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Quad Tree Implementation - Including AI
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<div id="info">Left click in the area above will add a node.</p>Middle click will place the blue query circle.</br>Spawning a monster in with Add Monster will place it in the center of query circle.</br>Basic Monster will not agro</br>Other monsters agro so spawn a bunch and see what happens.</br>console log has some info on damages/targets etc.<div>Query: <span id="queryText"></span></div></div>
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Quad Tree Implementation - Including AI

We needed a Quad Tree to handle spartial positioning in our MMORPG server over at

So this was born. I have been wanting to implement it for a while anyway.

Using Pixi.js for rendering it so I can see what is going on.

Add a few moving objects by using the button or click in the quad area to add static ones.

TODO: Add AI Manager TODO: Fix bug with removing quad leafs when they have no nodes inside them or their children etc.

A Pen by Liam Mitchell on CodePen.


// TODO: onEnter onLeave sensors?
// Size is considered Radius and origin point xy should be at center.
// An implementation of a range based square QuadTree.
// Which keeps leafs around if they have any nodes in them.
// Child leafs are only removed when empty.
// Querys check position and size nodes to see if they are inside the query radius.
// See my code pen here for more detail:
// The old one.
var QuadTreeConstants = {
useLocal: 0,
useObject: 1,
useObjectLocation: 2,
useObjectPosition: 3,
useParam: 4,
useFunction: 5
function AABBCircleIntersect(circle, rectangle) {
// Circle is x,y, radius
// Rectangle is top left bottom right
// We need a copy of the point
var circle_copy = {
x: circle.x,
y: circle.y
// Snap our circle to the rectangle corner/side its nearest
if(circle_copy.x > rectangle.right) {
circle_copy.x = rectangle.right;
} else if(circle_copy.x < rectangle.left) {
circle_copy.x = rectangle.left;
if(circle_copy.y > rectangle.bottom) {
circle_copy.y = rectangle.bottom;
} else if(circle_copy.y < {
circle_copy.y =;
var dx = circle_copy.x - circle.x;
var dy = circle_copy.y - circle.y;
var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.abs((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)));
if(distance < circle.radius) return true;
return false;
function QuadTreeNode(opts) {
if(opts === undefined) {
throw new Error('QuadTreeNode requires opts to be defined.');
} = undefined;
this.lifetime = 0;
this.x = opts.x || 0;
this.y = opts.y || 0;
this.size = opts.size || 1;
this._valueAccess = QuadTreeConstants.useLocal;
this.object = opts.object || null;
this.type = undefined;
// TODO: Switch to using bitflag? or multi option thing. For example if i want function update but then use object x and y or object.location.x etc
if(this.object !== null) {
if(this.object.x != undefined && this.object.y != undefined) {
this._valueAccess = QuadTreeConstants.useObject;
} else if(this.object.Location !== undefined) {
this._valueAccess = QuadTreeConstants.useObjectLocation;
} else if(this.object.position !== undefined) {
this._valueAccess = QuadTreeConstants.useObjectPosition;
this.type = this.object.type || ||;
this.type = opts.type || this.type;
if(opts.getParam) {
this._getParam = opts.getParam;
this._valueAccess = QuadTreeConstants.useParam;
if (typeof(opts.update) === 'function') {
this.UpdateFunction = opts.update;
this._valueAccess = QuadTreeConstants.useFunction;
} else if (opts.useObjectUpdate) {
this.UpdateFunction = this.object.update;
this._valueAccess = QuadTreeConstants.useFunction;
// Call update to refresh the tree
QuadTreeNode.prototype.update = function(delta) {
if(delta !== undefined) this.lifetime += delta;
switch(this._valueAccess) {
case QuadTreeConstants.useFunction:
var result =,this,delta);
if (result===null) return;
this.x = result.x;
this.y = result.y;
this.size = result.size || this.size;
case QuadTreeConstants.useLocal:
// Do Nothing
case QuadTreeConstants.useObject:
this.x = this.object.x;
this.y = this.object.y;
this.size = this.object.size || 1;
case QuadTreeConstants.useObjectLocation:
this.x = this.object.Location.X;
this.y = this.object.Location.Y;
this.size = this.object.size || 1;
case QuadTreeConstants.useObjectPosition:
// Check if pixi loaded and if position is of pixi origin.
this.x = this.object.position.x;
this.y = this.object.position.y;
// this.size = this.object.size; TODO: Get size propperly for XYZ
// Maybe getBounds
case QuadTreeConstants.useParam:
this.x = this.object[this._getParam.x];
this.y = this.object[this._getParam.y];
this.size = this.object[this._getParam.size] || 1;
throw new Error('Unspecified QuadTreeConstant. (' + this._valueAccess + ')');
// Create a tree with options
// {x : 0, y: 0, size: 1000}
function QuadTree(opts) {
this.leafs = [];
this.nodes = [];
this.nodesHash = {};
this.topLevel = true;
this.level = opts.level || 0;
if(this.level > 0) {
this.topLevel = false;
this.nextNodeID = 1;, opts);
// For the root of a QuadTree we can check ignoring size constraint.
if (opts.rootSpansInfinite) {
this.inBounds = function(obj) {
return true;
// Set when tree splits remove when unsplit
this.hasChildrenAreas = false;
this.halfSize = this.size / 2;
this.depth = opts.depth || 5;
this.limit = opts.limit || 10;
QuadTree.prototype = Object.create(QuadTreeNode.prototype);
QuadTree.prototype.clear = function() {
for(var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
delete this.nodes[i].leaf;
this.nodes = [];
this.nodesHash = {};
this.leafs = [];
this.hasChildrenAreas = false;
this.nextNodeID = 1;
QuadTree.prototype.getNodeByID = function(input) {
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
var result = [];
for (var i=0; i < input.length; i++) {
result[i] = this.getNodeByID(input[i]);
return result;
var node;
if (this.nodesHash[input]) {
return this.nodesHash[input];
if (this.hasChildrenAreas) {
node = this.leafs[0].getNodeByID(input);
if (node) return node;
node = this.leafs[1].getNodeByID(input);
if (node) return node;
node = this.leafs[2].getNodeByID(input);
if (node) return node;
node = this.leafs[3].getNodeByID(input);
if (node) return node;
return null;
QuadTree.prototype.query = function(query) {
var results = [];
if(query === undefined) {
for(var n = 0; n < this.nodes.length; n++) {
distance: null,
node: this.nodes[n],
object: this.nodes[n].object
query = {};
} else {
if (typeof(query.x) === 'undefined') query.x = 0;
if (typeof(query.y) === 'undefined') query.y = 0;
if(query.position) {
query.x = query.position.x;
query.y = query.position.y;
if(query.location) {
query.x = query.location.x;
query.y = query.location.y;
if (query.CVec3) {
query.x = query.CVec3.X;
query.y = query.CVec3.Z;
if(query.radius === undefined) {
for(var n = 0; n < this.nodes.length; n++) {
var distance = null;
if (query.x !== undefined && query.y !== undefined) {
var dx = this.nodes[n].x - query.x;
var dy = this.nodes[n].y - query.y;
distance = Math.sqrt(Math.abs((dx * dx) + (dy * dy))) - this.nodes[n].size;
distance: distance,
node: this.nodes[n],
object: this.nodes[n].object
} else {
if(this.hasChildrenAreas) {
// Check if circle intersects square for each of these
// If so then query inside
var circle = {
x: query.x,
y: query.y,
radius: query.radius
if(AABBCircleIntersect(circle, this.leafs[0].bounds)) {
results = results.concat(this.leafs[0].query(query));
if(AABBCircleIntersect(circle, this.leafs[1].bounds)) {
results = results.concat(this.leafs[1].query(query));
if(AABBCircleIntersect(circle, this.leafs[2].bounds)) {
results = results.concat(this.leafs[2].query(query));
if(AABBCircleIntersect(circle, this.leafs[3].bounds)) {
results = results.concat(this.leafs[3].query(query));
// Check each of the nodes
for(var n = 0; n < this.nodes.length; n++) {
if(this.nodes[n]) {
// Get distance
var dx = this.nodes[n].x - query.x;
var dy = this.nodes[n].y - query.y;
var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.abs((dx * dx) + (dy * dy))) - this.nodes[n].size;
if(distance <= query.radius) {
distance: distance,
node: this.nodes[n],
object: this.nodes[n].object
if(this.topLevel) {
// Do filter functions
if(query.filter) {
results = results.filter(query.filter);
if(query.type) {
if(typeof(query.type) === 'string') {
query.type = query.type.split(/[\s,]+/);
results = results.filter(function(r) {
if(query.type.indexOf(r.node.type) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
} else if(Array.isArray(query.type)) {
results = results.filter(function(r) {
var type;
var typeIsFunction = type instanceof Function;
for (var i=0;i < query.type.length;i++) {
type = query.type[i];
if (typeIsFunction && r.node.object instanceof type){
return true;
} else if (type instanceof String && type == r.node.type) {
return true;
return false;
// Do sorting
if(query.sort !== undefined) {
if(typeof(query.sort) === 'function') {
results = results.sort(query.sort);
} else {
results = results.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.distance - b.distance;
return results;
QuadTree.prototype.update = function update(delta) {
// I am not sure how to handle if quad tree moves? I suppose locaitons of nodes should be relative?
//, delta);
// Should cache old x,y and size compare if different if so recalculate? That would probably be more work than just calculating it.
this.bounds = {
top: this.y,
left: this.x,
bottom: this.y + this.size,
right: this.x + this.size
//if(this.topLevel) {
var i, node, leaf;
for(i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
node = this.nodes[i];
var xold = node.x, yold = node.y, sizeold = node.size;
if (node.x == xold && node.y == yold && node.size == sizeold) {
// Node has not moved
leaf = node.leaf;
if(!leaf.inBounds(node)) {
// If node is no longer in parent leaf bounds
var placed = false;
while(leaf.Parent || leaf.topLevel) {
if(leaf.inBounds(node)) {
placed = true;
if(leaf.topLevel) {
leaf = leaf.Parent;
if(placed == false) {
console.error('node not in quad tree...');
} else {
// Check if node would fit inside a child leaf
if(this.hasChildrenAreas) {
var placed = false;
if(this.leafs[0].inBounds(node)) {
placed = true;
} else if(this.leafs[1].inBounds(node)) {
placed = true;
} else if(this.leafs[2].inBounds(node)) {
placed = true;
} else if(this.leafs[3].inBounds(node)) {
placed = true;
if (placed) {
var index = this.nodes.indexOf(node);
if(index > -1) {
delete this.nodesHash[];
this.nodes.splice(index, 1);
// If has children
// Update Leafs
if(this.hasChildrenAreas) {
// Unrolled for speed
if (this.topLevel) {
function checkLeafsChildrenEmpty(quadTreeLeaf, maxDepth) {
if (quadTreeLeaf.nodes.length === 0 && (quadTreeLeaf.hasChildrenAreas == false || quadTreeLeaf.level == maxDepth) ) return true;
if (quadTreeLeaf.hasChildrenAreas) {
var result1 = checkLeafsChildrenEmpty(quadTreeLeaf.leafs[0], maxDepth);
var result2 = checkLeafsChildrenEmpty(quadTreeLeaf.leafs[1], maxDepth);
var result3 = checkLeafsChildrenEmpty(quadTreeLeaf.leafs[2], maxDepth);
var result4 = checkLeafsChildrenEmpty(quadTreeLeaf.leafs[3], maxDepth);
if (result1 && result2 && result3 && result4) {
quadTreeLeaf.leafs = [];
quadTreeLeaf.hasChildrenAreas = false;
if (quadTreeLeaf.nodes.length === 0) return true;
} else {
if (quadTreeLeaf.nodes.length === 0) return true;
return false;
checkLeafsChildrenEmpty(this, this.depth);
QuadTree.prototype.inBounds = function(node) {
return (this.x < node.x - node.size &&
this.x + this.size > node.x + node.size &&
this.y < node.y - node.size &&
this.y + this.size > node.y + node.size);
// Returns array of unplaced nodes although this should be empty
QuadTree.prototype.putNodesInChildrenLeafs = function() {
if(!this.hasChildrenAreas) {
throw new Error('Cannot use putNodesInChildrenLeafs when there are no children leafs...');
var unplaced = [];
// Place the nodes in the appropriate child leaf
var removed = [], node, i;
for(i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
var node = this.nodes[i];
if(this.leafs[0].inBounds(node)) {
} else if(this.leafs[1].inBounds(node)) {
} else if(this.leafs[2].inBounds(node)) {
} else if(this.leafs[3].inBounds(node)) {
} else {
// If the node was placed in a child leaf then remove it from the parents nodes list.
for (i=0;i<removed.length;i++) {
node = removed[i];
var index = this.nodes.indexOf(node);
if(index > -1) {
delete this.nodesHash[];
this.nodes.splice(index, 1);
return unplaced;
QuadTree.prototype.removeNode = function(value) {
var node;
if(value instanceof QuadTreeNode) {
node = value;
value =;
} else if(typeof(value) === 'number') {
// Do nothing
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid value passed to QuadTree::removeNode');
if(node === undefined) {
node = this.nodesHash[value];
if(node.leaf !== undefined && node.leaf !== this && this.topLevel) {
var index = this.nodes.indexOf(node);
if(index > -1) {
delete this.nodesHash[];
this.nodes.splice(index, 1);
delete node.leaf;
QuadTree.prototype.addNode = function(node) {
if(this.topLevel) {
if(node instanceof QuadTreeNode === false) {
node = new QuadTreeNode(node);
if( === undefined) { = this.nextNodeID;
node.leaf = this;
// Check any children that exist if we can add it there
if(this.hasChildrenAreas) {
if(this.leafs[0].inBounds(node)) {
} else if(this.leafs[1].inBounds(node)) {
} else if(this.leafs[2].inBounds(node)) {
} else if(this.leafs[3].inBounds(node)) {
} else {
this.nodesHash[] = node;
// Check if we need to create child areas
} else if(this.depth > 0 && this.nodes.length + 1 > this.limit) {
this.hasChildrenAreas = true;
this.leafs[0] = new QuadTree({
x: this.x,
y: this.y,
size: this.halfSize,
limit: this.limit,
depth: this.depth - 1,
level: this.level + 1
this.leafs[1] = new QuadTree({
x: this.x + this.halfSize,
y: this.y,
size: this.halfSize,
limit: this.limit,
depth: this.depth - 1,
level: this.level + 1
this.leafs[2] = new QuadTree({
x: this.x,
y: this.y + this.halfSize,
size: this.halfSize,
limit: this.limit,
depth: this.depth - 1,
level: this.level + 1
this.leafs[3] = new QuadTree({
x: this.x + this.halfSize,
y: this.y + this.halfSize,
size: this.halfSize,
limit: this.limit,
depth: this.depth - 1,
level: this.level + 1
this.leafs[0].Parent = this;
this.leafs[1].Parent = this;
this.leafs[2].Parent = this;
this.leafs[3].Parent = this;
this.nodesHash[] = node;
// Reorganize Nodes
}// else if(this.topLevel === false) {
else {
if(this.inBounds(node)) {
this.nodesHash[] = node;
node.leaf = this;
} else {
console.error('Node outside Quad Tree bounds ' + this.x + ',' + this.y + ' size ' + this.size);
return null;
return node;
QuadTree.QuadTreeConstants = QuadTreeConstants;
QuadTree.AABBCircleIntersect = AABBCircleIntersect;
QuadTree.QuadTreeNode = QuadTreeNode;
if(typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
module.exports = QuadTree;
if(typeof window !== "undefined") {
window.QuadTree = QuadTree;
// Render stuff / test
QuadTreeNode.prototype.render = function(graphics) {
graphics.lineStyle(3, this.color || 0xFF0000, 1);
graphics.drawCircle(this.x, this.y, this.size);
// Debug only rendering of the tree
QuadTree.prototype.render = function(graphics) {
graphics.lineStyle(1, this.color || 0x333333, 0.75);
//if (this.negative) {
/* graphics.drawRect(this.x-this.halfSize, this.y-this.halfSize, this.size, this.size);
} else {*/
graphics.drawRect(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size);
// If has children
if(this.hasChildrenAreas) {
// Unrolled for speed
for(var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
// TODO: Make everything relative to the parent it is in.
//var obj = { x: 100, y: 100, size: 10 };
var myTree = new QuadTree({
x: 0,
y: 0,
size: 590,
depth: 5,
limit: 3,
rootSpansInfinite: true
// create an new instance of a pixi stage
var stage = new PIXI.Stage(0xFFFFFF, true);
var renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(600, 600, null, false, true); = "block";
$queryText = $('#queryText');
var graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
graphics.hitArea = new PIXI.Rectangle(myTree.x, myTree.y, myTree.size, myTree.size);
graphics.setInteractive(true); = function(mouseData) {
var point = mouseData.getLocalPosition(this);
switch(mouseData.originalEvent.button) {
case 0:
// Left Click
var newobj = {
x: point.x,
y: point.y,
size: 5,
type: 'Player'
myTree.addNode(new QuadTreeNode({
object: newobj
case 1:
// Middle Click
queryOptions.x = Math.floor(point.x);
queryOptions.y = Math.floor(point.y);
case 2:
// Right click
return false;
var queryOptions = {
x: 50,
y: 50,
radius: 100
// Rendering part
var speedHack = 1;
var lastTime;
var delta;
var fps = 0;
var $fps = $('#fps');
setInterval(function() {
$fps.text("FPS: " + Math.floor(fps));
}, 250);
function animate(time) {
if(lastTime === undefined) lastTime = time;
delta = time - lastTime;
myTree.update(delta * speedHack);
fps = 1000 / delta;
graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x0000FF, 1);
graphics.drawCircle(queryOptions.x, queryOptions.y, queryOptions.radius);
var results = myTree.query(queryOptions);
$queryText.text("Result Query " + queryOptions.x + ',' + queryOptions.y + ' radius ' + queryOptions.radius + ': ' + results.length);
lastTime = time;
function clearTree() {
return false;
function addMovingNode() {
var mySize = 15;
var newobj = {
x: 10,
y: 10,
size: mySize
var AliveTime = 2000
var node = myTree.addNode(newobj);
if(!node) {
console.error('Did not insert node into QuadTree.');
node.render = function(graphics) {
graphics.lineStyle(3, 0xFF0000, 1); /* this.size = ((this.lifetime / AliveTime) * mySize);*/
graphics.drawCircle(this.x, this.y, this.size);
newobj.moveInterval = setInterval(function() {
newobj.x += 1;
newobj.y += 1;
}, 1);
setTimeout(function() {
}, AliveTime);
return false;
/* Attacker Collection is a way to keep track of attackers */
// attackers should not be touched external to this code
var AttackerCollection = function() {
this.attackers = [];
// Regulate lets us add or update an ID with a set amount of damage.
AttackerCollection.prototype.regulate = function(ID, Damage) {
var attacker = null;
for(var i in this.attackers) {
if(this.attackers[i].ID == ID) {
attacker = this.attackers[i];
if(attacker) { // Update
attacker.Damage += Damage;
} else { // Add
Damage: Damage
// If we take references to this collections array and want to clear those to we should set .length = 0
AttackerCollection.prototype.clear = function() {
this.attackers.length = [];
// Returns the attackers array
AttackerCollection.prototype.sort = function() {
if(this.attackers.length > 1) {
this.attackers = this.attackers.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.Damage - a.Damage;
}); // Sort descending by Damage
return this.attackers;
/* Monster Stuff goes here */
function Monster(mi) {
this.mi = mi;
this.size = mi.size | 5;
this.action = 'created';
this.actionTimer = 5000;
this.speed = mi.speed | 5;
this.attackers = new AttackerCollection();
this.initTemp(); = 0; = null;
Monster.prototype.initTemp = function() {
this.temp = {
aggroTimer: 0
Monster.prototype.sendUpdate = function() {
console.log('Send monster update.');
this.updateInterval = setInterval(this.sendUpdate, 4000);
Monster.prototype.damage = function(id, damage) { -= damage;
if ( < 0) = 0;
console.log(' hurt by '+(id || 'world')+' for '+damage+' hp is now ';
if ( === 0) {
if (id) {
// Drop items etc if killed by an ID.
this.action = 'death';
this.actionTimer = null;
return true;
return false
Monster.prototype.heal = function(amount) {
if (amount <= 0) { // If nothing passed for amount or its a negative then heal fully.
amount = || 100;
} += amount;
if ( > || 100) { = || 100;
var radian = Math.PI / 180;
Monster.prototype.update = function monster_update(node, delta) {
var self = this;
if(this.actionTimer > 0) {
this.actionTimer -= delta;
switch(this.action) {
case 'spawn':
if(this.actionTimer <= 0) {
this.action = 'idle';
this.actionTimer = Math.floor((Math.random() * (100 - 50) + 50)) * 10;
console.log( + ' spawned'); = null;
case 'idle':
if (this.actionTimer === null) {
this.actionTimer = 0;
this.temp.aggroTimer = 0;
this.temp.aggroTimer -= delta;
if(this.temp.aggroTimer <= 0) {
this.temp.aggroTimer = 500; = null;
if (this.mi.aggro_range > 0) {
var targets = myTree.query({ x: this.x, y: this.y, radius: this.mi.sight_radius, sort: true, type: Monster, filter: function(r){ return r.object !== self && > 0 } });
if (targets.length > 0) { = targets[0];
console.log( + ' aggros ';
if (targets[0].distance <= this.mi.range) {
this.action = 'attack';
this.actionTimer = null;
this.actionTimer = null;
this.action = 'move';
var attackers = this.attackers.sort();
if (attackers.length > 0) {
for (var i=0; i<attackers.length; i++) {
var targetNode = myTree.getNodeByID(attackers[i].ID);
if (targetNode === null) {
// Target is already dead
if ( <= 0) {
var dx = targetNode.object.x - this.x;
var dy = targetNode.object.y - this.y;
var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.abs((dx * dx) + (dy * dy))) - (targetNode.object.size + this.size + this.mi.range); = attackers[i].ID;
console.log( + ' targets its attacker ';
if (distance <= this.mi.range) {
this.actionTimer = null;
this.action = 'attack';
return this;
this.actionTimer = null;
this.action = 'move';
return this;
if(this.actionTimer <= 0) {
if(Math.random() * 100 <= 30) {
this.actionTimer = null;
this.action = 'move';
this.actionTimer = (Math.floor(2 + (Math.random() * 5))) * 1000;
// A Move assumes that the monster is not currently moving and that there is no friction or anything.
// It picks a direction and distance and moves towards it.
// See here for details
case 'move':
if(this.actionTimer === null) {
var distance;
if ( !== null) {
var targetNode = myTree.getNodeByID(;
if (targetNode) {
var dx = targetNode.object.x - this.x;
var dy = targetNode.object.y - this.y;
// Distance to be in range
distance = Math.sqrt(Math.abs((dx * dx) + (dy * dy))) - (targetNode.object.size + this.size + this.mi.range);
if (distance <= this.mi.range) {
this.action = 'attack';
this.actionTimer = null;
// Multiplying sight radius by 2 as following something should be heightened sense as its focusing on them.
if (distance > this.mi.sight_radius*2) {
this.action = 'idle';
this.actionTimer = null;
this.newdir = Math.atan2(dy, dx) * (180 / Math.PI);
} else {
this.action = 'idle';
this.actionTimer = 3000;
} else {
this.newdir = (getWeightedRandomRangeValue(preferedDirectionRanges) + this.direction) % 360;
distance = getWeightedRandomRangeValue(preferedDistanceRanges);
this.direction = this.newdir;
var rad = this.newdir * radian;
this.velocity = {
x: Math.cos(rad),
y: Math.sin(rad)
this.newx = this.x + (distance * this.velocity.x);
this.newy = this.y + (distance * this.velocity.y);
this.actionTimer = (distance / this.speed) * 1000;
if ( === null) {
// Re-roll to keep inside tree I hope.
if(this.newx < 0) this.actionTimer = null;
if(this.newy < 0) this.actionTimer = null;
if(this.newx > myTree.size) this.actionTimer = null;
if(this.newy > myTree.size) this.actionTimer = null;
} else if(this.actionTimer <= 0) {
this.x = this.newx;
this.y = this.newy;
if ( !== null) {
this.action = 'attack';
this.actionTimer = null;
this.action = 'idle';
this.actionTimer = Math.floor(300 + (Math.random() * 700));
} else {
// Could plan for adjustment of movement of object here.
// Plot best intersection point etc if target has movment velocity using lerp?
// Get other direction and speed
// If other direction is different to our direction then recalculate direction to best intersect??
this.x += (this.velocity.x * this.speed) * (delta / 1000);
this.y += (this.velocity.y * this.speed) * (delta / 1000);
case 'attack':
if (this.actionTimer === null) {
this.actionTimer = 0; // Attack now
// Get attack speed * 4 check every 1/4 if target still in range.
if (this.actionTimer <= 0) {
var targetNode = myTree.getNodeByID(;
if (targetNode === null) {
this.actionTimer = null;
this.action = 'idle';
var dx = targetNode.object.x - this.x;
var dy = targetNode.object.y - this.y;
distance = Math.sqrt(Math.abs((dx * dx) + (dy * dy))) - (targetNode.object.size + this.size + this.mi.range);
if (distance > this.mi.sight_radius*2) {
this.action = 'idle';
this.actionTimer = null;
if (distance > this.mi.range) {
this.action = 'move';
this.actionTimer = null;
// Calculate damage etc
var damage = 10
// TOOD: Move doing damage into a monster prototype method
// TODO: Add monster death action/animation and set it if monster is killed
// TODO: Add respawn
var isDead = targetNode.object.damage(, damage);
if (isDead) {
console.log('\'s target is now dead');
this.actionTimer = null;
this.action = 'idle';
this.actionTimer = 1000; // set to next attack speed time.
case 'death':
if (this.actionTimer === null) {
this.actionTimer = 30000; // How long to keep monster dead?
if (this.actionTimer <= 0) {
this.action = 'spawn';
this.action = 'spawn';
this.actionTimer = 1000; // We could randomize spawn delay slightly to balance monster AI load on server?
return this;
// Monster Info
var MonsterInfo = [{
id: 1,
name: 'Basic',
size: 5,
range: 1,
speed: 90,
aggro_range: 0,
sight_radius: 100,
health: 100
}, // Mele
id: 2,
name: 'Ranged',
size: 5,
range: 20,
speed: 120,
aggro_range: 30,
sight_radius: 100,
health: 150
}, {
id: 3,
name: 'Boss',
size: 15,
range: 10,
speed: 100,
aggro_range: 15,
sight_radius: 100,
health: 500
// See for an example of how these are used.
// Each odd index must be a number that has the total adding to 100.
// Each even index must be an array of low and high values to use for the random range.
var preferedDirectionRanges = [77, [-35, 35], 9, [-45, -35], 9, [35, 45], 5, [90, 270]];
var preferedDistanceRanges = [
15, [100, 200], // Lowest chance for Long
20, [30, 60], // Low chance for Short
65, [60, 90] // Higher chance for Medium
function getWeightedRandomRangeValue(values) {
var total = 0;
var value = Math.random() * 100;
// Get value pair
for(var i = 0; i < values.length / 2; i += 2) {
total += values[i];
if(value <= total) {
value = Math.random() * (values[i + 1][1] - values[i + 1][0]) + values[i + 1][0];
return value;
// Used to create a monster of a certian id will return node or null.
function CreateMonster(id, x, y) {
var mi = MonsterInfo[id - 1];
if(!mi) {
console.error('Monster Info for id ' + id + ' does not exist.');
return null;
if(x === undefined) {
x = 0;
if(y === undefined) {
y = 0;
var monster = new Monster(mi);
monster.x = x;
monster.y = y;
monster.direction = Math.floor(Math.random() * 360);
var newobj = {
object: monster,
useObjectUpdate: true
//var AliveTime = -1
var node = myTree.addNode(newobj); =;
if(!node) {
console.error('Did not insert node into QuadTree.');
node.render = function(graphics) {
graphics.lineStyle(1, mi.color || 0x00FF00, 1);
if ( === 0) {
graphics.beginFill(0xFF0000, 0.5);
graphics.drawCircle(this.x, this.y, this.size);
if ( === 0) {
if(this.object.action == 'move') {
graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFF0000, 1);
graphics.moveTo(this.object.x, this.object.y);
graphics.lineTo(this.object.newx, this.object.newy);
graphics.drawRect(this.object.newx - 1, this.object.newy - 1, 2, 2);
if ( {
var targetNode = myTree.getNodeByID(;
if (targetNode) {
graphics.lineStyle(3, 0xFF00FF, 1);
graphics.moveTo(this.object.x, this.object.y);
graphics.lineTo(targetNode.object.x, targetNode.object.y);
graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x000000, 1);
graphics.drawCircle(this.x, this.y, (this.size || 5) + (mi.range || 1));
newobj.moveInterval = setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
/* setTimeout(function(){
return node;
var Monsters = [];
Monsters.push(CreateMonster(3, 140, 100));
var html = '';
for(var i = 0; i < MonsterInfo.length; i++) {
html += '<option value="' + MonsterInfo[i].id + '">' + MonsterInfo[i].name + '</option>';
$('#btnAddMonster').click(function() {
Monsters.push(CreateMonster($('#selMonsterType').val(), queryOptions.x, queryOptions.y));
#container {
width: 600px;
height: 600px;
display: block;
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