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Last active October 1, 2017 18:44
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import System.IO
import Text.Parsec
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Loops
import Control.Lens
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Char as Char
voidM :: Monad m => m a -> m ()
voidM m = m >> return ()
_if :: a -> a -> Bool -> a
_if a b p = if p then a else b
eitherMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe b
eitherMaybe (Left _) = Nothing
eitherMaybe (Right b) = Just b
(<++>) :: Monad m => m [a] -> m [a] -> m [a]
a <++> b = liftM2 (++) a b
(<||>) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
a <||> b = liftM2 (||) a b
(<&&>) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
a <&&> b = liftM2 (&&) a b
memptyM :: (Monad m, Monoid a) => m a
memptyM = return mempty
type Assoc a b = [(a, b)]
type NameList a = Assoc [String] a
type SimpleGraph = Map Thing Thing
type PropertyMap a b = Map (Thing, a) b
type PropertyGraph a = PropertyMap a Thing
-- Game data. --
data Verb = Exit
| Look
| Take
| Drop
| Put
| Inventory
| Use
| Drag
| Release
| Light
| Extinguish
| GoEast
| GoNorth
| GoWest
| GoSouth
| GoDown
| GoUp
deriving (Enum, Show, Eq, Ord)
data Thing = Player
-- Generic items.
| Lantern
| Sword
| Bag
| Nixon
-- Locations.
| Garden
| LivingRoom
| Basement
deriving (Enum, Show, Eq, Ord)
data Flag = Touched
| Lit
| Dark
deriving (Enum, Show, Eq, Ord)
connectives :: [String]
connectives = [ "the", "at", "a", "in", "under", "on", "inside", "with", "using", "from" ]
thingNames :: NameList Thing
thingNames = [(["me", "myself"], Player)
,(["lantern"], Lantern)
,(["sword"], Sword)
,(["bag"], Bag)
,(["richard", "nixon", "corpse", "body"], Nixon)
,(["garden"], Garden)
,(["livingroom", "living", "room"], LivingRoom)
,(["basement"], Basement)]
description :: Thing -> String
description Player = "You look as healthy as ever."
description Lantern = "A brass lantern."
description Sword = "A fine longsword of elvish make."
description Bag = "A hemp bag with a cord to tie it closed."
description Nixon = "The very dead corpse of US ex-president Richard Nixon. A bullet wound is visible near the temple."
description Garden = "A lovely garden with trees and topiary. A door leads east into a white house."
description LivingRoom = "A furnished living room. A door leads west out of the house. A trapdoor leads down."
description Basement = "A basement full of crates and trinkets. A ladder leads up to the living room."
name :: Thing -> String
name Player = "yourself"
name Lantern = "lantern"
name Sword = "sword"
name Bag = "bag"
name Nixon = "corpse of Richard Nixon"
name Garden = "A Beautiful Garden"
name LivingRoom = "A Living Room"
name Basement = "A Dark Basement"
articleName :: Thing -> String
articleName Nixon = "the " ++ name Nixon
articleName a = "a " ++ name a
dragMessage :: Thing -> String
dragMessage thing =
"You effortfully drag the " ++ name thing ++ " along with you."
startingLocations :: Assoc Thing Thing
startingLocations = [(Player, Garden)
,(Sword, LivingRoom)
,(Lantern, Garden)
,(Bag, Basement)]
east :: Thing -> Maybe Thing
east Garden = Just LivingRoom
east _ = Nothing
north :: Thing -> Maybe Thing
north _ = Nothing
south :: Thing -> Maybe Thing
south _ = Nothing
west :: Thing -> Maybe Thing
west LivingRoom = Just Garden
west _ = Nothing
down :: Thing -> Maybe Thing
down LivingRoom = Just Basement
down _ = Nothing
up :: Thing -> Maybe Thing
up Basement = Just LivingRoom
up _ = Nothing
container :: Thing -> Bool
container Bag = True
container _ = False
verbNames :: NameList Verb
verbNames = [(["quit", "exit"], Exit)
,(["look", "examine", "exa", "inspect"], Look)
,(["take", "get"], Take)
,(["drop"], Drop)
,(["put", "insert"], Put)
,(["i", "inv", "inventory"], Inventory)
,(["use"], Use)
,(["drag", "pull"], Drag)
,(["release"], Release)
,(["light", "ignite"], Light)
,(["extinguish"], Extinguish)
,(["e", "east"], GoEast)
,(["n", "north"], GoNorth)
,(["w", "west"], GoWest)
,(["s", "south"], GoSouth)
,(["d", "down"], GoDown)
,(["u", "up"], GoUp)]
data GameState = GameState { _exit :: Bool
, _locations :: SimpleGraph
, _flags :: PropertyMap Flag Bool
, _turns :: Integer
, _gruesome :: Bool
, _endReason :: String
, _draggedObject :: Maybe Thing }
deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''GameState
type Game a = StateT GameState IO a
initialGameState :: GameState
initialGameState = GameState { _exit = False
, _locations = Map.fromList startingLocations
, _flags = Map.empty
, _turns = 0
, _gruesome = False
, _endReason = "FOO"
, _draggedObject = Nothing }
-- Parser logic. --
data Action = Action Verb (Maybe Thing) (Maybe Thing) deriving (Show)
filterNamelist :: Eq a => [a] -> NameList a -> NameList a
filterNamelist ax ln = filter (\(_, a) -> elem a ax) ln
-- Parser state is list of visible/reachable things that can be resolved.
type AdventureParser a = Parsec String [Thing] a
wordParser :: NameList a -> AdventureParser a
wordParser = choice . fmap (uncurry parseNames)
where parseNames :: [String] -> a -> AdventureParser a
parseNames sln a = choice (try . parseName <$> sln) >> return a
parseName :: String -> AdventureParser ()
parseName str = try (string str) >> lookAhead (try whitespace1 <|> eof)
noun :: AdventureParser Thing
noun = wordParser . (flip filterNamelist) thingNames =<< stateUser <$> getParserState
verb :: AdventureParser Verb
verb = wordParser verbNames
parseCommand :: AdventureParser Action
parseCommand = whitespace >> liftM3 Action verb maybeNoun maybeNoun
where maybeNoun :: AdventureParser (Maybe Thing)
maybeNoun = optionMaybe (noise >> noun)
whitespace1 :: Parsec String u ()
whitespace1 = skipMany1 (char ' ')
whitespace :: Parsec String u ()
whitespace = skipMany (char ' ')
connective :: AdventureParser ()
connective = voidM (choice (string <$> connectives))
noise :: AdventureParser ()
noise = whitespace1 >> voidM (endBy connective whitespace1)
-- Game logic. --
location :: Thing -> Game Thing
location t = uses locations (Map.findWithDefault Garden t)
setFlag :: Flag -> Thing -> Game ()
setFlag flag thing = flags %= Map.insert (thing, flag) True
unsetFlag :: Flag -> Thing -> Game ()
unsetFlag flag thing = flags %= Map.delete (thing, flag)
hasFlag :: Flag -> Thing -> Game Bool
hasFlag flag thing = uses flags (Map.findWithDefault False (thing, flag))
ifHasFlag :: Flag -> Thing -> Game a -> Game a -> Game a
ifHasFlag thing flag t f = _if t f =<< hasFlag thing flag
here :: Game Thing
here = location Player
adjacent :: Thing -> Thing -> Game Bool
adjacent thing1 thing2 = liftM2 (==) (location thing1) here
ifAdjacent :: Thing -> Thing -> Game a -> Game a -> Game a
ifAdjacent thing1 thing2 t f = _if t f =<< adjacent thing1 thing2
whenAdjacent :: Thing -> Thing -> Game () -> Game ()
whenAdjacent thing1 thing2 fn = (flip when) fn =<< adjacent thing1 thing2
hasLight :: Game Bool
hasLight = (not <$> (hasFlag Dark =<< here)) <||> (anyM (hasFlag Lit) =<< ((contents =<< here) <++> inventory))
ifHasLight :: Game a -> Game a -> Game a
ifHasLight t f = _if t f =<< hasLight
contents :: Thing -> Game [Thing]
contents loc = uses locations (Map.keys . Map.filterWithKey (\_ a -> a == loc))
visibility :: Game [Thing]
visibility =
<++> (fmap concat . mapM contents =<< inventory)
<++> ifHasLight (contents =<< here) memptyM
whenTurnIs :: Integer -> Game () -> Game ()
whenTurnIs n fn = (flip when) fn =<< uses turns (== n)
ifIsIn :: Thing -> Thing -> Game a -> Game a -> Game a
ifIsIn thing loc t f = _if t f . elem thing =<< contents loc
whenIsIn :: Thing -> Thing -> Game () -> Game ()
whenIsIn thing loc fn = ifIsIn thing loc fn (return ())
whenIsAt :: Thing -> Game () -> Game ()
whenIsAt thing fn = whenIsIn Player thing fn
playerHas :: Thing -> Game Bool
playerHas thing = ifPlayerHas thing (return True) (return False)
ifPlayerHas :: Thing -> Game a -> Game a -> Game a
ifPlayerHas thing t f = ifIsIn thing Player t f
whenPlayerHas :: Thing -> Game () -> Game ()
whenPlayerHas thing fn = whenIsIn thing Player fn
ifPlayerIsDragging :: Thing -> Game a -> Game a -> Game a
ifPlayerIsDragging thing t f =
maybe f (_if t f . (thing ==)) =<< use draggedObject
whenPlayerIsDragging :: Thing -> Game () -> Game ()
whenPlayerIsDragging thing fn =
(fmap (== thing) <$> use draggedObject) >> fn
inventory :: Game [Thing]
inventory = contents Player
moveTo :: Thing -> Thing -> Game ()
moveTo x y = locations %= Map.insert x y
goto :: Thing -> Game ()
goto thing =
moveTo Player thing
>> (mapM_ dragAlong =<< use draggedObject)
>> lookAtRoom thing
dragAlong :: Thing -> Game ()
dragAlong thing =
output (dragMessage thing)
>> (moveTo thing =<< here)
pickUp :: Thing -> Game ()
pickUp thing = moveTo thing Player >> setFlag Touched thing
dropThing :: Thing -> Game ()
dropThing thing = whenPlayerHas thing (moveTo thing =<< here)
englishList :: [Thing] -> String
englishList [] = ""
englishList ([a]) = articleName a
englishList ([a,b]) = articleName a ++ " and " ++ articleName b
englishList ([a,b,c]) = articleName a ++ ", " ++ articleName b ++ " and " ++ articleName c
englishList (a:ax) = articleName a ++ ", " ++ englishList ax
actionDescribe :: String -> Thing -> String
actionDescribe action thing = "You " ++ action ++ " the " ++ name thing ++ "."
lookAtRoom :: Thing -> Game ()
lookAtRoom loc = do
lit <- hasLight
if (not lit)
then output "It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue."
else do
output (description loc)
things <- filter (/= Player) <$> contents loc
unless (null things) (output ("You see " ++ englishList things ++ " here."))
tryWalk :: Thing -> (Thing -> Maybe Thing) -> Game ()
tryWalk loc direction = maybe (output "You cannot go that way.") goto (direction loc)
beginDragging :: Thing -> Game ()
beginDragging thing =
>> (output (actionDescribe "grab a steady hold of" thing))
>> draggedObject .= (Just thing)
stopDragging :: Game ()
stopDragging =
(mapM_ (output . actionDescribe "release your hold on") =<< use draggedObject)
>> draggedObject .= Nothing
-- Set the exit flag.
exitAdventure :: String -> Game ()
exitAdventure reason =
endReason .= reason
>> exit .= True
-- Things that happen every turn. --
time :: Game ()
time = do
-- Turn-determinate events.
whenTurnIs 0 (goto Garden >> setFlag Dark Basement)
whenTurnIs 10 (output "The sound of a gunshot echoes through the area.")
whenTurnIs 11 (whenIsAt Garden
(output "A human body suddenly falls to the ground from somewhere above with a loud thump.")
>> moveTo Nixon Garden)
-- Grue logic.
(flip when) (output "You are eaten by a grue." >> (exitAdventure "Being Eaten by a Ravenous Grue"))
=<< (use gruesome <&&> (not <$> hasLight))
(flip when) (gruesome .= True) =<< (not <$> hasLight)
(flip when) (gruesome .= False) =<< hasLight
turns %= succ
(flip unless) (input >>= parser . normalize) =<< use exit
-- From a place and an action to a state change.
adventure :: Thing -> Action -> Game ()
adventure _ (Action Exit _ _) =
exitAdventure "Quitting the Game"
adventure loc (Action Look Nothing Nothing) =
lookAtRoom loc
adventure _ (Action Look (Just Bag) _) = do
bag <- contents Bag
output (description Bag)
if (null bag)
then (output "The bag is empty.")
else (output ("The bag contains " ++ englishList bag ++ "."))
adventure _ (Action Look (Just Lantern) _) =
output (description Lantern)
>> ifHasFlag Lit Lantern
(output "The lantern is lit, a flickering flame dancing inside the glass housing.")
(output "The lantern is unlit, providing no light.")
adventure _ (Action Look (Just thing) _) = output (description thing)
adventure _ (Action Drag (Just thing) _) = beginDragging thing
adventure _ (Action Release _ _ ) = stopDragging
adventure _ (Action Take (Just thing) (Just Bag)) =
ifIsIn thing Bag
(pickUp thing >> output ("You get the " ++ name thing ++ " from the bag."))
(output "There's nothing like that in the bag.")
adventure _ (Action Take (Just _) (Just thing)) =
ifPlayerHas thing
(output "That's not a container.")
(output "You don't see that here.")
adventure loc (Action Take (Just Nixon) _) =
output "Much too unwieldy and heavy to carry. At most, you could drag it around."
adventure loc (Action Take (Just thing) _) =
ifIsIn thing loc
(pickUp thing >> output (actionDescribe "pick up" thing))
(output "You don't see that here.")
adventure _ (Action Drop (Just thing) _) =
ifPlayerIsDragging thing
(ifPlayerHas thing
(dropThing thing >> output (actionDescribe "drop" thing))
(output "You are not carrying that."))
adventure _ (Action Put (Just Bag) (Just Bag)) =
output "Now that's quite a feat!"
adventure _ (Action Put (Just Player) (Just Bag)) =
output "The bag is far too small for you to climb inside of it."
adventure _ (Action Put (Just Sword) (Just Bag)) =
output "You would cut the bag if you put the sword in it."
adventure _ (Action Put (Just thing) (Just Bag)) =
output ("You toss the " ++ name thing ++ " into the bag.") >> moveTo thing Bag
adventure _ (Action Inventory _ _) = do
pockets <- inventory
if (null pockets)
then output "Your pockets are empty."
else output ("You are carrying " ++ englishList pockets ++ ".")
adventure _ (Action Use (Just Sword) Nothing) =
output "You balance the sword in your hand and give it a few light swings."
adventure _ (Action Use (Just Sword) (Just Player)) =
output "Attacking yourself with the sword would achieve little."
adventure _ (Action Use (Just Sword) (Just a)) =
output ("Attacking the " ++ name a ++ " with the sword would achieve little.")
adventure _ (Action Use (Just Bag) Nothing) =
output "A bag is generally used by putting things inside of it."
adventure _ (Action Use (Just Lantern) _) =
ifHasFlag Lit Lantern
(output (actionDescribe "extinguish" Lantern) >> unsetFlag Lit Lantern)
(output (actionDescribe "light" Lantern) >> setFlag Lit Lantern)
adventure _ (Action Light (Just Lantern) _) =
ifHasFlag Lit Lantern
(output "The lantern is already lit.")
(output (actionDescribe "light" Lantern) >> setFlag Lit Lantern)
adventure _ (Action Extinguish (Just Lantern) _) =
ifHasFlag Lit Lantern
(output (actionDescribe "extinguish" Lantern) >> unsetFlag Lit Lantern)
(output "The lantern isn't lit.")
-- Generic movement logic. --
adventure loc (Action GoEast _ _) = tryWalk loc east
adventure loc (Action GoNorth _ _) = tryWalk loc north
adventure loc (Action GoWest _ _) = tryWalk loc west
adventure loc (Action GoSouth _ _) = tryWalk loc south
adventure loc (Action GoDown _ _) = tryWalk loc down
adventure loc (Action GoUp _ _) = tryWalk loc up
adventure _ _ = output "I don't know how to do that."
-- Init and IO functions. --
output :: String -> Game ()
output str = liftIO (putStrLn str >> putStrLn "" >> hFlush stdout)
input :: Game String
input = liftIO (putStr "> " >> hFlush stdout >> getLine)
normalize :: String -> String
normalize = fmap Char.toLower . filter Char.isAscii
parser :: String -> Game ()
parser str = ((\reach -> eitherMaybe (runParser parseCommand reach "" str)) <$> visibility) >>= tick
game :: Game ()
game = (flip unless) time =<< use exit
tick :: Maybe Action -> Game ()
tick Nothing = output "I don't understand that." >> input >>= parser . normalize
tick (Just action) = location Player >>= (flip adventure) action >> game
printScore :: GameState -> IO ()
printScore state = do
putStrLn (take 80 $ repeat '+')
putStrLn ("ENDED GAME AT TURN " ++ show (_turns state) ++ ".")
putStrLn ("DUE TO: " ++ _endReason state ++ ".")
putStrLn (take 80 $ repeat '+')
main :: IO ()
main = execStateT game initialGameState >>= printScore
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