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Created March 15, 2018 15:07
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Save Liareth/2bfa05f167de8eccb72ba0f606554a52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include "MoveSpeed.hpp"
#include "API/CAppManager.hpp"
#include "API/Constants.hpp"
#include "API/CServerExoApp.hpp"
#include "API/CNWSCreature.hpp"
#include "API/Functions.hpp"
#include "API/Globals.hpp"
#include "API/Version.hpp"
#include "Services/Events/Events.cpp"
#include "Services/Hooks/Hooks.hpp"
#include "Services/Patching/Patching.hpp"
#include "ViewPtr.hpp"
#include <cstring>
using namespace NWNXLib;
using namespace NWNXLib::API;
using namespace NWNXLib::Services;
static ViewPtr<MoveSpeed::MoveSpeed> g_plugin;
NWNX_PLUGIN_ENTRY Plugin::Info* PluginInfo()
return new Plugin::Info
NWNX_PLUGIN_ENTRY Plugin* PluginLoad(Plugin::CreateParams params)
g_plugin = new MoveSpeed::MoveSpeed(params);
return g_plugin;
namespace MoveSpeed {
static Hooking::FunctionHook* g_walkRateHook = nullptr;
MoveSpeed::MoveSpeed(const Plugin::CreateParams& params)
: Plugin(params)
// First, we patch the function that calculates whether we're in walk or run mode.
// This patch allows us to simulate walk mode.
using namespace NWNXLib::Platform::Assembly;
auto data = ChainOperationsFromAddr(0x0813939E,
MovRegRegInstruction(Register::EAX, Register::EBP), // Move EBP into EAX.
SubRegImmByteInstruction(Register::EAX, 16), // Subtract offset for the stack variable we want.
PushRegInstruction(Register::EAX), // Push EAX, which contains a pointer to the stack var we need.
PushRegMemByteInstruction(Register::EBP, 8), // Push creature.
AddRegImmByteInstruction(Register::ESP, 8), // Clean up!
// Onto our data, now we append the original instructions.
data.push_back(0x8B); NWNX_EXPECT_VERSION(8109);
data.push_back(0x7D); NWNX_EXPECT_VERSION(8109);
data.push_back(0xF0); NWNX_EXPECT_VERSION(8109);
data.push_back(0x85); NWNX_EXPECT_VERSION(8109);
data.push_back(0xFF); NWNX_EXPECT_VERSION(8109);
GetServices()->m_patching->PatchWithTrampoline(0x0813939E, 0x081393A3 - 0x0813939E, data); NWNX_EXPECT_VERSION(8109);
// Then, we hook the function that returns the walk rate.
// This allows us to cap the walk rate.
GetServices()->m_hooks->RequestExclusiveHook<Functions::CNWSCreature__GetWalkRate, float, CNWSCreature*>(&GetWalkRateHook);
g_walkRateHook = GetServices()->m_hooks->FindHookByAddress(Functions::CNWSCreature__GetWalkRate);
GetServices()->m_events->RegisterEvent("SIMULATE_DETECT_MODE", [this](Events::ArgumentStack&& args)
Types::ObjectID oid = Events::ExtractArgument<Types::ObjectID>(args);
bool value = Events::ExtractArgument<int32_t>(args) == 1;
m_simulateDetectMap[oid] = value;
CGameObject* obj = Globals::AppManager()->m_pServerExoApp->GetGameObject(oid);
if (obj && obj->m_nObjectType == Constants::OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE)
return Events::ArgumentStack();
GetServices()->m_events->RegisterEvent("CAP_WALK_RATE", [this](Events::ArgumentStack&& args)
Types::ObjectID oid = Events::ExtractArgument<Types::ObjectID>(args);
bool value = Events::ExtractArgument<int32_t>(args) == 1;
m_capWalkSpeedMap[oid] = value;
return Events::ArgumentStack();
void MoveSpeed::SimulateDetectInlineHook(CNWSCreature* creature, int* limitCount)
// limitCount will be 0 if nothing is forcing a drop into walk mode, else is may be 1 or more.
if (!(*limitCount) && g_plugin->m_simulateDetectMap[creature->m_idSelf])
// If we're flagged to force run as walk, we emulate toggling a mode of some description.
*limitCount = 1;
float MoveSpeed::GetWalkRateHook(CNWSCreature* creature)
static constexpr float baseWalkRate = 1000.0f * 2.0f * 1.0f; // 1000.0f * fMovementWalkSpeed (base) * m_fMovementScaleFactor (base)
float originalWalkRate = g_walkRateHook->CallOriginal<float>(creature);
if (originalWalkRate > baseWalkRate && g_plugin->m_capWalkSpeedMap[creature->m_idSelf])
return baseWalkRate;
return originalWalkRate;
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