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Created June 15, 2016 18:41
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(defun prompt (handler)
(princ #\Newline)
(princ "> ")
(funcall handler
(read-prompt (split-at #\Space
(coerce (string-upcase (read-line)) 'list))))
(prompt handler))
(defun main ()
(prompt #'eval-prompt))
(defparameter *legal-chars*
(coerce "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 " 'list))
(defun split-at (elem list &key (test #'eq))
(labels ((inner (elem list word words)
(if (null list)
(reverse (if (null word) words (cons (reverse word) words)))
(if (not (null (find (car list) *legal-chars*)))
(if (funcall test elem (car list))
(inner elem (cdr list) '()
(cons (reverse word) words))
(inner elem (cdr list) (cons (car list) word) words))
(inner elem list '() '())))
(defun read-prompt (list)
(if (null list)
(cons (read-word (car list))
(read-prompt (cdr list)))))
(defun read-word (list)
(if (every #'digit-char-p list)
(read-from-string (coerce list 'string))
(intern (coerce list 'string))))
(defparameter *rooms*
`((quarry . (a large stone quarry))
(estate . (a large lawn outside a large house))))
(defparameter *current-room* 'quarry)
(defparameter *connections*
`((quarry . ((north . estate)))
(estate . ((south . quarry)))))
(defparameter *inventory*
(defparameter *objects*
`((tickets . (a set of tickets to a skinny puppy concert))
(magnum . (a giant pistol for people with giant hands))))
(defparameter *people*
`((cocainist . (the terrible cocainist is here
doing line after line of cocaine))))
(defparameter *people-locations*
`((cocainist . livingroom)))
(defparameter *object-locations*
`((magnum . estate)))
(defun at-random (list)
(nth (random (length list)) list))
(defun behave-cocainist (person)
(princln `(the cocainist dances a little jig in his pointy black shoes)))
(defun add-object (name)
(if (null (assoc name *objects*))
(push (cons name `(an unfinished object)) *objects*)))
(defun inventory ()
(print-uppercase 'you)
(mapcar #'print-lowercase `(are carrying))
(princ ": ")
(print-name-list *inventory*))
(defun print-name-list (ln)
(if (> (length ln) 1)
(mapcar (lambda (proper-name)
(mapcar (lambda (word)
(print-lowercase word)
(princ #\Space))
(mapcar (lambda (name)
(process-name name))
(butlast ln))))
(if (>= (length ln) 2)
(princ 'and)
(princ #\Space))
(mapcar (lambda (word)
(print-lowercase word)
(princ #\Space))
(process-name (last ln))))
(defun valid-things-to-look-at ()
(append *inventory*
(mapcar #'car
(remove-if-not (lambda (pair)
(eq *current-room* (cdr pair)))
(defun look-at (object)
(if (not (null (find object (valid-things-to-look-at))))
(princln (cdr (assoc object *objects*)))
(princln `(you cannot see that here))))
(defun princln (list)
(labels ((inner (list)
(if (null list)
(progn (print-lowercase (car list))
(princ #\Space)
(inner (cdr list))))))
(if (null list)
(progn (print-uppercase (car list))
(princ #\Space)
(inner (butlast (cdr list)))
(print-lowercase (last list))
(princ #\.)
(princ #\Newline)))))
(defun represent-lowercase (symbol)
(case (type-of symbol)
(let ((str (coerce (string symbol) 'list)))
(coerce (mapcar #'char-downcase str) 'string)))
(represent-lowercase (car symbol)))
(t (princ symbol))))
(defun represent-uppercase (symbol)
(let ((str (coerce (represent-lowercase symbol) 'list)))
(coerce (cons (char-upcase (car str)) (cdr str)) 'string)))
(defun print-lowercase (symbol)
(princ (represent-lowercase symbol)))
(defun print-uppercase (symbol)
(princ (represent-uppercase symbol)))
(defun go-direction (direction)
(let ((exits (assoc *current-room* *connections*)))
(if (not (null exits))
(let ((exit (assoc direction (cdr exits))))
(if (not (null exit))
(progn (setf *current-room* (cdr exit))
(princln `(you walk ,direction to the ,(cdr exit))))
(princln `(you cannot go that way))))
(princln `(you see no exits from here)))))
(defun get-direction (room direction)
(let ((exits (assoc room *connections*)))
(if (null exits)
(let ((exit (assoc direction (cdr exits))))
(if (null exit)
(cdr exit))))))
(defun room-exists (room)
(not (null (assoc room *rooms*))))
(defun room-has-exits (room)
(not (null (assoc room *connections*))))
(defun room-exits (room)
(mapcar #'car (cdr (assoc room *connections*))))
(defun describe-room (room description)
(add-room room)
(setf (cdr (assoc room *rooms*)) description))
(defun add-room (name)
(if (not (room-exists name))
(push (cons name `(an unfinished room)) *rooms*))
(if (not (room-has-exits name))
(push (cons name (list)) *connections*)))
(defun add-exit (room direction target)
(add-room target)
(if (not (null (get-direction room direction)))
(setf (cdr (assoc room *connections*))
(cons direction target))
(push (cons direction target)
(cdr (assoc room *connections*)))))
(defparameter *pronouns*
`((quarry . the)
(estate . a)
(magnum . a)
(tickets . pair)))
(defun pronoun (symbol pronoun)
(if (not (null (assoc symbol *pronouns*)))
(setf (cdr (assoc symbol *pronouns*)) pronoun)
(push (cons symbol pronoun) *pronouns*)))
(defparameter *vocals*
(coerce "AOUEIY" 'list))
(defun a-or-an (name)
(if (not (null (find (car (coerce (string name) 'list)) *vocals*)))
(defun process-name (name)
(case (cdr (assoc name *pronouns*))
((the) `(the ,name))
((a) (cons (a-or-an name) (list name)))
((pair) `(a pair of ,name))
(t (list name))))
(defun print-room-title (name)
(let ((full-name (process-name name)))
(princ (sgi-code 1))
(mapcar (lambda (word)
(print-uppercase word)
(princ #\Space))
(butlast full-name))
(if (> (length full-name) 1)
(print-uppercase (last full-name)))
(princ (sgi-code 0))
(princ #\Newline)))
(defun look-at-room (room)
(print-room-title room)
(princln (cdr (assoc room *rooms*)))
(princln (append `(you can go)
(let ((exits (room-exits room)))
(if (< (length exits) 2)
(append (butlast exits)
(list 'and (last exits))))))))
(defparameter *aliases*
`(((s) . (go south))
((n) . (go north))
((e) . (go east))
((w) . (go west))
((d) . (go down))
((u) . (go up))))
(defun process-aliases (input)
(let ((alias (assoc input *aliases* :test 'equal)))
(if (null alias)
(cdr alias))))
(defun sgi-code (n)
(append '(#\Esc #\[)
(coerce (write-to-string n) 'list)
'(#\m)) 'string))
(defun princ-bold (n)
(princ (sgi-code 1))
(princ n)
(princ (sgi-code 0)))
(defun eval-prompt (ls)
(let ((list (process-aliases ls)))
(if (null list)
(case (car list)
((go) (if (< (length list) 2)
(princln `(go in what direction?))
(progn (go-direction (second list))
(look-at-room *current-room*))))
((look) (if (< (length list) 2)
(look-at-room *current-room*)
(look-at (second list))))
((pronoun) (if (< (length list) 3)
(princln `(pronoun symbol pronoun))
(pronoun (second list) (third list))))
((exit) (sb-ext:exit))
((dig) (if (< (length list) 3)
(princln `(dig direction target))
(dig (second list) (third list))))
((describe) (if (< (length list) 3)
(princln '(describe room))
(describe-room (second list) (rest (rest list)))))
((inv) (inventory))
(t (princln `(i did not understand the command ,(car list))))))))
(defun dig (direction name)
(add-exit *current-room* direction name)
(princln `(you dig an exit ,direction to the ,name)))
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