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Created December 23, 2020 00:14
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Check Magento 2 product images on disc.
# Checks if images referenced on products in the DB exist on disc and checks that they are not smaller than 300x300 px.
# Runnable in bash.
# Requirements.
# apk add bash mysql-client imagemagick
# I also had a regexp to get only _1 _2 etc in the query but have removed it now.
# AND g.value REGEXP '_[0-9].(jpg|png)$'
# You can also do a where condition such as WHERE e.sku IN ('A', 'B')
mysql -h localhost -u yourdbuser -p'yourdbpass' yourdb --batch -s -S /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock <<\ENDSQL |
SELECT e.sku, g.value, g.value_id FROM catalog_product_entity_media_gallery g
JOIN catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value v ON g.value_id = v.value_id
JOIN catalog_product_entity e ON e.entity_id = v.entity_id
while read sku value value_id
# echo Checking for $sku $value $value_id
if [ -e "$filename" ];
identifyOutput=`identify -format "%w %h" "$filename"`
if [ $? -eq 1 ];
echo "$sku $filename Identify failed to run. ValueID: $value_id";
echo $identifyOutput
# Get the dimensions out.
read w h <<< "$identifyOutput"
# echo $filename Dimensions: $w $h
if (( w < 300 | h < 300 )); then
echo "$sku $filename is too small. $w x $h ValueID: $value_id";
echo "$sku $filename does not exist on disk. ValueID: $value_id";
done > checkimages.txt
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