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Created July 3, 2016 14:56
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S-expression de/serializer using typeclasses
module Sexp (Sexp, parseSexp) where
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Data.Char
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data Sexp = AtomSymbol Text
| AtomString Text
| AtomNumber Integer
| Sexp [Sexp]
instance Show Sexp where
show (AtomSymbol a) = show a
show (AtomString a) = show a
show (AtomNumber a) = show a
show (Sexp a) = parenthesize . unwords $ show <$> a
where parenthesize :: String -> String
parenthesize a = '(':a++")"
class SexpSerializable a where
serialize :: a -> Sexp
deserialize :: Sexp -> Maybe a
instance SexpSerializable Text where
serialize a = AtomString (Text.pack $ show a)
deserialize (AtomString a) = Just a
deserialize _ = Nothing
instance SexpSerializable Integer where
serialize a = AtomNumber a
deserialize (AtomNumber a) = Just a
deserialize _ = Nothing
instance (SexpSerializable a, Eq a) => SexpSerializable [a] where
serialize a = Sexp $ serialize <$> a
deserialize (Sexp a) = if any (== Nothing) ln
then Nothing
else Just $ (\(Just a) -> a) <$> ln
where ln = deserialize <$> a
deserialize _ = Nothing
parseSexp :: String -> Either ParseError Sexp
parseSexp = parse sexpParser ""
sexpParser :: Parsec String () Sexp
sexpParser =
>> between (char '(') (char ')')
(Sexp <$> sepBy (choice
AtomString . Text.pack <$> between quote quote (many $ noneOf "\"")
, AtomNumber . (read :: String -> Integer) <$> many1 digit
, AtomSymbol . Text.pack . fmap toLower <$> many1 letter
, sexpParser
where skipWhitespace = skipMany $ oneOf " \n\t\r"
quote = char '"'
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