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Created April 5, 2020 21:56
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Save Lifelovinglight/be763c732cd9249ff4442cccea622f32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Automatic binary file patcher.
(require-extension inotify)
(require-extension posix)
(require-extension srfi-37)
;;; Utility functions.
(define (negate fn)
(lambda (a)
(not (fn a))))
(define (curry fn a)
(lambda (b)
(fn a b)))
(define (curry-3 fn a)
(lambda (b c)
(fn a b c)))
(define (on-pairs fn)
(lambda (ab)
(fn (car ab) (cdr ab))))
(define (thunk-2 fn a b)
(lambda ()
(fn a b)))
(define (flip fn)
(lambda (b a)
(fn a b)))
(define (either fn a b)
(if (fn a) a b))
(define (between-inclusively? a b n)
(and (<= n a)
(>= n b)))
(define (read-file-as-stream path)
(string->list (with-input-from-file path read-string)))
;;; Patch code format parser code.
(define (hexadecimal-char? n)
(member n (string->list "0123456789abcdefABCDEF")))
(define (whitespace? n)
(member n '(#\space #\tab)))
(define (start-of-comment? n)
(eq? n #\;))
(define (newline? n)
(member n '(#\newline #\return)))
(define (skip-whitespace tk)
(if (or (null? tk)
(not (whitespace? (car tk))))
(cons (cons #t '()) tk)
(skip-whitespace (cdr tk))))
(define (parse-whitespace tk)
(if (or (null? tk)
(not (whitespace? (car tk))))
(cons #f "Expected whitespace.")
(skip-whitespace (cdr tk))))
(define (hex-value n)
(case n
((#\0) 0)
((#\1) 1)
((#\2) 2)
((#\3) 3)
((#\4) 4)
((#\5) 5)
((#\6) 6)
((#\7) 7)
((#\8) 8)
((#\9) 9)
((#\a) 10)
((#\A) 10)
((#\b) 11)
((#\B) 11)
((#\c) 12)
((#\C) 12)
((#\d) 13)
((#\D) 13)
((#\e) 14)
((#\E) 14)
((#\f) 15)
((#\F) 15)
(else (error "Unknown hexadecimal digit."))))
(define (produce-number tk)
(let loop ((tkn tk) (p 1) (r 0))
(if (null? tkn)
(loop (cdr tkn) (* 16 p) (+ (* p (hex-value (car tkn))) r)))))
(define (parse-hexadecimal-number tk)
(let loop ((tkn tk) (r (list)))
(if (or (null? tkn)
(not (hexadecimal-char? (car tkn))))
(if (null? r)
(cons #f "Expected hexadecimal number.")
(cons (cons #t (produce-number r)) tkn))
(loop (cdr tkn) (cons (car tkn) r)))))
(define (chain-parsers p)
(lambda (tk)
(let loop ((rs (list)) (pn p) (tkn tk))
(if (or (null? pn)
(null? tkn))
(cons (cons #t (reverse (map cdr rs))) tkn)
(let ((rtk ((car pn) tkn)))
(if (not (car rtk))
(loop (cons (car rtk) rs) (cdr pn) (cdr rtk))))))))
(define (alternate-parser pa pb)
(lambda (tk)
(let ((r (pa tk)))
(if (caar r)
(pb tk)))))
(define (skip-until-newline-or-eof tk)
(let loop ((tkn tk))
(cond ((null? tkn) tkn)
((newline? (car tkn)) tkn)
(else (loop (cdr tkn))))))
(define (parse-comment tk)
(if (start-of-comment? (car tk))
(cons (cons #t '()) (skip-until-newline-or-eof (cdr tk)))
(cons (cons #f "Expected comment.") tk)))
(define (produce-line tk)
(cons (cons #t
(cons (second (car tk))
(fourth (car tk))))
(cdr tk)))
(define parse-line
(alternate-parser parse-comment
(chain-parsers (list parse-hexadecimal-number
(define (parse-file tk)
(let loop ((tkn tk) (r (list)) (cl 1))
(if (null? tkn)
(produce-file r)
(let ((rtk (parse-line tkn)))
(if (caar rtk)
(define (monitor-file path thunk)
(add-watch! path '(modify))
(let loop ()
(display (format "Modification of file ~A detected.\n" path))
(next-events!) ; Clear the event queue of events caused by own modification.
;;; Patch a byte value in the file handle at offset.
(define (patch-byte handle offset value)
(display (format "Patching byte ~X with value ~X\n" offset value))
(set-file-position! handle offset)
(file-write handle (string (integer->char (max 0 (min 255 value)))) 1))
(define (patch-bytes handle ln)
(map (on-pairs (curry-3 patch-byte handle)) ln))
(define (patch-file path ln)
(display (string-append "Patching file: " path))
(let ((handle (file-open path open/wronly)))
(patch-bytes handle ln)
(file-close handle)))
(define patch-test-file "test-patch-file")
(define patch-data-file "patchdata")
(define (main)
(on-exit inotify#clean-up!)
(if (> 3 (length (argv)))
(display (format "Usage: <file to monitor and patch> <file with patch codes>\n"))
(let ((arguments (cdr (argv))))
(let ((monitored-file (first arguments))
(patch-code-file (second arguments)))
(let ((patch-data (with-input-from-file patch-code-file read)))
(monitor-file monitored-file (thunk-2 patch-file monitored-file patch-data)))))))
; (main)
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