @backup_history
'location' = reverse(right(reverse(upper(bmf.physical_device_name)), len(bmf.physical_device_name) - charindex('\',reverse(bmf.physical_device_name),1) + 1))
, 'backup_file' = right(bmf.physical_device_name, charindex('\', reverse('\' + bmf.physical_device_name)) - 1)
from msdb.dbo.backupset bs join msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily bmf on bs.media_set_id = bmf.media_set_id
where bs.backup_finish_date > @duration
and bmf.[device_type] not in ('7')
group by bs.database_name, bs.backup_finish_date, bmf.physical_device_name, bs.type, bmf.device_type
order by bs.database_name, bs.backup_finish_date desc
--build Netbackup BPLIST logic for all known backup paths, and corresponding backup files.
--为所有已知备份路径和相应的备份文件构建Netbackup BPLIST逻辑。
declare @bplist_all table ([bp_commands] varchar(max))
insert into @bplist_all
select distinct
'insert into ##netbackup_confirmed exec master..xp_cmdshell ''C:\NetBackupList\bplist -R 99 -C ' + @fqdn_server_name + ' -s ' + @30_days + ' -e ' + @tomorrow + ' -I "' + reverse(stuff(reverse([location]), 1, 1, '')) + '"'''
from @backup_history
--execute Netbackup BPLIST utility across all unique backup paths gathering all confirmed files copied to enterprise storage and place them into table ##netbackup_confirmed.
--在所有唯一备份路径上执行Netbackup BPLIST实用程序,收集复制到企业存储的所有已确认文件,并将它们放入表## netbackup_confirmed中。
declare @populate_nbc varchar(max)
set @populate_nbc = ''
select @populate_nbc = @populate_nbc +
from @bplist_all
exec (@populate_nbc)
-- get manual confirmation. run query against @bplist_all and get the BPLIST command for any drive on the server.
-- run the following command with the target drive letter you're looking for.
--手动确认。 对@bplist_all运行查询并获取服务器上任何驱动器的BPLIST命令。
select replace([bp_commands], 'insert into ##netbackup_confirmed ', '')
from @bplist_all where [bp_commands] like '%y:\%'
--created file removal process for only files that have successfully backed up to the enterprise.
insert into @file_removal
select 'exec master..xp_cmdshell ''DEL "' + [location] + [backup_file] + '"'';' from @backup_history where [location] + [backup_file] in (select [file_name] from ##netbackup_confirmed)
order by [backup_file] desc
--remove backups that thave already been moved to enterprise storage.
declare @delete_files varchar(max)
set @delete_files = ''
select @delete_files = @delete_files +
[del_statement] + char(10)
from @file_removal
exec (@delete_files)
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