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Last active June 28, 2020 04:14
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Injective renamings and well-typed, staged metaprogramming
{- | Calculating injective renamings
Say you have typing environment like [x : Int, y : Bool]. In your AST,
variables are represented by natural numbers that index into the environment.
So under this environment, `x` is represented by `0` and `y` is represented
by `1`. During type checking, information about a variable can be found by
indexing into that environment. Similarly, the environment of a
closure can be compiled to array, with the variable lookup being compiled to
array indexing. This approach is known as 'de bruijn indices'.
A renaming is a function on variable indices that allows us to reorder or
enlarge an environment while preserving the semantics of the program. For
example, if a program is typable under [x : Int, y : Bool], then it should
also be typable under any permutation of [x : Int, y : Bool, z : String].
Most permutations will require the variable indices to be shuffled in order
to achieve this. If variables `x : Int` and `y : Bool` were represented by
`0` and `1` respectively, then to be compatible with the environment
[y : Bool, z : String, x : Int] `x` needs to be represented by `2`, and `y`
by `1`. So the renaming that embeds [x : Int, y : Bool] into
[y : Bool, z : String, x : Int] is defined by `\case; 0 -> 2, 1 -> 0`.
This snippet calculates such renamings.
Why is this important to me?
Metaprogramming can be done in a well-typed fashion. The core idea is to
have some type `Code a` which represents 'code for a value of type `a`'.
Values of type `a` can be quoted to produces values of type `Code a`, and
values of type `Code a` can be spliced into places expecting values of type
Template Haskell and MetaOCaml are the two most prominent systems that let
you do this. Here's a Haskell example:
type Code a = Q (TExp a)
two :: Code Int
two = [|| 2 ||] -- quote
three :: Int
three = 1 + $$two -- splice
I have two issues with these systems:
1. `Code` should be `Applicative`
This style of metaprogramming is incredibly promising, especially when
used to perform staged computation. But I think that the really killer
applications require a *function* called `reify : a -> Code a`.
Haskell effectively has `reify : Lift a => a -> Code a`, which isn't
powerful enough because it can't reify functions. There are good reasons
why this is the case for Haskell, but it means that progress in staged
metaprogramming will hit a roadblock in Haskell.
With a true `reify` function, `Code` becomes `Applicative` with
`pure = reify`.
I don't how much effort people have put into achieving this.
`reify` should also have an inverse, `eval : Code a -> a`, but that leads
me to the second issue.
2. Scope correctness is difficult
There are times where it makes sense to be able "quote 'open' code", i.e.
write a form such as `[|| x ||]`. Here is a contrived example:
idCode :: Code (a -> a)
idCode = [|| \x -> $$(id [|| x ||]) ||]
The quoted `x` is bound by the quoted lambda, so this example will result
in well-scoped code. Since `[|| x ||]` is still a normal value (and Q
is MonadIO), we can help `x` escape:
bad :: Int
bad = $$(do
ref <- liftIO $ newIORef [|| 0 ||]
_ <- [||
\x -> $$(do
let xCode = [|| x ||]
liftIO $ writeIORef ref xCode
xCode <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
Another sort of problem arises from open code when we introduce
`eval : Code a -> a`. Assuming that Haskell had this function, how would
the following code evaluate?
[|| \x -> $$(let !y = eval [|| x + 1 ||] in [|| y ||]) ||]
The splice `let !y = eval [|| x + 1 ||] in [|| y ||]` needs to reduce first,
but `y` gets stuck: we can't compute `eval [|| x + 1 ||]` because we don't
know what `x` is.
The problem of open code has a well-understood solution, using contextual
modal type theory (CMTT).
Taking inspiration from CMTT, `Code` will now also be parameterised over
its context, or environment. It will have kind `Code : Row -> Type -> Type`,
where the environment is represented by a row (inspired by the row
polymorphism literature). As an example, `[|| \x -> x + y ||]` would have
type `Code {y : Int} (Int -> Int)`.
`reify` now has type `a -> Code {} a`, and `eval : Code {} a -> a`. They both
operate on *closed* terms; terms containing no free variables. But this has
a consequence on the `Applicative` instance.
Now, we have `instance Applicative (Code env)`. The first inconvenience
is that `reify` has the wrong type for `pure`. The second is that now
`(<*>)` only works on code with the same environment. For example, I might
combine `[|| f ||] : Code {f : Int -> Int} (Int -> Int)` and
`[|| x ||] : Code {x : Int} Int` into
`[|| f ||] <*> [|| x ||] : Code {f : Int -> Int, x : Int} Int`.
This is where renamings come in. Enter
`weaken : Renaming env env' => Code env a -> Code env' a`. `weaken`
calculates and applies the relevant renaming to its argument, which embeds
the argument's environment in some larger/permuted environment. For every
environment `env`, there exists a unique renaming `{}` to `env`. This means
we can take `pure = weaken . reify`. To combine code with different
environment we can use `weaken` to embed each environment into a larger,
common one. So given `[|| f ||] : Code {f : Int -> Int} (Int -> Int)` and
`[|| x ||] : Code {x : Int} Int`,
`weaken [|| f ||] <*> weaken [|| x ||] : Code {f : Int -> Int, x : Int} Int`
will compile.
To resolve the `Renaming` constraint, the compiler would do a calculation
similar to the `rename` function in this module, but without the fancy types.
When the constraint can be satisfied, the algorithm constructs a function
that can rename the variable indices appropriately.
{-# language
AllowAmbiguousTypes, DataKinds, FlexibleInstances, GADTs, KindSignatures,
MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications,
TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, UndecidableSuperClasses
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Kind
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Type.Equality
import GHC.TypeLits
import Type.Reflection
data Row = Nil | Cons Symbol Type Row
data SRow :: Row -> Type where
SNil :: SRow 'Nil
SCons ::
(KnownSymbol s, NotInRow s r, WellFormed r) =>
Proxy s ->
TypeRep t ->
SRow r ->
SRow ('Cons s t r)
class WellFormed r => KnownRow (r :: Row) where
rowVal :: SRow r
instance KnownRow 'Nil where
rowVal = SNil
(KnownSymbol s, Typeable t, KnownRow rest, NotInRow s rest) =>
KnownRow ('Cons s t rest) where
rowVal = SCons Proxy typeRep rowVal
type family NotInRow (n :: Symbol) (r :: Row) :: Constraint where
NotInRow n 'Nil = ()
NotInRow n (Cons n t rest) = TypeError ('Text "Repeated name " :<>: 'ShowType n)
NotInRow n (Cons n' t rest) = NotInRow n rest
data SomeTypeRep' where
SomeTypeRep' :: TypeRep (a :: *) -> SomeTypeRep'
class WellFormed (r :: Row) where
positions :: Map String (SomeTypeRep', Int)
instance WellFormed 'Nil where
positions = mempty
(NotInRow n rest, KnownSymbol n, Typeable t, WellFormed rest) =>
WellFormed ('Cons n t rest) where
positions =
(symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy n))
(SomeTypeRep' (typeRep @t), 0)
(second (1 +) <$> positions @rest)
data RenameError where
NotInjective :: RenameError
TypeMismatch :: TypeRep t -> TypeRep t' -> RenameError
rename_ ::
forall frees frees'.
(WellFormed frees, WellFormed frees') =>
SRow frees -> SRow frees' ->
Either RenameError (Int -> Int)
rename_ r _ = go r (positions @frees')
go ::
forall fs.
WellFormed fs =>
SRow fs -> Map String (SomeTypeRep', Int) ->
Either RenameError (Int -> Int)
go SNil _ = Right $ \_ -> error "unexpected variable"
go (SCons n t frees) frees'Positions =
case Map.lookup (symbolVal n) frees'Positions of
Nothing -> Left NotInjective
Just (SomeTypeRep' t', ix') ->
case testEquality t t' of
Nothing -> Left $ TypeMismatch t t'
Just Refl -> do
f <- go frees frees'Positions
Right $ \ix -> if ix == 0 then ix' else f (ix-1)
rename ::
forall frees frees'.
(KnownRow frees, KnownRow frees') =>
Either RenameError (Int -> Int)
rename = rename_ (rowVal @frees) (rowVal @frees')
main = do
from1 = SCons (Proxy :: Proxy "x") (typeRep @Int) SNil
to1 =
SCons (Proxy :: Proxy "y") (typeRep @Bool) $
SCons (Proxy :: Proxy "x") (typeRep @Int) $
Right rn1 = rename_ from1 to1
putStrLn . unlines $
[ "0 -> " <> show (rn1 0)
putStrLn "---"
from2 = SCons (Proxy :: Proxy "x") (typeRep @Int) SNil
to2 =
SCons (Proxy :: Proxy "x") (typeRep @Int) $
SCons (Proxy :: Proxy "y") (typeRep @Bool) $
Right rn2 = rename_ from2 to2
putStrLn . unlines $
[ "0 -> " <> show (rn2 0)
putStrLn "---"
from3 =
SCons (Proxy :: Proxy "x") (typeRep @Int) $
SCons (Proxy :: Proxy "y") (typeRep @Bool) $
to3 =
SCons (Proxy :: Proxy "y") (typeRep @Bool) $
SCons (Proxy :: Proxy "x") (typeRep @Int) $
Right rn3 = rename_ from3 to3
putStrLn . unlines $
[ "0 -> " <> show (rn3 0)
, "1 -> " <> show (rn3 1)
putStrLn "---"
Left NotInjective =
@(Cons "x" Int (Cons "y" Bool Nil))
@(Cons "y" Bool Nil)
putStrLn "NotInjective"
putStrLn "---"
Left (TypeMismatch _ _) =
@(Cons "x" Int (Cons "y" Bool Nil))
@(Cons "y" Bool (Cons "x" Bool Nil))
putStrLn "TypeMismatch"
putStrLn "---"
Right rn4 =
@(Cons "x" Int (Cons "y" Bool (Cons "z" [Int] Nil)))
@(Cons "z" [Int] (Cons "x" Int (Cons "w" [Bool] (Cons "y" Bool Nil))))
putStrLn . unlines $
[ "0 -> " <> show (rn4 0)
, "1 -> " <> show (rn4 1)
, "2 -> " <> show (rn4 2)
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