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Created April 28, 2023 13:28
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  • Save LiF-Lee/c1489374a56d6b2eff79c0bdb2d26f00 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save LiF-Lee/c1489374a56d6b2eff79c0bdb2d26f00 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Copy files with batch script.
@echo off
echo *****************************
echo * *
echo * Github@LiF-Lee *
echo * *
echo *****************************
echo ^[!^] Please enter the source folder path:
set /p src=
if not exist "%src%\" (
echo Invalid path. Please try again.
goto inputSrc
echo ^[!^] Please enter the destination folder path:
set /p dest=
if not exist "%dest%\" (
echo Invalid path. Please try again.
goto inputDest
echo ^[!^] Please enter the name of the new folder:
set /p newFolderName=
echo ^[!^] Please enter the file extensions you want to copy, separated by commas (e.g., .txt,.pdf), or leave it empty for all files:
set /p fileExtensions=
echo ^[!^] Copying files, please wait...
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if not defined fileExtensions (
for /r "%src%" %%f in (*) do (
set "relPath=%%~dpf"
set "relPath=!relPath:%src%=!"
echo Copying: !relPath!%%~nxf
xcopy "%%f" "%dest%\%newFolderName%" /Q /Y /I
) else (
set "fileExtensions=%fileExtensions: =%"
for %%a in (%fileExtensions%) do (
for /r "%src%" %%f in (*%%a) do (
set "relPath=%%~dpf"
set "relPath=!relPath:%src%=!"
echo Copying: !relPath!%%~nxf
xcopy "%%f" "%dest%\%newFolderName%" /Q /Y /I
echo ^[!^] File copy operation completed!
echo ^[!^] Do you want to copy more files? (Y/N)
set /p restart=
if /i "%restart%"=="Y" goto begin
if /i "%restart%"=="y" goto begin
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