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Created April 22, 2020 18:20
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John Conway's game of life
(declaim (optimize (debug 0) (safety 1) (speed 1)))
(defmacro aref-with-default (default array &rest subscripts)
`(if (array-in-bounds-p ,array ,@subscripts)
(aref ,array ,@subscripts)
(defmacro iterate-array (dimensions array &rest body)
(labels ((index-symbol (n)
(intern (concatenate 'string "V" (write-to-string n))))
(loops (n m)
(if (> n m)
(cons 'progn body)
`(loop for ,(index-symbol n) to (1- (array-dimension ,array ,n)) do ,(loops (1+ n) m)))))
(loops 0 (1- dimensions))))
(defun get-neighbors (array x y)
(map 'list (lambda (xy)
(aref-with-default nil array (car xy) (cdr xy)))
`((,(1- x) . ,(1- y)) (,x . ,(1- y)) (,(1+ x) . ,(1- y))
(,(1- x) . ,y) (,(1+ x) . ,y)
(,(1- x) . ,(1+ y)) (,x . ,(1+ y)) (,(1+ x) . ,(1+ y)))))
(defun num-alive-neighbors (array x y)
(count t (get-neighbors array x y)))
(defun make-flatland ()
(make-array '(24 80) :element-type 'boolean :initial-element nil))
(defun display-flatland (array)
(iterate-array 2 array
(if (and (> v0 0)
(= v1 0))
(princ #\Newline))
(if (alivep v0 v1 array)
(princ #\#)
(princ #\.))))
(defun kill (x y flatland)
(setf (aref flatland x y) nil))
(defun revive (x y flatland)
(setf (aref flatland x y) t))
(defun alivep (x y flatland)
(aref flatland x y))
(defun game-of-life (flatland new-flatland)
(labels ((update-cell (x y flatland new-flatland)
(let ((neighbors (num-alive-neighbors flatland x y)))
(if (alivep x y flatland)
(if (or (= 2 neighbors)
(= 3 neighbors))
(revive x y new-flatland)
(kill x y new-flatland))
(if (= 3 neighbors)
(revive x y new-flatland)
(kill x y new-flatland))))))
(iterate-array 2 new-flatland
(update-cell v0 v1 flatland new-flatland))
(display-flatland new-flatland)
(sleep 1)
(game-of-life new-flatland flatland)))
(defun main ()
(let ((initial-flatland (make-flatland)))
(map nil (lambda (xy)
(revive (car xy) (cdr xy) initial-flatland))
'((5 . 25) (5 . 26) (5 . 27) (4 . 25) (3 . 26)))
(game-of-life initial-flatland (make-flatland))))
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