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(defun parse-ftp-traffic (str)
(case (parse-integer str :junk-allowed t)
((220) 'helo)
((230) 'login-successful)
((331) 'password-requested)
((332) 'no-anonymous-logins)
((530) 'login-failed)
(otherwise nil)))
(defun speak (str)
(sb-ext:run-program "/usr/bin/espeak" (list "-v" "en+f5" str)))
(defmacro ftp-state-function (socket message &body cases)
(if ,message
(send-line ,socket ,message))
(case (parse-ftp-traffic (socket-read ,socket))
(otherwise nil))))
(defun anonymous-ftp-p (name)
(with-timeout 5
(let ((socket (connect name 21)))
(if socket
(labels ((listen-for-helo ()
socket nil
((helo) (send-username))))
(send-username ()
"USER anonymous"
((password-requested) (send-password))
((login-successful) t)
((no-anonymous-logins) nil)))
(send-password ()
(concatenate 'string "PASS anonymous@"
(format nil "~a" name))
((login-successful) t)
((login-failed) nil))))
(prog1 (listen-for-helo)
(sb-bsd-sockets:socket-close socket))))))
(sb-ext:timeout (ex)
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